Christmas is just over a week away -- here a few innovative ideas to inspire new traditions and to know when to break lackluster older ones. Try a few DIY gift ideas for friends and family and turn trash into Christmas tree treasure. Happy holidays! |
A Holiday Slideshow Feature10 Wacky Christmas Traditions from Around the GlobeWhat makes the holidays super special apart from the food, family and friends, is tradition. Some traditions are...well, very traditional, but others can range from the weird to truly bizarre! Here's a slideshow highlight of the weirdest and most interesting Christmas traditions from around the world, from roller-skating to mass to watching for a witch on Christmas Eve. |
Create Beekman Crafts and Recipes (Video) | 3 Great Projects to Turn Trash Into Christmas Tree Treasure | Beyond Poinsettias: 6 Holiday Plants that Will Actually Last |
Green Christmas Gifts to Make Yourself at the Last Minute | Top 9 DIY Gifts | The Anti-Gift List: 15 Things Everyone Gets and No One Needs |
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