ScienceDaily Health Headlines
for the Week of January 23 to January 30, 2011
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Posted 2011-01-29:
- Learn more quickly by transcranial magnetic brain stimulation, study in rats suggests
- Mini-strokes leave 'hidden' brain damage
- Growth spurt? 'Catch-up' growth signals revealed
- Presence of peers heightens teens' sensitivity to rewards of a risk
- DNA caught rock 'n rollin': On rare occasions DNA dances itself into a different shape
- Premature infants' lungs may improve with better nutrition
- Voice-saver: Light therapy for early-stage laryngeal cancer
- Helping others helps alcoholics stay on the road to recovery
Posted 2011-01-29:
- Infants ascribe social dominance to larger individuals
- Novel surgery removes rare tumor, rebuilds trachea
- Smoking widespread among youth with diabetes, raising heart disease risk
- The Oscar curse? Oscar win for best actress increases the risk of divorce, study suggests
- Exposure to worm infection in the womb may protect against eczema, study suggests
- Understanding the human neurosystem by researching locust brains
- New therapies and gene target advance the treatment and understanding of hard-to-treat leukemias
- Perception of time spent with fathers can lead to bullying
- Cancer drug aids regeneration of spinal cord after injuries
- Age of onset of puberty predicts adult osteoporosis risk: Later puberty results in lower bone mass
- On the hunt for universal intelligence
- Cold cases gone hot: Researchers solve decades-old medical mysteries using genetics
- Unlocking the secrets of DNA
- How fusion protein triggers cancer
- Yearly mammograms from age 40 save 71 percent more lives, study shows
- High school biology teachers in U.S. reluctant to endorse evolution in class, study finds
- Stem cells show promise in repairing a child's heart
- Scientists link protein to the insulation of the nervous system's wiring
- New training instrument allows surgeon to feel grasp force in keyhole surgery
- Marriage is good for physical and mental health, study finds
- How bacteria keep ahead of vaccines and antibiotics
- Biomarkers of poor outcomes in preemies identified
- Membrane molecule keeps nerve impulses hopping
- New test better predicts breast cancer outcomes
- Weighing the costs of disaster
- Protein related to aging holds breast cancer clues
- Newborn screening increases survival outcome for patients with severe combined immunodeficiency
- New computer tool for elderly and disabled
- Mother's happier when babies are six months old than when three years old, Norwegian study suggests
Posted 2011-01-28:
- Brain 'GPS' illuminated in migratory monarch butterflies
- Discovery could lead to new therapies for asthma, COPD
- Origins of the pandemic: Lessons of H1N1
- Women in Congress outperform men on some measures, study finds
- Bacteria possible cause of preterm births
- NSAID receptor responsible for olive oil's 'cough' and more
- Early antibiotic use can lead to increased risk of childhood asthma, study suggests
- Secondhand smoke laws may reduce childhood ear infections, study suggests
- Potential 'cure' for type 1 diabetes?
- HIV causes rapid aging in key infection-fighting cells, study suggests
- New lab-on-chip advance uses low-cost, disposable paper strips
- Getting more anti-cancer medicine into the blood
- Eight percent of fans legally drunk after attending professional sports games, study finds
- Ancient body clock discovered that helps keep all living things on time
- Household bugs: A risk to human health?
- Key enzyme that affects radiation response identified
- Gender and hygiene: Could cleanliness be hurting girls?
- Natural growth factor enhances memory, prevents forgetting in rats
- Traffic noise increases the risk of having a stroke, study suggests
- Nervous system as a 3-D map: First complete map of special connections of nerve cells in zebrafish
- 3-D MRI helps kids with ACL tears: Surgery without harming the growth plate
- 'Difficult' patients more likely to experience worse symptoms
- Mediator of blood pressure regulation in the liver identified; Pressor reflex triggered simply by drinking water
- DMP1 protein inhibits angiogenesis, could lead to new treatments against cancer and other diseases
- Highly interactive training helps workers in dangerous jobs avoid deadly mistakes
- How pathogenic bacteria hide inside host cells
- Molecular network influences development of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Pay-for-performance does not improve patient health, finds UK hypertension study
- Organic food in pregnancy
Posted 2011-01-27:
- Non-alcoholic energy drinks may pose 'high' health risks, experts argue
- Neuroscientists learn how channels fine-tune neuronal excitability
- Eyewitnesses are not as reliable as one might believe
- New way to prevent infections in dialysis patients
- Food-borne bacteria causes potentially fatal heart infection
- Shockable cardiac arrests are more common in public than home, study finds
- Eating poorly can make you blue: Trans-fats increase risk of depression, while olive oil helps avoid risk
- New anti-HIV gene therapy makes T-cells resistant to HIV infection
- Discovery of a biochemical basis for broccoli's cancer-fighting ability
- Infiltrating cancer's recruitment center: How beneficial cells are subverted to support cancer growth
- Sharing child caregiving may increase parental conflict, study finds
- Growth-factor-containing nanoparticles accelerate healing of chronic wounds
- Molecular mechanism links stress with predisposition for depression
- Centuries of sailors weren't wrong: Looking at the horizon stabilizes posture
- Hot flushes are linked with a significant reduction in breast cancer risk, study finds
- Use of antidepressant associated with reduction in menopausal hot flashes
- Soldiers’ brains adapt to perceived threat during mission
- New method attacks bacterial infections on contact lenses
- Imaging procedure can identify biomarker associated with Alzheimer's disease
- Mercury in Bay Area fish a legacy of California mining
- Preschool kids know what they like: Salt, sugar and fat
- New TB vaccine provides stronger, longer-lasting protection
- Chemists document workings of key staph enzyme -- and how to block it
- Genetic diversity found in leukemic propagating cells
- Parental divorce linked to suicidal thoughts
- Biologists' favorite worm gets viruses: Finding means C. elegans may aid studies of human infections
- Unfolding pathogenesis in Parkinson’s: Breakthrough suggests damaged proteins travel between cells
- HIV-positive head and neck cancer patients benefit from radiation therapy, study finds
- Migraines and headaches present no risk to cognitive function, study finds
- Racial stereotyping found in US death certificates, sociologists say
- If you knew Susie: The sequence of the orangutan genome
- First pediatric surgical quality program shows potential to measure children's outcomes
- Support not punishment is the key to tackling substance abuse and addiction among nurses, study suggests
Posted 2011-01-26:
- Human-made DNA sequences made easy: New method for rapidly producing protein-polymers
- Exercise improve symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome
- Safety concerns about experimental cancer approach: Widespread vascular tumors, massive hemorrhage and death reported in mice
- Cholera vaccination beneficial, post-outbreak
- The language of young love: The ways couples talk can predict relationship success
- 'Breast on a chip': Researchers create 'engineered organ' model for breast cancer research
- Caffeine energizes cells, boosting virus production for gene therapy applications
- Dynamic systems in living cells break the rules
- People aren't born afraid of spiders and snakes: Fear is quickly learned during infancy
- Vaccines for plague and bacterial pneumonias?
- New dishware sanitizers prove more effective at killing harmful bacteria
- Mathematicians use cell 'profiling' to detect abnormalities -- including cancer
- Bartenders may have role in assisting troubled war veterans
- Rising indoor winter temperatures linked to obesity?
- Ultrasound and a blood test can increase survival after myocardial infarction
- Workers most invested in their jobs have highest stress levels
- Research into synthetic antibodies offers hope for new diagnostics
- Biomarker test shows promise for melanoma diagnosis
- Accelerated evolution used to develop enzymes that provide protection against nerve gas
- Chopin's hallucinations were probably caused by epilepsy, study suggests
- Cell death pathway linked to mitochondrial fusion
- Uncovering the trail behind growing too old, too soon
- New microscopy method opens window on previously unseen cell features
- Childhood self-control predicts adult health and wealth
- Smoking may be associated with increased risk of breast cancer
- Weight loss plus walking essential for older, obese adults
- Out of mind in a matter of seconds: Surprising rate at which neuronal networks in cerebral cortex delete sensory information
- Lowering blood pressure in middle-aged women reduces heart disease risk
- Medication dosing errors for infants and children
- Egg donation: The way to happy motherhood, with risks and side effects
- Emergency care for childbirth complications: Out of reach for rural women in Zambia?
- Small bowel blood flow in healthy subjects receiving low-dose aspirin
- Hemolysis and intestinal injury
- Is different approach needed for acute diverticulitis in younger patients?
- Seroprevalence of anti-HAV among patients with chronic viral liver disease
- Useful biomarkers for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
- Embryogenesis evidence of foregut duplication cyst
- A psychopath lacks empathy just like a person with frontal head injury, study suggests
Posted 2011-01-25:
- Deep brain stimulation may help hard-to-control high blood pressure
- Cost to treat heart disease in United States will triple by 2030
- Unrealistic optimism appears common in early cancer trials and may compromise informed consent
- Humans' critical ability to throw long distances aided by an illusion, study finds
- Gene mutated in one in three patients with common form of renal cancer
- Breakthrough in understanding hereditary emphysema
- How does anesthesia disturb self-perception?
- Blocking rogue gene could stop spread of cancer, new research suggests
- Anti-estrogen medication reduces risk of dying from lung cancer, study finds
- Study predicts risk of memory loss in healthy, older adults
- Better learning through handwriting
- Unexpected find opens up new front in effort to stop HIV
- Function of novel molecule that underlies human deafness revealed
- NFL linemen recover from back surgery, and so can you
- Dangerous environments 'make parents more caring,' researchers find
- Genetic sequencing alone doesn't offer a true picture of human disease, research suggests
- Culprit found for increased stroke injury with diabetes
- Stroke rate rises for patients with HIV infection
- Awake despite anesthesia
- CT scanning aids rapid diagnosis, treatment planning for abdominal pain
- Fat associated with chemical changes in DNA that may help explain obesity-related disease
- Coronary imaging enhances ability to identify plaques likely to cause future heart disease
- Obesity linked to economic insecurity
- Creating simplicity: How music fools the ear
- Fighting the fight for healthy teeth
- Study of nutrition, Alzheimer's links hampered by research approach
- Legal restrictions compromise clinical effectiveness of advance directives, study finds
Posted 2011-01-24:
- Light controls a worm's behavior: Scientists commandeer organism's nervous system without wires or electrodes
- Beyond improving Parkinson's symptoms, does deep brain stimulation stall their progression?
- Contagious cancer thrives in dogs by adopting host's genes
- Gene mutation play a major role in one cause of kidney disease
- Long-distance migration may help reduce infectious disease risks for many animal species
- Kidney gene implicated in increased heart failure risk
- Why do some diabetics escape complications?
- Apologies aren't as good as people imagine they'll be
Posted 2011-01-23:
- Cracking a tooth: 3-D map of atoms sheds light on nanoscale interfaces in teeth, may aid materials design
- Genetic code for form of pancreatic cancer cracked
- Defense mechanism against bacteria and fungi deciphered
- Mammograms: Detecting more than breast cancer, may help assess heart risk in kidney disease patients
- Gulf grows between research practice and participant preferences in genetic studies
- Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and diabetes mellitus: Unfolding amyloid secrets
- Montrealers are feeding fish Prozac; Research shows influence on brain activity while long-term consequences are unclear
- Cell binding discovery brings hope to those with skin and heart problems
- Intrafamilial medically assisted reproduction
Posted 2011-01-22:
- Mindfulness meditation training changes brain structure in eight weeks
- HEPA filters reduce cardiovascular health risks associated with air pollution, study finds
- Vitamin E may increase the life expectancy of males who have high dietary vitamin C intake and smoke less than a pack per day
- Study examines risk factors of a mass shooting
- Red blood cell hormone modulates the immune system
- Study maps process used by T cells to discriminate pathogens from the body's own cells
- Environmental contaminants in breast milk decrease over lactation time
- Go figure: Math model may help researchers with stem cell, cancer therapies
- Learning science : Actively recalling information from memory beats elaborate study methods
- Scientists grow human liver tissue to be used for transplantation
- Drug 'khat' makes users more impulsive
- Why first impressions are so persistent
- Breastfeeding: Added protection for cancer survivors?
- Genetic variety of virus causing AIDS as a time indicator
- Stress, anxiety both boon and bane to brain
- Cancer-fighting role for cells discovered
- New mechanism for controlling blood sugar level discovered
- Remote-controlled capsule endoscope safely examines the stomach
- Distance may be key in successful negotiations, new study shows
- Measles' natural nemesis: Cells infected by measles virus pull out a heavy weapon in the form of the enzyme ADAR1
- New low-cost method to deliver vaccine shows promise
- Bus and tram passengers warned to keep their germs to themselves
- Strong social ties benefit breast cancer patients
- Gene test shows which bladder cancer patients may have cancer spread
- First liver transplant patients receive experimental drug to prevent hepatitis C infection
- Majority of US adolescents with severe mental disorders have never received treatment for their conditions, study finds
Posted 2011-01-21:
- Global view of blood cell development reveals new and complex circuitry
- Knee osteoarthritis: When you can't walk fast enough to cross busy streets
- Are positive emotions good for your health in old age?
- Brain's clock influenced by senses
- Children with severe asthma experience premature loss of lung function during adolescence, study finds
- Illegal use of human growth hormone common among young male weightlifters, study finds
- Viral protein mimic keeps immune system quiet
- Mother's stem cells likely key to treating genetic disease before birth
- Chaperone enzyme provides new target for cancer treatments
- Sleep researchers apply fatigue model to fatal commuter air crash
- Like humans, amoebae pack a lunch before they travel
- Drug used to treat heavy periods can stop trauma patients bleeding to death, study finds
- Bedbug genetic study finds possible pesticide-resistance genes
- Little evidence to support most eHealth technologies, such as electronic patient records, study shows
- Nanoparticle vaccine protects against stomach flu
- See how they grow: Monitoring single bacteria without a microscope
- Statins: Benefits questionable in low-risk patients, review finds
- Challenging the limits of learning: Linguist measures the human mind against the yardstick of a machine
- Small molecules may prevent Ebola infection
- Special sugar, nanoparticles combine to detect cholera toxin
- Prion disease spreads in sheep via mother's milk
- A second language gives toddlers an edge
- Celiac patients can eat hydrolyzed wheat flour, study finds
- Molecular battle in cancer cells offers clues for treatment
- Novel antibiotic combinations fight resistance genes
- End-of-life decisions take longer if patient hasn't shared wishes with family, study finds
- Complete structure of HIV’s outer shell revealed
- Staph vaccine shows promise in Phase I
- Converting 2-D photo into 3-D face for security applications and forensics
Posted 2011-01-20:
- New CPR technique for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest increases survival by 53 percent
- Unlocking the secret(ase) of building neural circuits
- Health-care systems not using best evidence in decision-making, expert argues
- Possible new treatment for severe 2009 H1N1 infection
- Killer paper for next-generation food packaging
- Girls who are bullied are at risk for substance use through depression
- Birth control pills do not cause weight gain, new research suggests
- Roundworm unlocks pancreatic cancer pathway
- Risks, consequences of video game addiction identified in new study
- Antioxidants may improve chances of conceiving in male subfertility
- Malaria parasite caught red-handed invading blood cells
- Eating more fruit and vegetables is linked to a lower risk of dying from ischemic heart disease
- Researcher warns of health risks with carbon nanotubes
- Students are more likely to retake the SAT if their score ends with '90'
- Antioxidants might cause fertility problems in females, scientists discover
- In scientific first, researchers visualize naturally occurring mRNA
- New way of predicting dominant seasonal flu strain
- When video games get problematic so do smoking, drug use and aggression
- Does long-term cell phone use lead to brain tumors?
- New leads in the case against drug-resistant biofilms
- Prostate cancer treatment linked to higher rate of colon cancer, study finds
- Appetite-related chemical also affects drug-seeking: Hungry rats more resistant to drug relapse in absence of chemical signal
- Nanotech medicine to rebuild damaged parts of human body
- Long-term, high-fat diet alters mice brains: Brain changes may contribute to cycles of weight gain
- Statins don't prove useful for general pediatric lupus population
- Color and shape of pills affects how patients feel about their medication
- New molecule could save brain cells from neurodegeneration, stroke
- X-rays linked to increased childhood leukemia risk
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