ScienceDaily Environment Headlines
for the Week of August 1 to August 8, 2010
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Posted 2010-08-07:
- Looking for the coolest forms of life on Earth
- Greenland glacier calves island four times the size of Manhattan
- Insular evolution: Large and big-footed voles in an outer archipelago
Posted 2010-08-07:
- Secret of life on Earth may be as simple as what happens between the sheets -- mica sheets, that is
- Image of new antibiotic in action opens up new opportunities to combat antibacterial resistance
- Worst impact of climate change may be how humanity reacts to it
- Newts' ability to regenerate tissue replicated in mouse cells
- Novel bee venom derivative forms a nanoparticle 'smart bomb' to target cancer cells
- Reading zip codes of 3,500-year-old letters: Non-destructive X-ray scanning of archaeological finds
- A 'crystal ball' for predicting the effects of global climate change
- Children's vegetable intake linked to Popeye cartoons
- Bats facing regional extinction in Northeastern US from rapidly spreading white-nose syndrome
- First evidence of genetically modified plants in the wild, scientists report
- Global tropical forests threatened by 2100
- When flowers turn up the heat
- Artificial bee eye gives insight into insects’ visual world
- High levels of carbon dioxide threaten oyster survival
- Frogs evolution tracks rise of Himalayas and rearrangement of Southeast Asia
- H1N1 flu virus used new biochemical trick to cause pandemic
- Cutting Japanese carbon dioxide emissions
- How viruses jump from hosts: Secrets of rabies transmission in bats discovered
- Supply and demand: Scientists identify proteins that ensure iron balance
- NOAA divers capture invasive lionfish in the Virgin Islands National Park
Posted 2010-08-06:
- New way to boost vaccines
- Coastal creatures may have reduced ability to fight off infections in acidified oceans
- Ancient Hawaiian glaciers reveal clues to global climate impacts
- Research breakthrough on the question of life expectancy
- Human embryonic stem cells and reprogrammed cells virtually identical
- Stress hormones help lizards escape from fire ants
- Travelling by car increases global temperatures more than travelling by plane, but only in the long term
- A hop from South America: Tracking Australian marsupials
- 'Guardian of the genome': Protein helps prevent damaged DNA in yeast
- Homes of the poor and the affluent both have high levels of endocrine disruptors
- Taking the twinkle out of the night sky: Breakthrough in adaptive optics
- New light on speciation and biodiversity of marine microorganisms
- Genome of ancient sponge reveals origins of first animals, cancer
- Pancreatic cancers use fructose, common in the Western diet, to fuel their growth
- Gaming for a cure: Computer gamers tackle protein folding
- First nearshore survey of Antarctic krill reveals high density, stable population in shallow waters
- Habitat of elusive Northern squid documented
- Metabolic pathway found in malaria parasites; possible drug targets
- Biologists discover microRNAs that control function of blood stem cells
- Coccolithophore growth and calcification -- a possible role for iron
Posted 2010-08-05:
- MicroRNA molecule increases number of blood stem cells, may help improve cancer treatment
- Researchers drill through mile and a half of Greenland ice sheet in search of climate change insights
- Genes from sweet pepper arm banana against deadly wilt disease
- Ancient blob-like creature of the deep revealed by scientists
- Preserving sperm vital to saving 'snot otter' salamanders
- Cells use water in nano-rotors to power energy conversion
- Mammal-like crocodile fossil found in East Africa, scientists report
- Sperm may be harmed by exposure to BPA, study suggests
- Brain size determines whether fish are hunters or slackers
- Nemesis for oil spills: Bacterial technology may help clean up Gulf
- Generating energy from ocean waters off Hawaii
- Disrupted circadian rhythm may cause triglycerides to rise
- Chili peppers may come with blood pressure benefits
- Survey of coastal residents shows Gulf oil spill has significant impact on families
- Emotions help animals to make choices, research suggests
- New estimates of the global population at risk of Plasmodium vivax malaria
- Molecules delivering drugs as they walk
- 'Virtual mates' reveal role of romance in parrot calls
- New tagging technique enhances view of living cells
- Sponge shines light on life's origin: Genome connects the dots between Amphimedon, animal descendants
- Genomic sequencing of marine sponge published; revealed early genetic complexity and roots of cancer
Posted 2010-08-04:
- Carnivorous mice spread deadly plague in prairie dog towns, study finds
- Purified blood stem cells improve success of bone marrow transplants in mice, study shows
- World’s most endangered otter 'rediscovered' in Malaysia
- Top predators and biodiversity historically pressured in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
- No such thing as a free lunch for Venus flytraps
- Deep, open ocean is vastly under-explored, study finds
- Discovering life-bearing planets: Scientists take a step closer
- Why are male spiders small while females are giant?
- Miami at high risk of hurricane winds; Tampa low risk, new hurricane risk tool shows
- Couch potatoes of the animal kingdom: Orangutans have extremely low rate of energy use
- Behind the secrets of silk lie high-tech opportunities
- Ice core drilling effort will help assess abrupt climate change risks
- New carbon dioxide emissions model
- What lives in the sea? Census of Marine Life publishes historic roll call of species in 25 key world areas
- Aurora alert: The Sun is waking up
- New catalyst of platinum nanoparticles could lead to conk-out free, stable fuel cells
- Ice-free Arctic Ocean may not be of much use in soaking up carbon dioxide
- Eruptive characteristics of Oregon's Mount Hood analyzed
- New state surveys affirm Americans' support for government action on climate change
- Select agents should be defined by DNA sequence in today's era of synthetic biology, report finds
Posted 2010-08-03:
- Blue whales align the pitch of their songs with extreme accuracy, study finds
- Cellular housekeeper, and potential target of obesity drugs, caught in action
- Hot town, summer in the city: Heat wave impact differs between countries
- Breeding is changing dog brains, scientists find
- Everest tragedy: Did extreme weather cause Mallory and Irvine disappearance?
- New solar energy conversion process could double solar efficiency of solar cells
- Synthetic bone graft recruits stem cells for faster bone healing
- Mining bacterial genomes reveals valuable 'hidden' drugs
- Oxygen fuels the fires of time
- Certain meat components may increase bladder cancer risk, study suggests
- Cancer-causing bacterium targets tumor-suppressor protein
- 'Ribbit Radio' shows frog population estimates are likely flawed
- Ancient reptiles 'make tracks': Discovery of fossilized footprints reveals when reptiles first conquered dry land
- New insights into how stem cells determine what tissue to become
- Do soy isoflavones boost bone health?
- Body of evidence: New fast, reliable method to detect gravesoil
- NOAA report reviews ecosystem management in national marine sanctuaries
Posted 2010-08-02:
- Regenerating damaged tissues: Bioscaffolds promote growth of joints in rabbits
- Emerging E. coli strain causes many antimicrobial-resistant infections in US
- Tuberculosis advance: Existing drugs can potentially target the disease's ability to spread
- New theory of why midcontinent faults produce earthquakes
- Mechanism uncovered behind Salmonella virulence and drug susceptibility
- Most panda habitat is outside nature reserves, according to joint US-China research
Posted 2010-08-01:
- New cellular 'armor' developed to prevent infection by AIDS virus
- Research of cell movements in developing frogs reveals new twists in human genetic disease
- From the heart: How cells divide to form different but related muscle groups
- Diet and alcohol alter epigenetics of breast cancer, study suggests
- Reforestation projects capture more carbon than industrial plantations, new research reveals
Posted 2010-07-31:
- Unexpected viral 'fossils' found in vertebrate genomes
- Plant compound resveratrol shown to suppresses inflammation, free radicals in humans
- Snake venom studies yield insights for development of therapies for heart disease and cancer
- Rocks on Mars may provide link to evidence of living organisms roughly 4 billion years ago
- Audubon's first engraving of a bird discovered
- Black carbon implicated in global warming
- Chemicals are likely cause of feminization of fish present in two rivers in Alberta, Canada, researchers find
- Some trees 'farm' bacteria to help supply nutrients
- Best hope for saving Arctic sea ice is cutting soot emissions, say researchers
- Researchers study benefits of white button mushrooms
- Migrating birds can’t control themselves
- Polarstern expedition: Autonomous underwater vehicle dives under the Arctic ice
Posted 2010-07-30:
- Signs of reversal of Arctic cooling: Rapid temperature rise in the coldest region of mainland Europe
- Sensing wind speed with kites
- Accepted theory explaining frequent eruptions at Italy’s Stromboli volcano questioned
- Super-rare 'elkhorn' coral found in Pacific
- Aging and longevity tied to specific brain region in mice
- More frequent, more intense heat waves in store for New York, climate scientists predict
- RNA offers a safer way to reprogram cells
- Western diet link to ADHD, Australian study finds
- Swimmers at sub-tropical beaches show increased risk of illness, study suggests
- Brainstem, spinal cord images hidden in Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel fresco
- NASA simulates space exploration at remote Arctic crater site
- Birth of a hurricane
- New tool for improving switchgrass
- Marine biodiversity strongly linked to ocean temperature
- A future with or without trees: Greenhouse gas emissions from Brazilian Amazon state
- Polymer passage takes time: New theory aids researchers studying DNA, protein transport
- Hormonal birth control alters scent communication in primates
- Genomes behave as social entities: Alien chromatin minorities evolve through specificities reduction
- Three-year investigation of military munitions sea disposal site in Hawaii completed
Posted 2010-07-29:
- Ancient DNA identifies donkey ancestors, people who domesticated them
- Middle school students co-author research on enzyme for activating promising disease-fighters
- Nanotechnology for water purification
- Marine phytoplankton declining: Striking global changes at the base of the marine food web linked to rising ocean temperatures
- Making eco-friendly diesel fuel from butter
- First step toward electronic DNA sequencing: Translocation through graphene nanopores
- Unexplained pattern of cosmic rays discovered
- Fly eye paves the way for manufacturing biomimetic surfaces
- Where do the drugs go?
- Scientists tap into Antarctic octopus venom
- Getting a step ahead of pathogens
- New drug delivery technique: Nanoblasts from laser-activated nanoparticles move molecules, proteins and DNA into cells
- Latest 'green' packing material? Mushrooms; Packing foam engineered from mushrooms and agricultural waste
- Urine: Waste product or future power source?
- Can you ask a pig if his glass is half full?
- Protein identified that can result in fragile bones
- Researchers' 'Posseidon' adventure could save shipping industry millions
- Multifunctional nanoparticle enables new type of biological imaging
- Researchers investigate effects of lightning strikes on aircraft
- GM crop produces massive gains for women's employment in India, study finds
Posted 2010-07-28:
- Key milestone towards the development of a new clinically useful antibiotic
- Calcium connections: Basic pathway for maintaining cell's fuel stores
- Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacteria
- Engineered coral pigment helps scientists to observe protein movement
- Ötzi’s secrets about to be revealed
- Potentially hazardous asteroid might collide with the Earth in 2182
- Shade-coffee farms support native bees that maintain genetic diversity in tropical forests
- Carbon emissions threaten fish populations
- Segmentation is the secret behind the extraordinary diversification of animals
- Bird flu: Preening spreads viruses in nature
- Oceanographic linkages indicate an alternative route for eel larval drift to Europe
- NASA satellite improves pollution monitoring
- Indonesia's puzzling Banda arc: New findings explain mystery behind geological development
- Keeping trains on track: Early-warning hazard system for the world's railways
- Mapping of neglected tropical diseases critical to control and elimination efforts
Posted 2010-07-27:
- Converging weather patterns caused last winter's huge snows in U.S.
- Arctic voyage illuminating ocean optics
- How monarch butterflies fly away home
- Archaeologists discover biggest rat that ever lived: Weight of about 6 kilograms (over 13 lb)
- Missing link in cell mitosis discovered: The role of protein in controlling cell division unveiled
- Meals as medicine: Anti-obesity effects of soy in rat model of menopause
- An alchemist’s dream: Lead-free electronics
- Non-human sugar in biotech drugs causes inflammation, study finds
- Storm elves and sprites recorded on video
- New antibacterial material for bandages, food packaging, shoes
- The healing effects of forests
- Unaccounted feedbacks from climate-induced ecosystem changes may increase future climate warming
- How key enzyme repairs sun-damaged DNA
- Giant pandas: Landscape has big effect on movement of genes within population
- Hijacked supplies for pathogens: Legionnaire’s disease bacteria tap into the material transport in immune cells
- Concealed patterns beneath life's variety: Synthesis of studies of how biodiversity changes reveals trends over space and time
- Amount of dust, pollen matters for cloud precipitation, climate change
- How cells keep their guards in check
- Straw residue helps keep nitrogen on the farm
Posted 2010-07-26:
- Researchers calculate the cost of CO<sub>2</sub> emissions, call for carbon tax
- Sea lamprey research sheds light on how stress hormones evolved
- Graphene oxide gets green: Environmentally friendly ways to make it in bulk, break it down
- Disease genes that followed the Silk Road identified
- Nanoparticles in English ivy may hold the key to making sunscreen safer and more effective
- 'Super socks' help stem pollution runoff
Posted 2010-07-25:
- Microbicide containing engineered bacteria may inhibit HIV-1
- Virtual reality gives insight on protein structures
- Chokeberry extract found to regulate weight gain, blood glucose, and inflammation in rats
- Asia's most devastating droughts reconstructed
- Cold-blooded mothers: Magpie parents seem to induce mortality of 'unwanted' chicks
- Diabetes monitoring device benefits not just people but dogs and other animals, too
- Hops helps reduce ammonia produced by cattle
Posted 2010-07-24:
- Cancer-metabolism link runs deep in humans, novel network algorithm suggests
- Supercomputer reproduces a cyclone's birth, may boost forecasting
- Medicine from moss: Bioreactor technique may offer hope to people with age-related blindness
- White eyes, foot-wide flowers, maroon plants: Researcher creating unique winter-hardy hibiscuses
- How do cells die? Biophotonic tools reveal real-time dynamics in living color
- High-resolution imaging expands vision research of live birds of prey
- Identification of a gene essential to newborn babies' first breath
- European Space Agency develops radar to watch for space hazards
- Scientists discover how deadly fungal microbes enter host cells
- Misuse of anesthesia could cause hepatitis virus transmission
- Not enough hours in the day for endangered apes: Warming climate may change ape behaviour, resulting in loss of habitat
- Scientists confirm role for mysterious cell component -- the nucleolinus
- Salmonella contaminated pork may pose health risk for humans
- Biologists help save endangered pallid sturgeon
- Better control of reproduction in trout and salmon may be in aquaculture's future
- Warmer climate could increase release of carbon dioxide by inland lakes
- Bio-based compound provides substitute for important raw material in plastic products
- Oilseed rape and sunflower oils investigated as new way to produce fuel and feed for herds
- Report calls for coordinated information on climate change
- Bioenergy production can expand across Africa without displacing food, report finds
Posted 2010-07-23:
- Could diabetes be in your bones? Link between metabolic disease, bone mass; Breakdown of bone keeps blood sugar in check
- Smog might trigger cell death in the heart, study finds
- Key compound of ozone destruction detected; Scientists disprove doubts in ozone hole chemistry
- Cutting fat and calories can lower cancer risk in dogs and people
- Extreme archaeology: Divers plumb the mysteries of sacred Maya pools
- Climate uncertainties tied to economies of US states: California, Pacific Northwest and Colorado achieve positive net impacts; other states languish
- Caterpillars crawl like none other: Unique means of animal locomotion has implications for robotics, human biomechanics
- Wacky weather could squeeze Florida's citrus season
- Oil devastation found at major Gulf breeding site
- Gulf oil dispersants unlikely to be endocrine disruptors and have relatively low cell toxicity, tests find
- Genetic mismatch keeps yeast species distinct
- Evidence of water in lunar rocks: Water on moon may be widespread, similar to Earth's
- Quitting smoking may minimize harmful bacteria and replenish healthy bacteria
- Nanotech coatings produce 20 times more electricity from sewage
- Stem cells for eating and sex pinpointed
- Quantum entanglement in photosynthesis and evolution
- Temperature constancy appears key to tropical biodiversity
- Climate change causes larger, more plentiful marmots, study shows; Implications for many creatures that hibernate
- Marriage patterns drive fertility decline
- What causes hybrid vigor? Researchers find genetic 'noise' caused by surprising variation in gene activity
- Military greenhouse gas emissions: EPA should recognize environmental impact of protecting foreign oil, researchers urge
- Kids could get more whole grains from after-school snacks, study finds
- Study describes health effects of occupational exposures in Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant workers
Posted 2010-07-22:
- Need for protection against ticks that carry Lyme disease confirmed by new research
- Stormwater model to inform regulators on future development projects
- Finding frugal aliens: 'Benford beacons' concept could refocus search for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life
- Engineered stem cells may limit heart attack damage, improve function
- CSI at the service of cellulose synthesis: Plant researchers identify protein involved in formation of cellulose
- International law failing to protect coral reefs and tropical fish, experts argue
- Primitive frogs do a belly flop: Study shows that frogs evolved jumping before they refined landing
- Do cleaning products cause breast cancer?
- New methodology improves winter climate forecasting
- Poplar tree protein can be used to shrink memory elements and increase computer memory density
- Where the wild veggies are: Cultivated cucumber and melon originated in Asia and Australia
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