Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

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Christmas Trees, Green571.com

Christmas Trees.... real or fake? The highly debated environmentally Christmas topic. the truth, or at least our opinion, might surprise you. A single tree can absorb over one ton of CO2 in its lifetime. Taking into consideration CO2 is responsible for global warming, its heard to justify cutting down a real tree over a fake tree. The truth is... fake trees are worse. Fake christmas trees are made from non renewable plastics and contain a very high of level of toxic PVC and can be a potential source of hazardous lead. According to the Children's Health Environmental Coalition, the manufacture of PVC creates and disperses dioxins, which include the most toxic man-made chemical known. Released into air or water, dioxins enter the food chain, where they accumulate in fatty tissues of animals and humans, a potential risk for causing cancer, damaging immune functions and impairing children's development.

The way they are manufactured isn't much better either. As noted in the Washington Post, "On the concrete floors of Zhang's Shuitou Company factory, migrant workers, most earning about $100 a month, squat in front of hissing machinery as they melt chips into moildable plastic..."

Solution? The solution is opt for real Christmas tree, but there's more than one to do it. First of all, many farmer's markets are tree farms are offering potted pine trees that can be used over the holidays and then planted after Christmas weather permitted. if you live in a cold environment, you can even water they plant until spring and then plant it when the weather begins to warm up. If that's not an option for you and you have to cut down a real tree, at least consider this... buy a potted pine tree in the spring and plant it somewhere to replace the one you cut down. Plant it somewhere where it can grow in beauty and soak up all the CO2 it wants!


If you cut down a tree, there are more options that just throwing it away. You can chop it up for a firewood to heat your home or chop it into mulch for landscaping or garden. Then at least its not a total waste. Actually, what you could do it use it to much around the new tree your going to plan in the spring to replace the one you cut down in December... remember?


A single tree can absorb over one ton of CO2 in its lifetime.

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