ScienceDaily Technology Headlines
for the Week of August 22 to August 29, 2010
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Posted 2010-08-28:
- Tiny logo demonstrates advanced display technology using nano-thin metal sheets
- Secrets of the gecko foot help robot climb
- Medicine reaches the target with the help of magnets
- Surgical robot could be used for long-distance regional anesthesia
Posted 2010-08-28:
- Distant star's sound waves reveal cycle similar to the sun's
- New model to help organize, keep private 'vast ocean' of social network data
- Shrinking atmospheric layer linked to low levels of solar radiation
- NASA's Kepler mission discovers two planets transiting same star
- Prediction of intrinsic magnetism at silicon surfaces could lead to single-spin magnetoelectronics
- NASA's SOFIA will likely help solve mysteries about our galaxy
- Scientists concerned about environmental impact of recycling of e-waste
- First 3-D atomic view of key genetic processes
- 'Greening' your flat screen TV: Engineers develop an organic LED light source for home electronics, medicine and clean energy
- Ten years flying in formation: The legendary Cluster quartet
Posted 2010-08-27:
- Some asteroids live in own little worlds
- Tofu ingredient yields formaldehyde-free glue for plywood and other wood products
- 'Dry water' could make a big splash commercially, help fight global warming
- Cement, the glue that holds oyster families together
- WISE space telescope captures the Unicorn's Rose
- Why do consumers disclose sensitive information to shady-looking websites?
- Electricity collected from the air could become the newest alternative energy source
- When galaxies collide: How the first super-massive black holes were born
- Trouble with sputter? Blame giant nanoparticles
- Supercomputers help track species affected by Gulf oil spill
Posted 2010-08-26:
- Solar System may be 2 million years older than we thought, meteorite analysis suggests
- Strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements
- New test allows individualized profiles of cigarette smoking
- Seeing the world with new eyes: Biosynthetic corneas restore vision in humans
- Microneedle, quantum dot study opens door to new clinical cancer tools
- Juicing up laptops and cell phones with soda pop or vegetable oil?
- Glorious gadolinium gives flash memory a future
- Nanobiotechnology-manipulated light particles used to accelerate algae growth
- Half-a-loaf method can improve magnetic memories
- Researchers zero in on protein that destroys HIV
- Secrets of scents: Designing the smells that sell household products
Posted 2010-08-25:
- 'Spintronics' breakthrough holds promise for next-generation computers
- New cardiac imaging device pioneered
- LEDs promise brighter future, not necessarily greener
- A surfboard gets an onboard computer
- New generation of power: Hi-tech rechargeable batteries developed for military
- Solar system similar to ours? Richest planetary system discovered
- Understanding rider bahavior key to keeping amusement park rides safe and enjoyable
- New nuclear breast imaging technologies associated with higher cancer risks, study finds
- Americans using less energy, more renewables
- Pulverized planet dust may lie around double stars
- Health diagnosis made simpler: Bioengineers design device to help detect diseases quickly
- Math from the heart: Simulating stent design and coating
- Historic buildings may be better protected from climate change with new forecast method
- Scientists help explain graphene mystery
Posted 2010-08-24:
- Fermi detects gamma-rays from exploding nova
- Drugging the undruggable: Advances toward next generation of disease fighters
- New atom-scale products on horizon: Breakthrough discovery enables nanoscale manipulation of piezoelectric effect
- 200-fold boost in fuel cell efficiency advances 'personalized energy systems'
- Cluster bomb for cancer care: Nano-vehicle delivers chemotherapy treatments on target
- New technology may prolong the life of implanted devices, from pacemakers to chemotherapy ports
- Powerful new way to control magnetism: Colossal magnetoelectricity points the way to ultra-dense data storage
- Titanium coating with protein 'flower bouquet' nanoclusters strengthens implant attachment
- Making vehicles safer
- Young people identify with an online community almost as strongly as with their own family
- Self-cleaning technology from Mars can keep terrestrial solar panels dust free
- Better way to grow stem cells developed
- Researchers advance understanding of enzyme that regulates DNA
- DNA puts chemists on scent of better artificial nose
- The future of the Web is a matter of semantics
- Ancient galaxy cluster still producing stars
- Road signs and traffic signals on DNA: Physical model describes the distribution of nucleosome
Posted 2010-08-23:
- Researchers take a look inside molecules
- Nanotech yields major advance in heat transfer, cooling technologies
Posted 2010-08-22:
- Nanoscale DNA sequencing could spur revolution in personal health care
- Hydrogen causes metal to break
Posted 2010-08-21:
- Nanoscale inhomogeneities in superconductors explained
- Galactic 'super-volcano' in action
- Widespread floating plastic debris found in the western North Atlantic Ocean
- Input-output trade-offs found in human information processing
- NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter reveals 'incredible shrinking moon'
- Scientist IDs genes that promise to make biofuel production more efficient, economical
Posted 2010-08-20:
- Astronomers use galactic magnifying lens to probe elusive dark energy
- How much mass makes a black hole? Astronomers challenge current theories
- Brightness on fluorescent probes used to monitor biological activities of individual proteins increased
- Internet access at home increases the likelihood that adults will be in relationships, study finds
- Extreme darkness: Carbon nanotube forest covers ultra-dark detector
- New computer model advances climate change research
- HVAC ducts can be used for wireless monitoring technology
- Why implant coatings detach: Nanocorrosion causes implants to fail
- Smart materials: Fully reversible functionalization of inorganic nanotubes
Posted 2010-08-19:
- Cosmic accelerators discovered in our galaxy
- Roller coaster superconductivity discovered
- Scientists closer to finding what causes the birth of a fat cell
- Paving 'slabs' that clean the air
- Future air travel: Quieter, cleaner and more environmentally friendly?
- Eclipsing pulsar promises clues to crushed matter
- High definition diagnostic ultrasonics on the nanoscale
- Clothing to power personal computers
- Astronaut muscles waste in space: Safety for future Mars missions questioned
- Elementary particles star in new 'dance movie'
- How to reduce UK transport carbon emissions by 76 per cent by 2050
Posted 2010-08-18:
- Raising mountains on Saturn's moon Titan
- Data storage: World record data density for ferroelectric recording
- New system developed to test and evaluate high-energy laser weapons
- Major hurdle cleared for organic solar cells
- Many Americans are still clueless on how to save energy
- Preschoolers use statistics to understand others
- Tantalizing clues as to why matter prevails in the universe: Surprisingly large matter/antimatter asymmetry discovered
- MRSA-killing paint created
- IBEX spacecraft reveals surprising details of solar system
- Cassini bags Enceladus 'Tigers'
- Probabilistic modeling of verbal autopsy data is best for public health decision making, study finds
- New method for estimating cost of small hydropower projects
Posted 2010-08-17:
- New microneedle antimicrobial techniques may foster medical tech innovation
- 15,000 beams of light: Pens that write with light offer low-cost, rapid nanofabrication capabilities
- Probing the nanoparticle: Predicting how nanoparticles will react in the human body
- Solution to beading-saliva mystery has practical purposes
- Making sense of space dust: Researchers explore solar system's origins
- Drugs encased in nanoparticles travel to tumors on the surface of immune-system cells
- Pushing the limits of 3D TV technology
- Evidence of new solar activity from observations of aurora in New Zealand
- Car lighting makeover impacts feel of safety and style
- Branding in a new light
Posted 2010-08-16:
Posted 2010-08-15:
Posted 2010-08-14:
- Implantable silk metamaterials could advance biomedicine, biosensing
- New nanoscale transistors allow sensitive probing inside cells
- Extended solar minimum linked to changes in sun's conveyor belt
- Magnetic molecular machines deliver drugs to unhealthy cells
- Wax, soap clean up obstacles to better batteries
- Teaching robot helps children to use wheelchair
- Fermi detects 'shocking' surprise from supernova's little cousin
- Industrial production of biodiesel feasible within 15 years, researchers predict
- Wireless tire pressure monitoring systems in cars may compromise privacy, pose security threat
- Federal nuclear waste panel overlooks public mistrust, experts say
- Asteroid found in gravitational 'dead zone' near Neptune
- Hexagonal boron nitride sheets may help graphene supplant silicon
Posted 2010-08-13:
- Scientists outline a 20-year master plan for the global renaissance of nuclear energy
- Video quality less important when you're enjoying what you're watching
- Ambitious survey spots stellar nurseries
- Popping cells surprise living circuits creators
- Arctic rocks offer new glimpse of primitive Earth
- Giant ultraviolet rings found in resurrected galaxies
- Faster DNA analysis at room temperature
- Texas petrochemical emissions down, but still underestimated, says study
- Breakthrough in blinking molecules phenomenon
- Micromachines for a safer world
Posted 2010-08-12:
- Dark-matter search plunges physicists to new depths
- Perseid meteor shower set to dazzle
- Electrons in motion
- Scientists achieve highest-resolution MRI of the inside of a magnet
- Best way to pour champagne? 'Down the side' wins first scientific test
- Energy storage system deals with sudden draws on the grid
- Advance toward earlier detection of melanoma
- Innovation could bring super-accurate sensors, crime forensics
- Send in the clouds: NASA's CloudSat sees clouds' effect on climate by studying them from space
- Scientists show there's nothing boring about watching paint dry
- Bacteria from hot springs reveal clues to evolution of early life and to unlock biofuels' potential
- Students' understanding of the equal sign not equal, professor says
- Better displays ahead
- Electron transport: Study of electron orbits in multilayer graphene finds unexpected energy gaps
- Optical imaging technique for angioplasty
- Motion-tracking technology reduces injuries for older adults
- New sensor technology to make it easier and safer for spacecraft to rendezvous and dock to International Space Station
- WISE spacecraft warming up
Posted 2010-08-11:
- Buried silver nanoparticles improve organic transistors
- Neurochip technology developed: Advances to further brain research of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
- World's tiniest mirror
- College undergrads study ineffectively on computers, study finds: Students transfer bad study habits from paper to screen
- Plastic computer memory device that utilizes electron spin to read and write data: Alternative to traditional semiconductors
- New strategy to fix a broken heart: Scaffold supports stem cell-derived cardiac muscle cells
- Cold atoms image microwave fields
- Brain's wiring: More like the Internet than a pyramid?
- EEG predicts response to medication for schizophrenia
- Help from the dark side: Using 'dark channel' fluorescence, scientists can explain how biochemical substances carry out their function
Posted 2010-08-10:
- Turning down the noise in graphene
- Fresh insight into the origins of Planet Earth
- New methods, new math speed detection of drug-resistant malaria
- Compact microscope a marvel: Matches performance of expensive lab gear in diagnosing TB
- Prosthesis with information at its fingertips: Hand prosthesis that eases phantom pain
- Engineers use rocket science to make wastewater treatment sustainable
- Robots created that develop emotions in interaction with humans
- Kinked nanopores slow DNA passage for easier sequencing
- Highly directional terahertz laser rays created: Semiconductor laser suitable for security screening, chemical sensing and astronomy
- Spin ice used to examine exotic properties of magnetic systems
- Scientists post lower speed limit for cell-signaling protein assembly
- Telemedicine for maintaining health of oil rig workers
- Africa cell phone boom beneficial -- but schools, roads, power, water remain critical needs
- Cricket Legend Bradman Stands Test of Time
Posted 2010-08-09:
- Rushing too fast to online learning? Outcomes of Internet versus face-to-face instruction
- NASA's great observatories witness a galactic spectacle
Posted 2010-08-08:
- Mimicking the moon's surface in the basement
- Timely technology sees tiny transitions
- Nuclear physicists study 'magic' nature of tin
Posted 2010-08-07:
- Selenium makes more efficient solar cells
- Reading zip codes of 3,500-year-old letters: Non-destructive X-ray scanning of archaeological finds
- Robot climbs walls
- 'Asynchronous telepsychiatry' found effective for assessing patients' mental health
- Artificial bee eye gives insight into insects’ visual world
- Nanofluidic 'multi-tool' separates and sizes nanoparticles
Posted 2010-08-06:
- Quantum networks advance with entanglement of photons, solid-state qubits
- Computer scientists build 'pedestrian remover'
- Unprecedented look at oxide interfaces reveals unexpected structures on atomic scale
- Physicists use offshoot of string theory to describe puzzling behavior of superconductors
- Seeing a stellar explosion in 3D
- Invisibility cloak advance: New findings promising for 'transformation optics'
- Taking the twinkle out of the night sky: Breakthrough in adaptive optics
- Fast forensic test can match suspects' DNA with crime samples in four hours
- Gaming for a cure: Computer gamers tackle protein folding
- For the first time ever, scientists watch an atom's electrons moving in real time
Posted 2010-08-05:
- Discovery of Saturn’s auroral heartbeat
- Cells use water in nano-rotors to power energy conversion
- Thought-controlled prosthetic limb system to be tested on human subjects
- Green laser pointer hazard: High infrared power levels found in some green lasers
- Physicists develop model that pushes limits of quantum theory, relativity
- Fluorescent probe for oral cancer
- Americans take more risks when they drive the nation's rural highways, new study says
- Dark matter may be lurking at heart of the sun
- New diagnostic chip able to generate single-cell molecular 'fingerprints' for brain tumors
- Nemesis for oil spills: Bacterial technology may help clean up Gulf
- Generating energy from ocean waters off Hawaii
- Latest findings in CT radiation dose reduction efforts
- New inexpensive solar cell design
- NASA's hibernating Mars rover may not call home
- Molecules delivering drugs as they walk
- 'Virtual mates' reveal role of romance in parrot calls
- High resolution stereo color imager selected for Mars mission
- New tagging technique enhances view of living cells
Posted 2010-08-04:
- Discovering life-bearing planets: Scientists take a step closer
- Pilot safety protocol could help dentists reduce errors
- Iron oxide nanoparticles becoming tools for brain tumor imaging and treatment
- Behind the secrets of silk lie high-tech opportunities
- Silicon can be made to melt in reverse
- Pathological Internet use among teens may lead to depression
- Aurora alert: The Sun is waking up
- New catalyst of platinum nanoparticles could lead to conk-out free, stable fuel cells
- Universal law for material evolution found
- Crowd control and traffic problems: Mutually entangled social, economic, and technological systems under investigation
Posted 2010-08-03:
- New solar energy conversion process could double solar efficiency of solar cells
- Instruments selected for Mars
- Nano 'pin art': Arrays are step toward mass production of nanowires
- Unique light-activated membrane acts like a traffic signal for gas
- When screen time becomes a pain
- Martian dust devil whirls into Opportunity's view
- Body of evidence: New fast, reliable method to detect gravesoil
Posted 2010-08-02:
- 'Sea urchin'-shaped nanostructures grown in the lab
- Reading terrorists minds about imminent attack: Brain waves correlate to guilty knowledge in mock terrorism scenarios
- Ultra-strong interaction between light and matter realized: One more step on the path to quantum computers
Posted 2010-08-01:
- Blowing in the wind: Cassini helps with dune whodunit on Saturn's moon Titan
- Decontaminating dangerous drywall
- Some like it hot: How to heat a 'nano bathtub'
- Breaking the language barrier: Language translation devices for US troops tested
Posted 2010-07-31:
- How not to blow up a molecule
- Rocks on Mars may provide link to evidence of living organisms roughly 4 billion years ago
- Brown dwarf found orbiting a young sun-like star
- Fluorescent biosensor to aid in drug development
- Best hope for saving Arctic sea ice is cutting soot emissions, say researchers
- Graphene exhibits bizarre new behavior well suited to electronic devices
- Polarstern expedition: Autonomous underwater vehicle dives under the Arctic ice
Posted 2010-07-30:
- Laboratory in microdrops: Credit card-size microflow system handles thousands of experiments
- Sensing wind speed with kites
- Brilliant star in a colorful neighborhood
- Quantum fractals at the border of magnetism
- Planets found in unusually intimate dance around dying star
- NASA simulates space exploration at remote Arctic crater site
- Can't place that face?
- Quantum phenomenon observed: Atoms form organized structure from unorganized one
- New tool for improving switchgrass
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