SiteProNews |
- Twitter 101 – Tips to Get You Started
- Microblogging: More than Micro in Helping your Online Business
- Article Marketing Tip – Good Conversation Topics Often Make Good Article Topics
- The Greatest Lies Ever Told About Internet Business
- New Home for Google Realtime Search
- Do You Suffer From BlindWebsititis?
Twitter 101 – Tips to Get You Started Posted: 30 Aug 2010 07:24 AM PDT
Sound familiar? I hear the same thing from many people, but what I discovered when I actually engaged on Twitter has turned me into a devotee. Twitter has been one of the greatest learning tools of my career. If you are hesitant to join Twitter, you are not alone. However, I want to encourage you to give it a shot. Set up an account, follow some people and learn some things. People on Twitter are very generous with their time and knowledge. Yes, you will spend time on Twitter that you already don’t have, but you will also learn things that will make you more valuable, smarter and “in the know.” I use Twitter instead of Google for information gathering, and it has made me more productive. Change is all around us, and the only way we can move forward is to change together and collaborate. I am still a newbie, but if I have inspired you to try, here are some tips to get you started: 1] Come up with a goal for trying Twitter. Is your goal to interact with the media or journalists? Is it to gain exposure for personal branding in your area of expertise? Is it to learn from others who are experts in their field? Or is it to increase traffic to your Web site or blog? 2] When you sign up, complete the profile as fully as possible. Add a photo, short bio, user name and real name. People want to know who you are. Your bio should reflect your goal. Make sure you include the URL for your site, blog or Facebook page. 3] There is no need to panic if you don’t have a ton of people following you. If you post good information, people will find you slowly and steadily. 4] You may have multiple goals for Twitter, feel free to have multiple accounts. At our firm we have 11 accounts and each one has a different audience and purpose. 5] Start off by sharing your knowledge. I bet you know a lot about your industry and your business. Think of Twitter as a great way to share that information. If you read something helpful, share the link on Twitter and let others benefit from your find. Generosity is a good business practice. 6] Because we are limited to 140 characters on Twitter, you will need to learn about shortening URLs. I use a site called because it helps me track my shortened URLs. Or you can use a web site called Hootsuite which allows you to shorten URLs, track them and manage multiple accounts. It’s kind of like the Swiss Army Knife of Twitter. 7] Learn the common abbreviations. We created a helpful postcard for our clients. Please feel free to print it for yourself. 8] If you read something you like on Twitter, remember to retweet it. It’s a great way to give credit to people who are putting out good information. If you want to join the conversation, use reply. 9] Follow people you already follow in other ways: Journalists you admire, comedians who make you laugh, or authors who inspire and teach. 10] Be a good community member. A good rule of thumb is to have a 4 to 1 ratio for self promotion. One self-promotional tweet to 4 that will help others or engaging in the community through reply or retweet. If you are new or nervous, follow me on @websnapshot and we’ll learn together. My goal for this feed is to learn and share good ways to integrate social media and web publicity. Along the way, I share resources and tools with my staff, increase exposure for my clients, get business ideas, and collaborate with smart people. I post links and articles everyday that help me be better, and I hope they will help you as well. FSB Associates will increase the awareness, sales and long term visibility of your books with our unrivaled online book publicity. We have been promoting books and authors online since 1995. You can trust our experience! Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
Microblogging: More than Micro in Helping your Online Business Posted: 30 Aug 2010 07:16 AM PDT
Without even visiting the web-page, a good Keyword Analyzer will have a module that will tell you whether or not links on the page use “NoFollow” tags. This lets you avoid you from wasting your time on building links from sources where you receive no search engine benefits. It’s otherwise known as Follow or No follow. Let’s proceed to what makes microblogging so attractive, not only to marketers, but also to customers. The fact that the fewer words make them easier to read, understand, and digest. Another is that readers get to be curious about the microblogs, since its brevity only allows for teasers and promotions. If done right, microblogs can attract large traffic into your site. Let’s look at the top 5 giants when it comes to microblogging: 1. Twitter. 2. Plurk. 3. Jaiku. 4. Pownce. 5. Spoink. Now, affiliate marketers should seriously consider going into microblogging. Before you proceed with microblogging; first weigh your options whether it’s important for you and your business and whether you’ll target the right audience. For affiliate marketers and the like, microblogging is one of the things you would want to get into. With the certain age groups that it targets, the customers might probably be into microblogging sites. So just from there, you can already see what a big prospect market, microblogging sites can be. Aside from that; it can help build up your site’s awareness and also add up to your credibility. Also, if you are too busy to scout for updates about the other sites that are relevant to yours, you can also get generous updates from microblogging sites too. Given though, that you do take time to do the search required to do just so. Aside from that, microblogging sites help expand your business and gain some contacts or followers. So now that you have seen and read the importance of microblogging; you ask yourself where you can get more information? Market Samurai is ultimate dream tool for your SEO needs today. Get high quality back-links, increase your site’s traffic and visibility and best of all; get to increase the general performance of your site with just this one Keyword Finder software on hand. Download Your FREE Copy of Market Samurai and Laser-Target High-Traffic, High-Profit, Low-Competition Markets With Devastating Accuracy => Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
Article Marketing Tip – Good Conversation Topics Often Make Good Article Topics Posted: 30 Aug 2010 07:09 AM PDT
Ask them about something that they are passionate about– A hobby, their work, their favorite author or musician. When you have the chance to speak about something that you are passionate about, you can talk for hours, and it feels like minutes. I’ve noticed this with myself–some of my best articles about my niche are the products of spontaneous conversations I’ve had with people who innocently asked me something that I am very knowledgeable and passionate about. Whenever I find myself in one of these conversations, I think “This would make a great article!” When you are doing article marketing, you are always on the look out for new and compelling article ideas. The ideas listed below will help you generate more conversation oriented topics. 1 – Think of yourself as an ambassador for your niche. Wherever you go, no matter if you’re enjoying some leisure time or are officially “at work”, always be on the look out for someone who needs more information about your niche. Even if you think that person will never become a customer or buy any of your products, still take the time to give them information that will help them succeed. An ambassador lives to spread truth about his or her niche. This takes you out of the position as sales person (which can be a turn-off to others) and puts you into the amiable position of “the go-to expert”. 2 – Plan how you’ll answer this question, “What do you do for a living?” This may be a very simple question for most humans, but for those of us who own internet businesses it can be a tricky question to answer outside of the context of the online world. Let’s say someone in the offline world asks you this question–what will you say? How can you explain what you do in a way that they will understand? Here are some pointers I’ve developed: *Instead of rattling off some obscure title or description that no one in the outside world would understand, talk about the type of people who you help and what you do to help them. *Force yourself to avoid technical lingo–use language that your grandmother would understand. *Speak about your general field, rather than about your specific business, at least at first. Remember, you don’t want to send any “I want to sell you something” vibes (because you really don’t want to sell anything–you’re just having a conversation). As an example, I would say that I help business owners market their websites. That is something that someone from the offline world can sink their teeth into, and it will lead to other questions. Many of the conversations that you have about your niche with newbies or folks outside your field are excellent fodder for your articles. If you are going through a writing slump or just want a fresh way to generate article ideas, I have an assignment for you. STEP 1: Turn off your computer and go out where people are. Go to a party, a coffee shop, the gym, the grocery store–anywhere where you can encounter live humans. STEP 2: Put on your ambassador hat. Smile at people, be open and friendly. Engage them in conversations. If someone talks to you, be interested in them and ask them questions. The point is to provide fertile ground for conversations to develop. No pressure here–just be yourself. STEP 3: Did any article topics arise from your conversations? Sometimes you can take the simplest question that someone unfamiliar with your niche asks and turn it into a helpful article. No topic is too simple! Do this, will you? What’s the worst that can happen? At worst you will have enjoyed a break from sitting behind your keyboard and staring at your monitor. Sometimes that in itself is enough to jump start your creativity and inspire writing ideas. For more info on how you can use article marketing to reach thousands of potential prospects for your website, go now to . Steve Shaw is an article marketing expert and founder of the popular article distribution service used by thousands of business owners. Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
The Greatest Lies Ever Told About Internet Business Posted: 30 Aug 2010 07:02 AM PDT Starting an Internet business can be tough. Especially if you have never owned your own business in the past. Not only that but your family and friends can discourage you from ever starting your business!! They will tell you, that only a few people ever make any money and it is a HUGE waste of time! Sadly, though they may be half right. Unfortunately, only 2% of the people who ever start an Internet business will make any money whatsoever. The people who do make money online are not any more skilled that us…NO! Instead they were fortunate enough to know the 5 great lies of Starting an Internet business. 1. Starting An Internet Business Is Expensive An Internet business can actually be started for ZERO cost! That is why this is the very first great lie of Internet business. When you are getting started in your online business you can start with something as cheap and simple as affiliate marketing. Affiliate Marketing cost you nothing to get started, and your only job is to drive traffic to a website that you don’t own. Then once people purchase a product from that affiliate website, through your link, you get a commission. And here’s the best part: There are MANY free ways you can learn about to drive traffic to a website. 2. You Can “Get Rich Quick” With An Internet Business Many people have a “Get Rich Quick” mentality when they first start their Internet Business. These people think that having their own Internet business is easy and does not require any work. Do not believe this because it is a fools hope. Often times the people you see who are “overnight successes” on the Internet, have spent months if not years perfecting their business. Very rarely will someone truly be a “overnight success”, and when that does happen, it is almost all luck. So the bottom line here is, your Internet business is exactly that…..a business! Treat it like one, work diligently on it, and never give up. Success takes time. 3. You Must Know HTML, Programming And Graphic Designing In Order To Start Your Business I have to admit that this is one thing that held me up a little personally. I am NOT a tech savvy web guru by any means. In fact, I could not put together a web page if you held a gun to my head. However, what I found was that there are people who are willing to do this for you…..for cheap! Sites like Elance, and Odesk are sites where you can hire people to do all of this work for you. And here’s the best part, it’s really cheap! Most of the bidders at Elance and ODesk are from India and will be willing to do the programming work for you, for as little as $6.00 per hour! 4. You Don’t Need To Know How To Sell Anything Think about the logic in that statement above. It doesn’t make sense. Of course, you need some salesmanship abilities! How on earth do you plan on selling things on the Internet without being able to sell? Now don’t panic, if you don’t currently know how to sell. This is all stuff that can be taught. However, you must go into your Internet business with the knowledge that you will need to learn how to sell. 5. You Don’t Need To “Build A List” Have you ever heard the phrase “The Money Is In The List”? Building a list is essential to having success with a Internet business. Without a list, you won’t make any money! Building a list is important because it builds your list of people that you can market and sell to! Not only that, but you can sell to the same people multiple times. The 5 great Internet lies listed above are all things you must know and accept. You have to be smart in order to really achieve success that you could possibly imagine. Success is like enlightenment. It is a path and not a destination. Now that you know what the 5 great lies of starting an Internet business are, you will need to know how to actually start your Internet business. If you click on the link below you will be taken to a FREE 5 day course on starting and building your very own Internet business. No catch, just great free information. Click on the link below now! Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
New Home for Google Realtime Search Posted: 30 Aug 2010 01:18 AM PDT
In an official blog post, Google announced real-time search results are now available. But instead of being integrated into regular search results pages, real-time search has been given it’s own home – a dedicated page for people to conduct searches in real-time. You can also access Realtime Search by clicking the “Updates” link in the left-hand panel of normal search results. The results appear as a constantly refreshing stream. Your Google Alerts also work with Realtime Search so you can be sent updates for your target searches within minutes of them appearing in Realtime Search. We’ve been able to see some real-time results in SERPs already, with social search results containing recent Twitter posts and Facebook status updates, however being able to isolate real-time search results from regular organic search results is extremely useful, especially if you are looking for information relating to an event in a specific location or a developing news story. A couple of handy new features allow you to refine Realtime search results by pinpointing results by location or time and you can even see entire conversations to get context about any topic. For example, the political situation in Australia is currently in turmoil as the country faces a hung parliament as a result of an election draw. Political developments are in flux and it’s difficult to keep up to date. If I conduct a search for “Australian election” using real-time search, I can see tweets from as recently as 1 minute ago and news stories posted within the last hour. Realtime Search and updates in Google Alerts are available globally in 40 languages, and the geographic refinements and conversations views are available in English, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. To learn more, visit the Google Realtime Search info page. Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
Do You Suffer From BlindWebsititis? Posted: 29 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT
What Is BlindWebsititis? BlindWebsititis is what happens to websites when those in charge of their content don’t come right out and say exactly what every page is all about. Instead, they use only corporate jargon, non-descriptive copy, or – in acute cases – no copy at all. It’s a horrible condition that affects hundreds of thousands of websites every year. Sadly, the pain of BlindWebsititis goes well beyond the hurt to the website itself; it often spreads to site visitors who have to try to guess what the company offers. Even search engines aren’t spared from BlindWebsititis. Their symptoms include the miscategorization of the afflicted websites because there’s no way for them to assign relevant keywords. Rather than dealing with the pain of BlindWebsititis, many users click away from infected sites as quickly as possible, in search of healthier ones that clearly say what they’re offering. Causes of BlindWebsititis This condition is so widespread that intensive research has gone into determining the possible causes. One major cause is the proprietary prose that companies use internally to discuss their offerings. While using company jargon within the walls of a business is not unhealthy in and of itself, when it makes its way to the website, it often turns into BlindWebsititis. Companies tend to forget that for every person who knows exactly what they do, there may be 20 others who don’t. BlindWebsititis Immunity While BlindWebsititis has been spreading like the flu, research finds that some websites are immune. What gives them this amazing immunity? These companies are interested only in visitors who seek them out by brand name. It turns out that search engines use a special “immunized algorithm” that protects branded searches from coming down with the condition. The Worst Cases Sadly, companies who seek to gain new customers from the search engines – that is, people looking for their type of product or service who don’t already know that the company exists – are hurt the most by BlindWebsititis. These companies often stop growing, and in many cases premature death is inevitable. The Cure For critical cases of BlindWebsititis, companies must immediately take action! The first step is to let people who’ve never heard of them know that they’re in the right place. Because it’s widely accepted that people using search engines are generally searching for stuff, they are typically pleased when they find their information quickly and easily. The cure with the fewest number of side effects is to display this The Recovery Research into BlindWebsititis has shown that clarity on every page results in the best recovery rate because there is no beginning, middle, or end to any website. Because each page is a gateway to the rest of the site, when one page is afflicted, the rest are too. Adding clear content to all pages tells users that they’ve found what they’re looking for, which leaves BlindWebsititis with no further mode of attack. In fact, it’s been found that just adding a short, descriptive summary to the top of every page can cure BlindWebsititis immediately. (However, the cure has a longer recovery period for search engines if they have to re-index the previously afflicted pages.) The Active Ingredients Best results have been noted when the site creator uses keyword phrases in the most natural manner possible. This means users don’t have to think too hard, which boosts their own immune response to the affliction. Descriptive web writing provides complete information to search engine visitors who don’t know anything about the company or its products and services. Beware of a Relapse! While BlindWebsititis may seem to be cured on websites when a paragraph of text is added below the fold (rather than at the top), the affliction still exists, albeit in a dormant state. It may not affect search engines in this form, but because users often don’t look below the fold, they continue to feel the pain. Their suffering often takes the form of scratching their heads in wonderment. The resulting itchiness can become acute if the copy at the bottom of the page is keyword stuffed or slightly hidden with gray text and is suddenly noticed by the Is Your Website Afflicted? To see if your website has BlindWebsititis, take a look at it with fresh eyes. Perform usability tests with people who are not already familiar with your company and see if they can tell what you offer within a short amount of time. If they are confused or have to click around to your About Us page, then you have some work to do. Luckily, you’ll see great benefits when you completely cure BlindWebsititis by clearly describing your products and services. Benefits include increased search engine rankings, more targeted visitors, a decreased bounce rate, and higher conversions and sales. Jill Whalen, CEO of High Rankings and co-founder of SEMNE, has been performing SEO services since 1995. Jill is the host of the High Rankings Advisor newsletter and the High Rankings SEO forum. If you’ve lost search engine traffic and would like Jill to determine what the problem might be, fill out the contact form at and mention it in the “Business Goals” section. She can review most sites that have Google Analytics installed for a one-time $600 fee. Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
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