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We've Acquired Silicon Valley Moms Group and launched Technorati Women
Nov 16, 5:12AM
We're excited to announce the acquisition of leading mom's network, Silicon Valley Moms Group, and the launch of our new Women's Channel. The Silicon Valley Moms Group bloggers will combine with Technorati's existing women bloggers to offer content about parenting, food & living, fitness, finances and style. The overall womens' channel will feature a combination of our women-centric sites with targeted content and social media ads (CMADs) targeted at women, wherever they are online. We are also very happy to welcome Silicon Valley Moms Group Co-Founder Jill Asher as the Editorial Director of and, and Silicon Valley Moms...
Technorati's State of the Blogosphere 2010 Report Launches Today
Nov 03, 4:12PM
We are thrilled to announce Technorati's State of the Blogosphere 2010 Report. Since 2004, our annual study has followed growth and trends in the blogosphere. For 2010, we took a deeper dive into the entire blogosphere, with a focus on female bloggers. This year's topics include: brands embracing social media, traditional media vs. social media, brands working with bloggers, monetization, smartphone and tablet usage, importance of Twitter and Facebook, niche blogging, and changes within the blogosphere over 2010. And, for the first time, we've asked consumers about their attitudes and trust around the media they use. Over the next three...
Why Paid Media is Required for Successful Social Media Marketing
Jun 22, 5:30PM
>From Here's a video stream of a panel I participated on at the OMMA Social conference. The panel was titled "Using Paid Media to Drive Earned Media", and has some essential advice for brands trying to use social media in their marketing mix. The bottom line message: nothing beats the viral engagement of social media for influencing consumers, but by itself, doesn't scale big enough or timely enough without support of paid media.
'Potential Reach' Is More Than Potentially Misleading
Jun 22, 12:47AM
Tod Sacerdoti for MediaPost I was recently on a panel discussing online video advertising, and a fellow panelist proclaimed "reach is not a problem for us, as we reach 115 million people according to comScore." This statement is factually incorrect. To accurately reflect his company's reach, the panelist should have said, "We can potentially reach 115 million people." According to comScore's methodology, in order reach those 115 million people, the network would have to buy every ad impression on every publisher they work with. Furthermore, only those publishers with more than 2% reach are verified to have an actual business...
Engage or Die: the Impact of Social Media on Business
Jun 04, 12:36AM
Years ago, when bloggers were first earning worldwide attention and influence, Technorati was among of the first major efforts to organize the millions of blogs and related conversations into a useful directory. Over time, Technorati became the hub that connected bloggers with wider audiences and eventually advertisers. But blogs were just one part of the social media revolution. Social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and the like, expanded the ability for anyone to publish, share, and discover information. Along the way, social media became a focal point for businesses, and any organization or cause really, as social media champions...
Fight for Your Right to Write (on Technorati)
May 24, 10:22PM
Symbiotic, synergistic, and one hand washes the other: write for Technorati - you win, we win. The more you write, the bigger the benefits. Find your niche and sign up for a recurring feature. And don't forget to join our writers community for access to story ideas, press releases, promotional ideas, and moral support. Here's more information about becoming a writer for Technorati or Blogcritics. Here's more about what we're looking for: Blogging The Blogging channel is the home of our social media coverage. We typically are looking for pieces that talk to best practices in social media strategy, news...
Interview: Offering Brand Advertisers Scale With Ad Networks
May 21, 5:36PM
This interview with Technorati CEO Richard Jalichandra appears on today's Can you take us through some of the pivots that Technorati has gone through and where it is today? RJ: Our evolution from a single site into a network serving billions of ads on thousands of sites each month has certainly been interesting and exciting. The company was originally founded and centered on, the first real-time blog search engine. In the company's first few years, the site developed a strong relationship with social media content creators, and we constantly heard about their challenges in getting brand advertising...
Technorati Writers, Here's How to Get the Most Out of Your Technorati Experience
Apr 27, 8:16PM
Matt Sussman, Technorati Executive Editor We've got some great ideas for you wherein you can become an expert in your field of expertise. There lies within the chambers of our mysterious website an untapped potential that many of you can and should harness. If any of you have ever said to yourself, "My topic of interest must not be wanted because there is no channel/category/place for it," well, you have the power to CREATE that community within Technorati. I am, of course, talking about feature columns, for example: "The Ballot," which pertains to the 2010 elections "The 12th Man," the...
We're Launching AdSense for Technorati and Blogcritics Writers
Apr 08, 4:05PM
Technorati and Blogcritics writers: we've launched a new feature that allows you to profit from your success: AdSense revenue from your articles that goes directly to you! (New writers can sign up here to become a Blogcritic or write for Technorati.) We're starting with a six month trial. To get started, simply update your writer profile with your AdSense account. You'll receive a dedicated AdSense ad on each of your articles. The revenue generated from those ads goes straight to you. The more you write and promote your articles, the more you earn. If you don't have one, you'll need...
We're Partnering with PitchEngine on a Blogger Relations Platform
Mar 03, 12:33AM
We've partnered with PitchEngine, a social PR platform, to create Technorati List, the blogger outreach component of the PitchTM platform. It's designed to help organizations (and bloggers themselves) simplify and expand blogger outreach. We're very excited to partner with PitchEngine. We work closely with many of our clients on blogger outreach to complement their campaigns and our partnership with PitchEngine enables us to do this on a much larger scale. For the first time, brands and organizations will have access to substantial direct distribution to bloggers - in the least intrusive way possible. Bloggers can gain more access to exclusive...
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