ScienceDaily Environment Headlines
for Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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Mother’s young alter brain’s response to drug (December 1, 2010) -- The presence of a mother's young changes the way her brain responds to drugs, according to new animal research. The findings suggest new avenues of treatment for mothers who are recovering drug abusers. ... > full story
Older animals unable to distinguish similar-looking objects (December 1, 2010) -- Older rats appeared unable to discriminate between objects with similar features, behavior comparable to that of elderly people, who often have memory and perception troubles. The older rats' actions may be similar to those of young rats with damage in specific brain regions, according to a new study. ... > full story
Predatory bugs can save cornfields (December 1, 2010) -- One of the worst pests of corn in the world, the corn rootworm, may owe its worldwide success partly to its larvae's nasty, sticky blood, according to researchers. ... > full story
How some microorganisms bore their way into carbonate substrates: Implications for coral reefs and mussel aquaculture (November 30, 2010) -- Geo-microbiologists have solved a long-standing conundrum about how some photosynthetic microorganisms, endolithic cyanobacteria, bore their way into limestone, sand grains, mussel shells, coral skeletons and other substrates composed of carbonate. ... > full story
Arsenic-polluted water toxic to Bangladesh economy (November 30, 2010) -- Economists have found that exposure to arsenic in rural Bangladesh, in addition to the longer-term health damages expected to occur in coming years, is reducing the labor supply by 8 percent. The study's novel method, the researchers say, can also be applied to other environmental pollution problems in developing countries, aiding in public health efforts. ... > full story
Discovering the secrets of Stonehenge (November 30, 2010) -- A revolutionary new idea on the movement of big monument stones like those at Stonehenge has been put forward by an archaeology student. He discovered that many of the late Neolithic stone balls had a diameter within a millimeter of each other, which he felt indicated they would have been used together in some way rather than individually. ... > full story
Biofuels production has unintended consequences on water quality and quantity in Mississippi (November 30, 2010) -- More water is required to produce corn than to produce cotton in the Mississippi Delta requiring increased withdrawals of groundwater from the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer for irrigation. This is contributing to already declining water levels in the aquifer. In addition, increased use of nitrogen fertilizer for corn in comparison to cotton could contribute to low dissolved oxygen conditions in the Gulf of Mexico. ... > full story
Neuroscience of instinct: How animals overcome fear to obtain food (November 30, 2010) -- When crossing a street, we look to the left and right for cars and stay put on the sidewalk if we see a car close enough and traveling fast enough to hit us before we're able to reach the other side. It's an almost automatic decision, as though we instinctively know how to keep ourselves safe. Now neuroscientists have found that other animals are capable of making similar instinctive safety decisions. ... > full story
Genomic fault zones come and go: Fragile regions in mammalian genomes go through 'birth and death' process (November 30, 2010) -- The fragile regions in mammalian genomes that are thought to play a key role in evolution go through a "birth and death" process, according to new bioinformatics research. The findings could help researchers identify the current fragile regions in the human genome -- information that may reveal how the human genome will evolve in the future. ... > full story
Worst case scenario: Can we adapt to a world 2 to 4 degrees warmer? (November 30, 2010) -- Potentially dangerous rates of global warming could outpace the ability of ecosystems and artificial infrastructure to adapt, experts warn. ... > full story
Snakes on a rope: Researchers take a unique look at the climbing abilities of boa constrictors (November 30, 2010) -- In the wild, how does a snake climb a vertical surface without slipping? To find out, researchers sent snakes climbing up varying widths and tensions of ropes as they explored snake movement in relation to their musculoskeletal design and variation in their environment. ... > full story
Ecological effects of biodiversity loss underestimated (November 30, 2010) -- More than half of all species are believed to change their dietary preferences -- sometimes several times -- between birth and adulthood. A new study finds that this pattern has major implications for the stability of natural ecosystems and survival of threatened species. The findings suggest that previous studies have systematically underestimated the negative consequences of biodiversity loss. ... > full story
Marsupial embryo jumps ahead in development (November 30, 2010) -- Long a staple of nature documentaries, the somewhat bizarre development of a grub-like pink marsupial embryo outside the mother's womb is curious in another way. Researchers have found that the developmental program executed by the marsupial embryo runs in a different order than the program executed by virtually every other vertebrate animal. ... > full story
Soil microbes define dangerous rates of climate change (November 30, 2010) -- Scientists have studied a potentially significant feedback to rapid climate change. Runaway reactions in peatlands could give off large amount of carbon and considerable heat. Researchers are now investigating possible links between this reaction and peatland wildfires, such as those in Russia earlier this year. ... > full story
Antibacterial soaps: Being too clean can make people sick, study suggests (November 30, 2010) -- Young people who are overexposed to antibacterial soaps containing triclosan may suffer more allergies, and exposure to higher levels of Bisphenol A among adults may negatively influence the immune system, a new study suggests. ... > full story
California's controlled fires boost biodiversity (November 30, 2010) -- In certain ecosystems, such as the mixed-conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada region of the western United States, fires are a natural and essential occurrence for maintaining forest health. However, for many decades, resource managers in California and other western states prevented or suppressed natural fires to limit the potential for catastrophic spread. ... > full story
Apes unwilling to gamble when odds are uncertain (November 30, 2010) -- Humans are known to play it safe in a situation when they aren't sure of the odds, or don't have confidence in their judgments. We don't like to choose the unknown. And new evidence is showing that chimpanzees and bonobos, our closest living primate relatives, treat the problem the same way we do. ... > full story
Seasonal influences help guide cougar prey selection (November 30, 2010) -- As predators, cougars tend to select prey animals that are weaker and easier to attack during certain seasons, according to results of a new study. ... > full story
Fire forecast technology could help rescue teams save lives (November 30, 2010) -- Fires in homes and offices could be tackled more efficiently using technology that predicts how a blaze will spread. ... > full story
New oyster farming technique increases productivity, offers entrepreneurial opportunities (November 30, 2010) -- A new oyster farming initiative has launched in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The goal of this effort is industry adoption of off-bottom oyster culture to supplement the traditional harvest. Historically, oysters are grown on and harvested from reefs on the water bottom. In this new process, oysters are grown suspended in the water column. ... > full story
Engineer provides new insight into pterodactyl flight (November 29, 2010) -- Giant pterosaurs -- ancient reptiles that flew over the heads of dinosaurs -- were at their best in gentle tropical breezes, soaring over hillsides and coastlines or floating over land and sea on thermally driven air currents, according to new research. ... > full story
Functional amino acids regulate key metabolic pathways (November 29, 2010) -- Functional amino acids play a critical role in the development of both animals and humans, according to new research. Animal nutritionists call for scientists to "think out of the box" and place more emphasis on this area of study. ... > full story
Superantigens could be behind several illnesses (November 29, 2010) -- Superantigens, the toxins produced by staphylococcus bacteria, are more complex than previously believed, reveals new research. The discovery shows that the body’s immune system can cause more illnesses than thought. ... > full story
Monitoring the health of endangered, wild chimpanzees (November 29, 2010) -- Scientists have studied wild chimpanzees living in the tropical rain forest in Ivory Coast at close quarters for a year, and new research describes the health monitoring of this endangered species. What is the risk of retroviral infection in these chimpanzees due to their hunting of monkeys? ... > full story
New knowledge on 're-discovered' switchgrass moth (November 29, 2010) -- Scientists are learning more about the life stages and biology of an insect that may compete with humans for the energy crops of the future -- the insect some scientists are calling the switchgrass moth. ... > full story
Earth's lakes are warming, NASA study finds (November 29, 2010) -- In the first comprehensive global survey of temperature trends in major lakes, NASA researchers determined Earth's largest lakes have warmed during the past 25 years in response to climate change. ... > full story
Scientists manage to adapt juvenile blue fin tuna to captivity in land installations (November 29, 2010) -- Researchers have taken a new step towards achieving the domestication of bluefin tuna. A dozen juveniles have been adapted to captivity in land based facilities, something that had already been successfully achieved in Japan, Australia and the USA in other species of tuna. ... > full story
Charging for plastic bags cut bag consumption by half in China (November 29, 2010) -- Research from Sweden shows that people in China -- the number one consumers of plastic bags in the world -- reduced their consumption of plastic bags by half when stores were forced to charge consumers for the bags. ... > full story
Crown suggests Queen Arsinoë II ruled ancient Egypt as female pharaoh (November 29, 2010) -- A unique queen's crown with ancient symbols combined with a new method of studying status in Egyptian reliefs forms the basis for a re-interpretation of historical developments in Egypt in the period following the death of Alexander the Great. A researcher from Sweden argues that Queen Arsinoë II ruled ancient Egypt as a female pharaoh, predating Cleopatra by 200 years. ... > full story
Koala bears may be the 'pickiest' marsupials around (November 29, 2010) -- Koalas may be the pickiest marsupials around: They evolved to feed almost exclusively on the leaves of Eucalyptus trees, and they are highly selective when it comes to which species and even which individual trees they visit. When the furry leaf-eater settles on a particular tree, it relies on a number of factors, including taste, to make its selection. ... > full story
Reference database to identify origin of elephant ivory (November 29, 2010) -- A reference database has been established for the identification of the origin of elephant ivory. ... > full story
Earth and space science missions have fewer risks if conducted by a single government agency, report finds (November 29, 2010) -- Earth and space science missions developed and implemented by federal agencies in collaboration typically result in additional complexity and cost and increased risks from divided responsibilities and accountability, says a new report from the National Research Council. ... > full story
Dogs have bigger brains than cats because they are more sociable, research finds (November 28, 2010) -- Over millions of years dogs have developed bigger brains than cats because highly social species of mammals need more brain power than solitary animals, according to a new study. ... > full story
Scientists re-sequence six corn varieties, find some genes missing (November 28, 2010) -- Researchers recently re-sequenced and compared six elite inbred corn lines, including the parents of the most productive commercial hybrids in China and found entire genes that were missing from one line to another. ... > full story
Sensory stimulation protects against brain damage caused by stroke (November 28, 2010) -- Mild sensory stimulation given soon after the first symptoms of a stroke can prevent a large area of the brain from becoming damaged, a new animal study shows. If applicable to humans, these findings could potentially help protect vulnerable brain tissue in patients with stroke. ... > full story
Pre-injury exercise may mitigate the effects of traumatic brain injury in mice (November 28, 2010) -- Being physically fit before a traumatic brain injury (TBI) might improve recovery, preliminary findings suggest. After TBI, mice bred for running behavior exhibited smaller brain lesions and engaged in more extensive post-injury activity than did mice that had been sedentary before the injury. ... > full story
NASA's savory sea salt sensor to get cooked, chilled (November 28, 2010) -- A team of scientists from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., and the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., is flying down to Brazil to "cook" a salty NASA instrument that's sure to spice up studies of Earth's climate after its launch late next spring. ... > full story
Whale sharks use geometry to avoid sinking (November 27, 2010) -- They are the largest fish species in the ocean, but the majestic gliding motion of the whale shark is, scientists argue, an astonishing feat of mathematics and energy conservation. Marine scientists now reveal how these massive sharks use geometry to enhance their natural negative buoyancy and stay afloat. ... > full story
Diabetes drug could work against Alzheimer's, animal study suggests (November 27, 2010) -- The diabetes drug metformin has an effect against one of the main causes of the Alzheimer's disease, according to new research in animal models. ... > full story
Oldest salt mine known to date located in Azerbaijan (November 27, 2010) -- Archeologists have recently shown that the Duzdagi salt deposits, situated in the Araxes Valley in Azerbaijan, were already being exploited from the second half of the 5th millennium BC. This is the most ancient exploitation of rock salt attested to date. And, to the researchers' surprise, intensive salt production was carried out in this mine at least as early as 3500 BC. ... > full story
Sewage water bacteria: 'Missing link' in early evolution of life on Earth? (November 27, 2010) -- A common group of bacteria found in acid bogs and sewage treatment plants has provided scientists with evidence of a 'missing link' in one of the most important steps in the evolution of life on Earth -- the emergence of cells with a nucleus containing DNA (eukaryotic cells). ... > full story
Finger-trap tension stabilizes cells' chromosome-separating machinery (November 27, 2010) -- Scientists have discovered an amazingly simple way that cells stabilize their machinery for forcing apart chromosomes. ... > full story
Size of mammals exploded after dinosaur extinction, researchers confirm (November 26, 2010) -- Researchers have demonstrated that the extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago made way for mammals to get bigger -- about a thousand times bigger than they had been, as well as confirming the dramatic growth in mammalian size after the dinosaurs. The study also showed that the ecosystem is able to reset itself relatively quickly. ... > full story
Female fish -- and humans? -- lose interest when their male loses a slugfest (November 26, 2010) -- If you see your special someone lose a competition, your subconscious may start whispering, "He's a loser," even as you insist your love is unaffected, according to researchers studying African cichlid fish. When female cichlids saw a favored suitor lose a fight with another male, the females showed marked changes in relatively primitive parts of their brains. Humans have those same primitive brain areas, suggesting we may subconsciously react in much the same way. ... > full story
Weather affects children's injury rate: Each 5-degree temperature rise boosts kids' hospital admissions for serious injury by 10 percent (November 26, 2010) -- Every 5 degree Celsius rise in maximum temperature pushes up the rate of hospital admissions for serious injuries among children, reveals one of the largest studies of its kind. ... > full story
Erythromycin A produced in E. coli for first time: Biosynthetic breakthrough paves way for other pharmaceuticals (November 26, 2010) -- For the first time, researchers have made the antibiotic erythromycin A, and two variants, using E. coli as the production host. This is a cost-effective way to make erythromycin A and new drugs to combat antibiotic resistant pathogens. The E. coli host also offers next-generation engineering opportunities for other products with complex biosynthetic pathways. ... > full story
A high-yield biomass alternative to petroleum for industrial chemicals (November 26, 2010) -- Chemical engineers report that they have developed a way to produce high-volume chemical feedstocks including benzene, toluene, xylenes and olefins from pyrolytic bio-oils, the cheapest liquid fuels available today derived from biomass. The new process could reduce or eliminate industry's reliance on fossil fuels to make industrial chemicals worth an estimated 0 billion annually. ... > full story
More protein, less refined starch important for dieting, large study shows (November 26, 2010) -- If you want to lose weight or avoid gaining weight, you should cut down on finely refined starch calories such as white bread and white rice and instead eat a diet that is high in proteins with more lean meat, low-fat dairy products and beans, large scale study suggests. ... > full story
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