ScienceDaily Health Headlines
for the Week of August 22 to August 29, 2010
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Posted 2010-08-28:
- Liver cells created from patients' skin cells
- Mumps vaccine coverage should be improved, study finds
- Exposure to low doses of BPA alters gene expression in the fetal mouse ovary
- Anguish of romantic rejection may be linked to stimulation of areas of brain related to motivation, reward and addiction
- Medicine reaches the target with the help of magnets
- Surgical robot could be used for long-distance regional anesthesia
- Scientists unveil structure of adenovirus, the largest high-resolution complex ever found
- Fluoride in water prevents adult tooth loss, study suggests
- Sodium MRI gives new insights into detecting osteoarthritis
- How badly does it hurt? Research examines the biomedical diagnosis of pain
Posted 2010-08-28:
- Baby's first full diaper can reveal mother's smoking
- Rectal cancer rates are rising in young individuals, analysis finds
- Autism and schizophrenia: Family history may not always be a good indicator
- Moms who don't breastfeed more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, study finds
- Grapefruit's bitter taste holds a sweet promise for diabetes therapy
- Vaccine has cut child cases of bacterial pneumonia, says study
- Experimental treatments for cocaine addiction may prevent relapse
- Frog skin may provide 'kiss of death' for antibiotic-resistant germs
- Neuron-damaging mechanism discovered in mouse model of inherited ALS
- Smoking can increase depressive symptoms in teens, study finds
- Secondhand smoke may provoke inflammatory response in lungs
- Artificial enzyme removes natural poison
- Researchers closer to development of drug to prevent deadly immune response
- Our best and worst moments occur within social relationships, research shows
- Vitamin A increases the presence of HIV in breast milk, studies suggest
- Attention, couch potatoes! Walking boosts brain connectivity, function
- Analysis of Ashkenazi Jewish genomes reveals diversity, history
- Macrophages: The 'defense' cells that help throughout the body
- Genetic rarity found: A mutation that restores health
- Two heads are better than one -- with the right partner
- First 3-D atomic view of key genetic processes
- Acidity regulates cell membrane synthesis
- Researchers urge reclassification of traumatic brain injury as chronic disease
- Adulteration of milk products and pet food with melamine underscores weaknesses of traditional methods, experts say
- Students need help to save money, but don't always know it, study finds
Posted 2010-08-27:
- Nerve cell production linked to memory in humans
- Healthy ears hear the first sound, ignoring the echoes, barn owl study finds
- More research needed on cardiovascular disease in Asian-Americans, experts say
- Child abuse declines nationally in U.S. in spite of economic deterioration, study finds
- Toward safer foods for human consumption with anthrax protection
- Fat distribution plays a role in weight loss success in patients at risk of diabetes
- 'Legacy of Katrina' report details impact of stalled recovery on mental health status of children
- Use the common cold virus to target and disrupt cancer cells?
- A moment on the lips, a year on the hips
- Supplement produces a 'striking' endurance boost
- Early diagnosis of degenerative brain disorders: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy can distinguish between neurological diseases in patients without clear symptoms
- Federal school lunches -- but not breakfasts -- linked to childhood obesity, research finds
- Insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes linked to plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease
- How the brain shifts between sleep/awake states under anesthesia
- Advanced melanoma: New targeted therapy successful in more than 80 percent of patients
- Banana plantain fibers could treat Crohn's disease, research suggests
- Gene therapy to treat epilepsy a step closer
- Buzz off: Popular insect repellents pack a powerful 'one-two' punch
- Applying stem cell technology to liver diseases
- Sad mothers have small babies, rural Bangladesh study finds
- BPA and testosterone levels: First evidence for small changes in men
- Waiting for the right moment: Bacterial pathogens delay their entry into cells
- Gene involved in Fuchs corneal dystrophy is found
- Doctors' religious beliefs strongly influence end-of-life decisions, study finds
- Structural basis for autism disorders
- Copy number variation found to cause rare kidney disease
- Mothers abused by partners see decline in mental health even after relationship ends
- 10-fold rise in obesity surgery in England since 2000
- Common blood changes not independent predictor of adverse outcomes for kidney disease patients, study finds
Posted 2010-08-26:
- Freeze or run? Not that simple: Scientists discover neural switch that controls fear
- Cold salt water reduces damage in heart attack patients
- Antiviral gene helps suppress jumping of AIDS viruses between host species
- New test allows individualized profiles of cigarette smoking
- Spouses do not grow more alike, study finds
- Seeing the world with new eyes: Biosynthetic corneas restore vision in humans
- New mechanism of memory formation discovered
- Microneedle, quantum dot study opens door to new clinical cancer tools
- Up to one in four patients reports more physical problems a year after surgery than before
- Major moral decisions use general-purpose brain circuits to manage uncertainty
- Migraine sufferers have higher risk of dying from heart disease and stroke, research finds
- Putting the squeeze on Alzheimer's
- Cognitive behavior therapy improves symptom control in adult ADHD
- Alcohol dependence damages both episodic memory and awareness of memory
- Painkilling system in brain: Too much of a good thing?
- Waiting for the right moment: Bacterial pathogens delay their entry into cells
- Did ancient coffee houses lay the groundwork for modern consumerism?
- Researchers zero in on protein that destroys HIV
- Secrets of scents: Designing the smells that sell household products
- Chronic drinking can disrupt circadian rhythms
- Oxytocin makes people trusting, but not gullible, study suggests
- Exercising restores sensitivity of neurons that make one feel full
- New evidence on how cranberry juice fights bacteria that cause urinary tract infections
- Minor kidney damage in people with type 1 diabetes leads to increased mortality
- Disasters especially tough on people with disabilities, mental disorders
- 'TIMely' intervention for asthma
- Emerging questions about the mechanisms that control muscle
- Hydrophobic proteins: Potential biomarkers for colorectal cancer
- New mechanism behind cellular energy conversion discovered
- Who are you calling 'hipster'? Consumers defy labels and stereotypes
Posted 2010-08-25:
- New cardiac imaging device pioneered
- Salmon baby food? Babies need omega-3s and a taste for fish, scientist says
- Study compares risk with two diabetes drugs
- Moderate drinking: Health benefits or not?
- Human umbilical cord blood cells aid lab animal brain cell survival after simulated stroke
- Genetic link discovered between immune system, Parkinson's disease
- No laughing matter: Laughter can play key role in group dynamics
- Widely used herbicide, atrazine, causes prostate inflammation in male rats and delays puberty
- Gene responsible for neurodegenerative disease in dogs, possibly in humans, discovered
- Radiologists call for national strategy to address medical imaging overuse
- Why making our own choices is more satisfying when pleasure is the goal
- Reshaping the gut microbiome could herald new treatments for bowel diseases
- Understanding rider bahavior key to keeping amusement park rides safe and enjoyable
- New nuclear breast imaging technologies associated with higher cancer risks, study finds
- Sign language speakers' hands, mouths operate separately
- Vitamin D found to influence over 200 genes, highlighting links to disease
- Health diagnosis made simpler: Bioengineers design device to help detect diseases quickly
- Nicotine binding to receptor linked to breast cancer cell growth
- Math from the heart: Simulating stent design and coating
- Alcohol-based hand disinfectants improve business productivity, study finds
- Promising target for developing treatments against Parkinson's disease
- Autism and mental retardation connected with APC protein
- Stress of freshman year can trigger eating disorders for some young people
- Eating berries may activate the brain's natural housekeeper for healthy aging
- Dogs may not be' man’s best friend' during hay fever season
- Genetic variation linked to lupus in Asian men identified
- Organizations learn more from failure than success, study finds; Knowledge gained from failure lasts longer
- Potential HIV drug keeps virus out of cells
- Alcohol intake increases certain types of breast cancer, study finds
- Decade-long trial confirms benefts of steroid withdrawal for transplant patients
- 'Media detective' tool empowers children to skirt alcohol and tobacco marketing messages
- American women view STD vaccine positively, survey finds
- Why do consumer loyalty rewards programs need careful crafting?
- Treating customers as online equals boosts business, research finds
Posted 2010-08-24:
- Diabetes can cause a sugar coating that smothers body's immune defences, researchers find
- Polyphenol antioxidants inhibit iron absorption
- Function of proteins can enhance the progression of viruses and cancer cells
- Drugging the undruggable: Advances toward next generation of disease fighters
- 'Hookups' can turn into meaningful relationships, study suggests
- Drink water to curb weight gain? Clinical trial confirms effectiveness of simple appetite control method
- Body clock drugs could ease psychiatric disorders and jet lag
- Low bone mineral density common in children and teenagers with inflammatory bowel disease
- Maslow Updated: Reworking of the famous psychological pyramid of needs puts parenting at the top
- Cluster bomb for cancer care: Nano-vehicle delivers chemotherapy treatments on target
- New technology may prolong the life of implanted devices, from pacemakers to chemotherapy ports
- Do-gooders get voted off island first: People don't really like unselfish colleagues, psychologists find
- Rheumatoid arthritis signaling protein reverses Alzheimer's disease in mouse model
- Titanium coating with protein 'flower bouquet' nanoclusters strengthens implant attachment
- HIV virus hides in the brain, Swedish study finds
- Young people identify with an online community almost as strongly as with their own family
- Ancient Chinese medicine may help chemotherapy patients
- New study finds new connection between yoga and mood
- Worldwide shortage of isotopes for medical imaging could threaten quality of patient care
- Better way to grow stem cells developed
- Delaying fat digestion to curb appetite
- Researchers advance understanding of enzyme that regulates DNA
- Gene scan finds link across array of childhood brain disorders
- Bottled tea beverages may contain fewer polyphenols than brewed tea
- Language as a window into sociability
- Novel 'antisense' therapies protect primates from lethal Ebola and Marburg viruses
- Electrifying findings: New ways of boosting healthful antioxidant levels in potatoes
- Difficulty swallowing a sign of poor prognosis among hospitalized patients
- Street outreach workers an important tool for violence prevention and intervention
- Protein made by breast cancer gene purified
- Molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of asthma illuminated
- Road signs and traffic signals on DNA: Physical model describes the distribution of nucleosome
- Use of decision-aid program increases safety for women experiencing abuse, researchers find
Posted 2010-08-23:
- 'Rotten eggs' gas and inflammation in arthritic joints
- Avian influenza virus may persist on feathers fallen from domestic ducks
- New compound may be effective against Chagas' disease
- Oxytocin: It’s a Mom and Pop Thing
- New understanding of the 'flight-or-fight' response
- Contrary to popular models, sugar is not burned by self-control tasks
- New twist on drug screening to treat common childhood cancer
- Fear of falling linked to future falls in older people
Posted 2010-08-22:
- Nanoscale DNA sequencing could spur revolution in personal health care
- Virus may act as 'evolution-proof' biopesticide against malaria
- Newly identified RNA sequence is key in microRNA processing
- Today's superheroes send wrong image to boys, say researchers
- Researchers identify two FDA approved drugs that may fight HIV
- New targets for anti-angiogenesis drugs revealed
- Drug addicts get hooked via prescriptions, keep using 'to feel like a better person,' research shows
Posted 2010-08-21:
- Autism linked to multisensory integration
- Frozen flies may yield secrets for human organ transplants
- Smart fungus disarms plant, animal and human immunity
- Innovative imaging system may boost speed and accuracy in treatment of heart rhythm disorder
- Male menopause affects more than five million men
- Cigarette smoke causes harmful changes in the lungs even at the lowest levels, study finds
- Diabetes risk in children increases risk for weak bones
- Blood pressure drugs could help fight frailty, experiments show
- Victims of bullying suffer academically as well, psychologists report
- Natural lung material is promising scaffold for engineering lung tissue using embryonic stem cells
- Blood stem cell, leukemia link illuminated in new study
- Italian youths who drink with meals are less often adult problem-drinkers
- Earliest steps of common form of muscular dystrophy pinpointed
- Old drug holds promise against opportunistic lung bug
- Input-output trade-offs found in human information processing
- Homework wars: How can parents improve the odds of winning?
- Stomach bacteria need vitamin to establish infection, research finds
- Secrets of 'magic' antidepressant revealed
- Green leafy vegetables reduce diabetes risk, study finds
- Link between walking, cycling and health
- Brain gene expression changes when honey bees go the distance
- Scientists pry new information from disease-causing, shellfish-borne bacterium
- Cervical cancer: Drug and radiotherapy treatment saves lives, researchers find
- Male scientists regret parenthood decisions more than female counterparts, sociologist finds
- Human neural stem cells restore motor function in mice with chronic spinal cord injury
- Genetics underlie formation of body's back-up bypass vessels
- Proof that a gut-wrenching complaint -- irritable bowel syndrome -- is not in your head
- New biological find gives consequences for doping offence
- Workplace wellness plan saves money over the long-term, new study shows
Posted 2010-08-20:
- Prenatal exposure to pesticides linked to attention problems in children
- Dogs' family status depends on family's locale
- Common hypertension drugs can raise blood pressure in certain patients
- Binge drinking increases death risk in men with high blood pressure
- With muscle-building treatment, mice live longer even as tumors grow
- Breast cancer survivors don't need to be afraid of air travel, study suggests
- Brain network links cognition, motivation
- Targeting hit-and-run cancer viruses
- Gender bender: Do gender knee implants provide better outcomes?
- Six-year-olds with squint less likely to be invited to birthday parties, study suggests
- A cure for HIV could be all in the 'mix'
- Moderate drinking, especially wine, associated with better cognitive function
- Overweight American children and adolescents becoming fatter
- Internet access at home increases the likelihood that adults will be in relationships, study finds
- Discovery may aid search for anti-aging drugs: Gene's action may help explain why restricting diet lengthens life in animals
- Surprise in genome structure linked to developmental diseases
- Stress in middle age could contribute to late-life dementia
- Thymus cells transform into skin cells in Swiss laboratory
- Even modest weight gain can harm blood vessels, researchers find
- Drug-eluting stents confirmed safe, effective for long-term use, study suggests
- Headaches in teens tied to overweight, smoking and lack of exercise
- Study shows gene's role in developing and maintaining cells key for a lifetime of memories
- Why implant coatings detach: Nanocorrosion causes implants to fail
- Brain connections break down as we age, study suggests
- Study explains why Alzheimer's drug is both safe and effective
- Long-term entecavir therapy reverses fibrosis and cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis B patients
- Antidepressant can help treat major depression during perimenopause, menopause, study shows
Posted 2010-08-19:
- Choosing healthier protein-rich foods instead of red and processed meats may reduce heart disease
- Meningitis research breakthrough could save children’s lives
- Scientists closer to finding what causes the birth of a fat cell
- Paving 'slabs' that clean the air
- Women with osteoporosis suffer more if they have previously broken a bone, say scientists
- Early life influences risk for psychiatric disorders
- Vitamin D may treat or prevent allergy to common mold
- Breakthrough gene therapy prevents retinal degeneration
- SSRIs may pack more punch at the cellular level than believed
- Men more likely to cheat if they are economically dependent on their female partners, study finds
- Acupuncture not superior to sham acupuncture in knee osteoarthritis, study finds
- Smokers trying to give up: Don't stop thinking about cigarettes
- New link found between inflammation and cancer
- Why drunk drivers may get behind the wheel
- Novel diabetes hope comes from Chinese herbs
- Women who drink beer more likely to develop psoriasis
- Deaf, hard-of-hearing students perform first test of sign language by cell phone
- People who cannot escape a system are likely to defend the status quo, study finds
- Astronaut muscles waste in space: Safety for future Mars missions questioned
- Repairing spinal cord injury with manipulated neural stem cells
- Integrative body-mind training (IBMT) meditation found to boost brain connectivity
- Cause of immune system avoidance of certain pathogens discovered
- Antagonistic people may increase heart attack, stroke risk
- Accomplice in breast cancer discovered
- Swimming upstream: Molecular approaches to better understand male infertility
- Skin condition associated with depression, anxiety and suicidal feelings
- Evolution may have pushed humans toward greater risk for type 1 diabetes
- B vitamins and the aging brain examined
- Genetic link to advanced fatty liver disease confirmed by new studies
- Postnatal depression can be prevented by health visitors, study finds
- Researchers challenge myth of the well-adjusted Asian-American
- Consumers need protection from unrealistic claims of home genetic tests, new report states
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