| | TOP SHOWS | | NEW EPISODE Premieres Saturday Dec. 4 at 10pm E/P | | | A plea for help compels Tia to deal with an out-of-control pit bull, leaving the owner grappling with a heart wrenching life or death decision. | | | | | NEW EPISODE Premieres Friday Dec. 3 at 9pm E/P | | In New Orleans, a family tries to settle in to their new home, but renovations to the historic property are interrupted by unexplained paranormal activity. | | | | | | NEW SERIES Premieres Next Sat. Dec. 11 at 8pm E/P | | Check out THE MOLE blog for the inside dish on this new series focusing on the more peculiar and petite pets, like rabbits, parrots. pigs, hedgehogs, and more! | | | | what's hot | | | | | Daily Treat Holiday Giveaway | | Now through December 10, visit the Daily Treat blog and enter for a chance to win cool pet gear, toys, and more. New items featured daily! | | | | | | | | | | | SHOP | | | At Animal Planet, we value your privacy. If you would like to be removed from future Animal Planet or other newsletter emails like this, please visit our email subscription center here to modify your email preferences.
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