ScienceDaily Technology Headlines
for the Week of March 13 to March 20, 2011
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Posted 2011-03-19:
- More efficient means of creating, arranging carbon nanofibers developed
- Secrets of plague revealed through super-resolution microscopy technique
- An icy gaze into the big bang: Quantum physicists investigate new states of matter in ultracold atom mixtures
Posted 2011-03-19:
- New blood analysis chip could lead to disease diagnosis in minutes
- Quantum pen for single atoms is a big step toward large-scale quantum computing
- New technologies to crack down on counterfeit whisky
- World first: Localized delivery of an anti-cancer drug by remote-controlled microcarriers
- Graphene cloak protects bacteria, leading to better images
- Green sludge can protect groundwater from radioactive contamination, study suggests
- Tying the knot with computer-generated holograms: Winding optical path moves matter
- NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft begins historic orbit around Mercury
- New testing device may help to 'seal the deal' for building owners
Posted 2011-03-18:
- 3-D printing method advances electrically small antenna design
- Bio-inspired sensors hold promise
- Cassini sees seasonal rains transform surface of Saturn's moon Titan
- Electric grid reliability: Increasing energy storage in vanadium redox batteries by 70 percent
- Scientists control light scattering in graphene
- NASA's Prolific Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter reaches five-year mark
- New tool debuts for measuring indoor air pollutants
- New technique enables much faster production of inexpensive solar cells
- New laser technique opens doors for drug discovery
- Quantum cryptography? Physicists move closer to efficient single-photon sources
- Newborn stars wreak havoc in their nursery
- Breaking the mucus barrier unveils cancer cell secrets
- Researchers gain new insight into the foreign exchange market
- Construction of a record-breaking laser gets off the ground
- New software calculates heating costs in greenhouse operations
Posted 2011-03-17:
- High-tech concrete technology has a famous past
- Naval sonar exercises linked to whale strandings, according to new report
- New way to test cancer drugs
- Earthquake could mean major shortage of some Japanese cars in US
- First permanent anti-fog coating developed
- Laser beam makes cells 'breathe in' water and potentially anti-cancer drugs
- NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter delivers treasure trove of data
- Large Hadron Collider could be world's first time machine, researchers' theory suggests
- Room-temperature spintronic computers coming soon? Silicon spin transistors heat up and spins last longer
- New device holds promise of making blood glucose testing easier for patients with diabetes
- The development of better biotech enzymes
- Hubble snaps close-up of Tarantula Nebula
- Two new SCAP documents help improve automating computer security management
- NIST releases final report on Charleston sofa store fire
Posted 2011-03-16:
- Finding of long-sought drug target structure may expedite drug discovery
- Mini disks for data storage: Slanted edges favor tiny magnetic vortices
- Basketball: Optimal aim points for bank shots
- MESSENGER spacecraft to swing into orbit around Mercury
- Ferroelectric materials discovery could lead to better memory chips
- Better batteries for electric cars
- Describing humor with an equation
- Trapping a rainbow: Researchers slow broadband light waves with nanoplasmonic structures
- Japan quake may have slightly shortened Earth days, moved axis, theoretical calculations suggest
- Snapshots of laser driven electrons
- New desalination process developed using carbon nanotubes
- Gulf oil spill: Airborne chemistry measurements assess flow rate, fate of spilled gases and oil
Posted 2011-03-15:
- New method could improve economics of sweetening natural gas
- Gender stereotypes about math develop as early as second grade
- NASA's Hubble rules out one alternative to dark energy
- Solar power systems could lighten the load for British soldiers
- Statistics can help us avoid counterfeit goods on the Internet, study shows
- Nanorods could greatly improve visual display of information
- Japanese nuclear plants damaged by earthquake, tsunami pose no risk to U.S., experts say
- Materials identified that may deliver more 'bounce'
- Marangoni convection in space: Observing wine-glass phenomenon in a gravity-free environment
- Computer model shows importance of feet, toes in body balance
- Miniature 'wearable' PET scanner: Simultaneous study of behavior and brain function in animals
- Shape memory polymers shed light on how cells respond to physical environment
- Study of 90 animals' thigh bones reveals how they can efficiently carry loads
- Breakthrough in nanocomposite for high-capacity hydrogen storage
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: The far side of the moon -- and all the way around
- Physicists measure current-induced torque in nonvolatile magnetic memory devices
- Researchers use lasers, custom microscope to show gene splicing process in real time
- Ultra high speed film
Posted 2011-03-14:
- Nanotech-enabled consumer products continue to rise
- Color view from orbit shows Mars rover beside crater
- Dawn mission gets Vesta asteroid target practice
- Smart materials for high-tech products: Hard, viscous or watery at the touch of a button
Posted 2011-03-13:
- Low cost solar cells: New European record in efficiency
- Engineer studies damage caused by New Zealand earthquake
- Nanoscale whiskers from sea creatures could grow human muscle tissue
- Perfect buns: Imaging system controls baking process on production line to improve sandwich bun quality
Posted 2011-03-12:
- Radiation expert discusses Japan nuclear power plant concerns
- Near-real-time map of Japan quake aftershocks
- Speed demon star creates a shock
- The most distant mature galaxy cluster: Young, but surprisingly grown-up
- Snails' complex muscle movements, rather than mucus, key to locomotion
- New method for studying molecule reactions a breakthrough in organic chemistry
- New technology would dramatically extend battery life for mobile devices
- New robot system to test 10,000 chemicals for toxicity
- Half-time for Mars500: Simulated mission to the Red Planet
Posted 2011-03-11:
- How do people respond to being touched by a robotic nurse?
- Defective plastics repair themselves
- Work climate the main reason women leave engineering, survey suggests
- New switching device could help build an ultrafast 'quantum Internet'
- Web-crawling the brain: 3-D nanoscale model of neural circuit created
- How long does a tuning fork ring?
- Voyager seeks the answer blowin' in the wind
- Electromechanical circuit sets record beating microscopic 'drum'
- Toward real time observation of electron dynamics in atoms and molecules
- High-volume portable music players may impair ability to clearly discriminate sounds
- Intelligent microscopy: Software runs experiments on its own
- Open-source software is actually more secure for health care IT, study suggests
Posted 2011-03-10:
- Synthetic biology: Novel kind of fluorescent protein developed
- NASA's Jupiter-bound spacecraft taking shape in Denver
- New molecular robot can be programmed to follow instructions
- Medical microcamera the size of a grain of salt gives razor-sharp images, very inexpensively
- Report identifies priority missions for planetary science in the next decade
- Ultrafast laser 'scribing' technique to cut cost, hike efficiency of solar cells
- Real March Madness is relying on seedings to determine Final Four
- Cassini finds Saturn's moon Enceladus is a powerhouse
- New instrument for analyzing viruses: Sensitive 'PING' device
- Ultra fast photodetectors out of carbon nanotubes
- Engineers demonstrate use of proteins as raw material for biofuels, biorefining
- Receiving work-related communication at home takes greater toll on women, study finds
- Some of Mars' missing carbon dioxide may be buried
- Enzymes from garden compost could favour bioethanol production
- NASA develops light microscope for International Space Station
- Intelligence analysts need not fear 'Watson,' study shows
- Extremely fast magnetic random access memory (MRAM) computer data storage within reach
- Graphene oxide’s solubility disappears in the wash
Posted 2011-03-09:
- How can robots get our attention?
- Identifying 'anonymous' email authors
- Rare observation of cosmic explosion
- Student innovation transmits data and power wirelessly through submarine hulls
- Teaching robots to move like humans
- Researchers hunt for green catalysts
- Microbial forensics used to solve the case of the 2001 anthrax attacks
- New mathematical model of information processing in the brain accurately predicts some of the peculiarities of human vision
- New interpretation of Antarctic ice cores: Prevailing theory on climate history expanded
- Drug delivery with nanoparticles
- Preparing for the unexpected
Posted 2011-03-08:
- NASA studies the body's ability to fight infection
- Relaxation leads to lower elasticity: Model system delivers vital clues on the aging processes of elastic polymers
- Is March Madness always the same?
- 'Nano-Velcro' technology used to improve capture of circulating cancer cells
- Removing arsenic from drinking water
- Web use doesn't encourage belief in political rumors, but e-mail does
- Stretchable balloon electronics get to the heart of cardiac medicine
- Japanese scientists use alcoholic drinks to induce superconductivity
- New camera makes seeing the 'invisible' possible
- Food science challenges for NASA missions to Mars
- 'Elephant trunks' in space: WISE captures image of star-forming cloud of dust and gas
- NASA light technology successfully reduces cancer patients painful side effects from radiation and chemotherapy
- Spitzer captures infrared rays from 'Sunflower' galaxy
- Probing atomic chicken wire: Mounting graphene on boron nitride dramatically improves electronic properties
- A misunderstanding leads to method for making nanowells
- The scars of impacts on Mars
- Speedy generic approval may not benefit consumers as much as expected, mathematical model shows
Posted 2011-03-07:
- Human cues used to improve computer user-friendliness
- Cadmium in children’s jewelry: 100 times recommended maximum exposure if mouthed or swallowed
- Fast laser could revolutionize data communications
- New microscope produces dazzling 3-D movies of live cells
- NASA makes use of historic test site for new robotic lander prototype tests
Posted 2011-03-06:
Posted 2011-03-05:
- New non-surgical autopsy technique set to revolutionize post-mortem practice
- Nanotechnology: New 'frozen smoke' may improve robotic surgery, energy storage
- The dusty disc of NGC 247
- Scientists create cell assembly line: New technology synthesizes cellular structures from simple starting materials
- NASA's Glory satellite fails to reach orbit
- Risks of chemical exposure: Scientists call for 'swifter and sounder' testing of chemicals
- Method developed to match police sketch, mug shot: Algorithms and software will match sketches with mugshots in police databases
- Two languages in peaceful coexistence in one society
- New kinds of superconductivity? Physicists demonstrate coveted 'spin-orbit coupling' in atomic gases
- Nanofabrication tools may make silicon optical chips more accessible
- Taking the heat: Silver-diamond composite offers unique capabilities for cooling powerful defense microelectronics
- Ultrasound and algorithms could lead to better breast cancer screening
Posted 2011-03-04:
- Oldest objects in solar system indicate a turbulent beginning
- Easy, accurate way to predict food allergies developed, study suggests
- Scalable method for making graphene
- New developments in quantum computing
- Using artificial, cell-like 'honey pots' to entrap deadly viruses
- Who's the best tennis player of all time? Ranking of top male tennis players produces some surprises
- New observations of the giant planet orbiting beta Pictoris
- Turning bacteria into butanol biofuel factories: Transplanted enzyme pathway makes E. coli churn out n-butanol
- Solving the riddle of nature’s perfect spring
- Black holes: A model for superconductors?
- 'A little off the top' helps map cells with submicrometer resolution
- Clouds amplify ecological light pollution
- New software 'lowers the stress' on materials problems
- New brain training app for research into aging minds
Posted 2011-03-03:
- New kind of optical fiber developed: Made with a core of zinc selenide
- Combined molecular study techniques reveal more about DNA proteins
- Effectiveness of wastewater treatment may be damaged during a severe flu pandemic
- Solar mystery of missing sunspots explained
- Hair dyeing poised for first major transformation in 150 years
- Facing the Facebook mirror can boost self-esteem
- New 'thermometer' helps scientists accurately measure rock formation
- Cements that self-repair cracks and store latent heat energy?
- Just like me: Online training helpers more effective when they resemble students
- World's most powerful optical microscope: Microscope could 'solve the cause of viruses'
- Fluorescent peptides help nerves glow in surgery
- Nanotechnology used to prolong machine and engine life
- Scientists unravel the mysterious mechanics of spider silk
- Plug-and-play multi-core voltage regulator could lead to 'smarter' smartphones, slimmer laptops and energy-friendly data centers
- New conditions for life on other planets: Tidal effects change 'habitable zone' concept
- Scientists synthesize long-sought-after anticancer agent
- Algae converted to butanol; Fuel can be used in automobiles
- Findings on pollution damage to human airways could yield new therapies
- New technique for improving robot navigation systems
Posted 2011-03-02:
- Surgeons predict the future of nanomedicine in practice
- New generation of optical integrated devices for future quantum computers
- Surgical instruments with electronic serial numbers
- NASA readies for world's largest can crusher test
- Boiling bubbles are cool in space
- One terabit per second data rate on a single integrated photonic chip
- More than 4,000 components of blood chemistry listed
- Key to safer remote detection of dangerous materials
- 'Stupid strategies' could be best for the genes
- Smartphones: Overcoming loss of connectivity
- March Madness: Statisticians quantify entry biases
Posted 2011-03-01:
- Physicists develop potent packing process
- Stronger than steel, novel metals are as moldable as plastic
- Minimally invasive surgeries: Laser suturing
- Stretched rubber offers simpler method for assembling nanowires
- This microbe's for you: Brewery waste becomes scientific fodder for producing liquid biofuels
- Nanomedicine: Gene fuelled transporter causes breast cancer cells to self-destruct
- Mystery about recognition of unfolded proteins solved: The lock shapes the key
- Ultrasound fusion imaging provides comparable accuracy for bone, soft tissue tumors
- Running on a faster track: Researchers develop scheduling tool to save time on public transport
- Turning forests into fuel: Promise and limits of biomass energy in Northeastern U.S.
- Space Shuttle Discovery's payloads for the STS-133 mission
Posted 2011-02-28:
- Asymmetric supernovae: Not all stellar explosions expand spherically
- Using math to navigate the Beatles 'Strawberry Fields Forever'
- Floating solar panels: Solar installations on water
Posted 2011-02-27:
- Etched quantum dots shape up as single photon emitters
- Atomic antennas transmit quantum information across a microchip
- Nanotechnology may lead to new treatment of liver cancer
- New way to design metal nanoparticle catalysts
Posted 2011-02-26:
- New form of sulfur discovered in geological fluids
- Simpler way of making proteins could lead to new nanomedicine agents
- Redesign of US donor-liver network could boost transplants by several hundred per year
- Solar experts detect waves in giant magnetic holes the size of the UK
- Gas rich galaxies confirm prediction of modified gravity theory
- Producing clean water in an emergency
- Migrating cells flow like glass: Research advances understanding of wound healing, cancer metastasis, and embryonic development
- Catalogue of sustainable design resources developed
- Designing a city for safe protests
- Making the web more accessible to people with disabilities and special needs
Posted 2011-02-25:
- Metallic molecules to nanotubes: Ruthenium complexes dissolve nanotubes, add functionality
- Planet formation in action? Astronomers may have found first object clearing its path in natal disc surrounding a young star
- How nature's patterns form
- Green chemistry offers route towards zero-waste production
- New stretchable solar cells will power artificial electronic 'super skin'
- Bedside ultrasound becomes a reality
- Quantum simulator becomes accessible to the world
- New transmission concept for wind turbines: Higher energy yield with torque vectoring gears
- Quantum hot potato: Researchers entice two atoms to swap smallest energy units
- New high-performance lithium-ion battery 'top candidate' for electric cars
- A semantic sommelier: Wine application highlights the power of Web 3.0
- Secret society connecting through the Internet feeds eating disorders, researchers say
- UV-transparent coating for image sensors
- What should be the US role in cybersecurity and cyber-spying?
- Versatile Ultra-low Power Biomedical Signal Processor
- Innovative SAW-less reconfigurable transceiver developed
Posted 2011-02-24:
- Lasers ID deadly skin cancer better than doctors
- Paper archives reveal pollution's history
- Bizarre friction-free 'superfluid' found in neutron star's core
- 3-D nanoparticle in atomic resolution
- 'Fingerprints' match molecular simulations with reality
- Cell phone use may have effect on brain activity, but health consequences unknown
- Toward computers that fit on a pen tip: New technologies usher in the millimeter-scale computing era
- MIT engineers design new nanoparticle that could lead to vaccines for HIV, malaria, other diseases
- Using EEGs to diagnose autism spectrum disorders in infants: Machine-learning system finds differences in brain connectivity
- Liquid metal key to simpler creation of electrodes for microfluidic devices
- Roots of the solar system: Astronomers observe planets in the making
- Proteins find their way with address label and guide
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