ScienceDaily Health Headlines
for Wednesday, September 22, 2010
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Vitamin D protects against obesity-induced endometrial cancer, study suggests (September 22, 2010) -- Findings from an animal study suggest that obese women can reduce their increased risk of endometrial disease if they take vitamin D supplements. ... > full story
New therapy found for lung and skin cancer, based on suicide gene E (September 22, 2010) -- Scientists have developed a new therapy for the treatment of skin and lung cancer. This therapy involves the use of a suicide coliphage-gene (gene E) that can induce death to cells transfected with it. Their studies have demonstrated that this technique is not only effective in vitro (using tumour cell cultures), but also in vivo through the use of experimental animals in which tumours were induced. ... > full story
Doctor's health habits affect patient counseling (September 22, 2010) -- How well are doctors doing in advising patients to eat better and exercise? It can depend on the physician's own personal habits, according to a new study. Factors that predicted confidence in counseling included the doctor's own exercise time, being overweight, and if the doctor had adequate training in counseling. ... > full story
The Achilles' heel of tendons (September 22, 2010) -- Scientists have found the weak link in tendons -- potential targets for drugs, imaging and therapy. They built a micro-scale civil engineering lab to get the results. ... > full story
Lifelong exercising yields sensational results (September 22, 2010) -- Senior active skiers have twice the oxygen-uptake capacity of seniors who do not exercise. "The findings show that humans have a great potential to maintain a high level of physical work capacity and thereby better quality of life even at advanced ages," says a professor of sports science. ... > full story
First in-human study of robotically assisted percutaneous coronary intervention system demonstrates safety, feasibility (September 22, 2010) -- The first in-human study of a robotically assisted percutaneous coronary intervention system demonstrated that the technique was safe and feasible. ... > full story
Spare the rod, spoil the child? Excessive punishment can have lasting psychological impact on children, researchers say (September 22, 2010) -- Grabbing a child firmly by the arm, yelling and repeatedly punishing him or her may not be without long-terms risks, according to researchers. They are studying how this harsh parenting can impair the emotional development of a child, possibly leading to anxiety disorders such as social phobia, separation anxiety and panic attacks. ... > full story
More accurate method of determining premature infants' risk of illness (September 21, 2010) -- Researchers have developed a revolutionary, noninvasive way of quickly predicting the future health of premature infants, an innovation that could better target specialized medical intervention and reduce health-care costs. ... > full story
Art of dividing: Researchers decode function and protein content of the centrosome (September 21, 2010) -- A basic requirement for growth and life of a multicellular organism is the ability of its cells to divide. Chromosomes in the cells duplicate and are then distributed among the daughter cells. This distribution is organized by a protein complex made up of several hundred different proteins, called the centrosome. In cancer cells, the centrosome often assumes an unnatural shape or is present in uncontrolled numbers. The reasons for this were previously largely unknown. Scientists in Germany have now investigated the functions of the different centrosomal components and report their findings. ... > full story
New sickle cell screening program for college athletes comes with serious pitfalls, experts say (September 21, 2010) -- A leading pediatrician is urging a "rethink" of a new sickle cell screening program, calling it an enlightened but somewhat rushed step toward improving the health of young people who carry the sickle cell mutation. ... > full story
Mixed-use neighborhoods reduce some violent crimes, study says (September 21, 2010) -- Mixed-use neighborhoods that combine residential and business development may help lead to lower levels of some types of violent crime, a new study suggests. The results were just as true in impoverished neighborhoods as they were in more affluent areas, offering one possible way of improving blighted areas, according to the researchers. ... > full story
Higher than predicted human exposure to the toxic chemical bisphenol A or BPA, new study indicates (September 21, 2010) -- Researchers have discovered that women, female monkeys and female mice have major similarities when it comes to how bisphenol A is metabolized, and they have renewed their call for governmental regulation when it comes to the estrogen-like chemical found in many everyday products. ... > full story
Targeted therapy triggers complex mechanism of resistance (September 21, 2010) -- In order for targeted therapies against cancer to be effective, scientists need to understand upfront what related proteins in a signaling "network" makes a cancer cell resistant to a drug and selectively target them as well, say researchers. ... > full story
Hormone oxytocin improves social cognition but only in less socially proficient individuals (September 21, 2010) -- Researchers have found that the naturally-occurring hormone oxytocin selectively improves social cognitive abilities for less socially proficient individuals, but has little effect on those who are more socially proficient. ... > full story
Muscle gene may provide new treatments for obesity and diabetes (September 21, 2010) -- Skeletal muscle enables us to walk, run or play a musical instrument, but it also plays a crucial role in controlling disease. Scientists have now shown how a specific molecule in skeletal muscle regulates energy expenditure, a finding that may lead to new treatments for certain muscle diseases as well as diabetes, obesity and heart disease. ... > full story
New pathway regulates immune balance and offers promising drug development target (September 21, 2010) -- Scientists have identified a new pathway that helps control the immune balance through reciprocal regulation of specialized T lymphocytes, which play very different inflammatory roles. ... > full story
Swallowing disc batteries can cause severe injury in children (September 21, 2010) -- Severe injury to the esophagus can occur after a child swallows a disc battery, according to a new study. ... > full story
Too much TV, video and computer can make teens fatter (September 21, 2010) -- Too much television, video games and Internet can increase body fat in teens. A five-year study has found teenagers have four different patterns of screen use: increasers, decreasers, consistently high and consistently low users. ... > full story
Seasonal flu vaccine lowers risk of first heart attack, study finds (September 21, 2010) -- The seasonal flu vaccine is associated with a 19 percent reduction in the rate of first heart attack and early vaccination in the fall further increases the benefits, found a study published in CMAJ. ... > full story
Study models H1N1 flu spread (September 21, 2010) -- As the United States prepares for the upcoming flu season, a group of researchers continues to model how H1N1 may spread. ... > full story
Overheard cell-phone conversations are not only annoying but reduce our attention (September 21, 2010) -- "Yeah, I'm on my way home." "That's funny." "Uh-huh." "What? No! I thought you were -- " "Oh, OK." Listening to someone talk on a cell phone is very annoying. A new study finds out why: hearing just one side of a conversation is much more distracting than hearing both sides and reduces our attention in other tasks. ... > full story
Pollution takes its toll on the heart (September 21, 2010) -- The fine particles of pollution that hang in the air can increase the risk for sudden cardiac arrest, according to a new study. ... > full story
Yeast holds clues to Parkinson's disease (September 21, 2010) -- Yeast could be a powerful ally in the discovery of new therapeutic drugs to treat Parkinson's disease. Researchers in Portugal are slowly uncovering the molecular basis of Parkinson's disease by studying the associated human protein in yeast cells. ... > full story
Hard-wired for chocolate and hybrid cars? How genetics affect consumer choice (September 21, 2010) -- Clues to consumer behavior may be lurking our genes, according to a new study. The authors discovered that people seem to inherit the following tendencies: to choose a compromise option and avoid extremes; select sure gains over gambles; prefer an easy but non-rewarding task over an enjoyable challenging one; look for the best option available; and prefer utilitarian, clearly needed options (like batteries) over more indulgent ones (gourmet chocolate). ... > full story
Stress accelerates breast cancer progression in mice, researchers find (September 21, 2010) -- Chronic stress acts as a sort of fertilizer that feeds breast cancer progression, significantly accelerating the spread of disease in animal models, researchers have found. ... > full story
US teen hearing loss is much lower than has been widely reported, study shows (September 21, 2010) -- New research from hearing scientists shows that fewer than 20 percent of teenagers in the United States have a hearing loss as a result of exposure to loud sounds, thus offering a different analysis of previously reported data. ... > full story
Abnormal body weight related to increased mortality in colon cancer patients (September 21, 2010) -- Postmenopausal women diagnosed with colon cancer may be at increased risk of death if they fail to maintain a healthy body weight before cancer diagnosis, according to a new study. ... > full story
Low-calorie cheesecake? Why we have trouble estimating calories (September 21, 2010) -- When it comes to estimating calorie counts, Americans aren't really on the ball. According to a new study, this may be because of the order in which we encounter the food. ... > full story
Why thinking of nothing can be so tiring: Brain wolfs energy to stop thinking (September 21, 2010) -- Mathematicians have found that the brain uses a substantial amount of energy to halt the flow of information between neurons. Maybe that's part of the reason thinking of nothing can be so tiring. ... > full story
Compound boosts marijuana-like chemical in the body to relieve pain at injury site (September 21, 2010) -- American and Italian researchers have found that a novel drug allows anandamide -- a marijuana-like chemical in the body -- to effectively control pain at the site of an injury. ... > full story
Breakthrough in drug trial offers hope for heart attack patients (September 21, 2010) -- New findings from a major drug trial have brought experts a step closer to developing a drug which could prevent thousands of deaths from heart attacks. ... > full story
Could learning self-control be enjoyable? (September 21, 2010) -- When it comes to self-control, consumers in the United States are in trouble. But a new study says there's hope; we just need a little help to see self-regulation as fun. ... > full story
Giving aspirin via IV is safe and effective for severe headache, study finds (September 21, 2010) -- A new study shows that aspirin, given intravenously (IV), may be a safe and effective option for people hospitalized for severe headache or migraine, undergoing medication withdrawal. ... > full story
Early prostate cancer detection, screening: No benefit for men with low baseline PSA value, study finds (September 21, 2010) -- Men aged 55-74 years who have low baseline blood levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA) are not likely to benefit from further screening and treatment, according to a new study. ... > full story
Future of football: GPS and miniature accelerometers to better assess player's training load and fitness levels (September 21, 2010) -- A new research project in the UK may have important implications for the world of football (soccer) through the use of new technology such as GPS and miniature accelerometers to better assess a player's training load and fitness levels. ... > full story
Self-management counseling for patients with heart failure does not improve outcomes (September 21, 2010) -- Patients with mild to moderate heart failure who received educational materials and self-management counseling in an attempt to improve adherence to medical advice did not have a reduced rate of death or hospitalization compared to patients who received educational materials alone, according to a new study. ... > full story
Cholesterol drug may have role in treating prostate cancer (September 20, 2010) -- A drug commonly prescribed for people with high cholesterol may also be effective in treating prostate cancer, according to new research. ... > full story
Possible 'persistence' switch for tuberculosis found: Computer model finds probable genetic mechanism for TB dormancy (September 20, 2010) -- A model for the genetic "persistence" switch that toggles tuberculosis bacteria into a dormant state that resists antibiotics and immune system responses is described in a new study. An analysis of stress-response genes in the organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis has allowed bioengineers to zero in on a gene network that appears to help the bacteria ward off attacks. ... > full story
Return troops face both physical and mental challenges: Women suffer from more conditions than men, study finds (September 20, 2010) -- Is the US health system comprehensively meeting the needs of returning veterans? With the recent attention to mental illness in returning soldiers, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in particular, little research has focused on the medical care needs of those returning from Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom, according to experts. ... > full story
New drug a potential treatment for Type 2 diabetes (September 20, 2010) -- Australian scientists have shown that a drug candidate, Lisofylline, could be useful in treating Type 2 diabetes. Researchers tested the anti-inflammatory drug which is undergoing clinical trials for other diseases, on mice being fed high-fat diets. ... > full story
Violent video games increase aggression long after the game is turned off, study finds (September 20, 2010) -- Playing a violent video game can increase aggression, and when a player keeps thinking about the game, the potential for aggression can last for as long as 24 hours, according to a new study. ... > full story
How best to prevent blood clots? Thigh-length surgical stockings, study suggests (September 20, 2010) -- Treating hospital patients with thigh-length surgical stockings, rather than knee-high socks, can reduce life threatening blood clots, a new study suggests. ... > full story
Hyperkinetic disorders in children are on the rise, German study suggests (September 20, 2010) -- Hyperkinetic disorders among children and adolescents are becoming increasingly common, new research suggests. In a new study, scientists in Germany address the question how this has affected the frequency of prescriptions for methylphenidate, a stimulant drug that is used to treat such disorders. ... > full story
Childhood viral infection may be a cause of obesity (September 20, 2010) -- The emerging idea that obesity may have an infectious origin gets new support in a cross-sectional study researchers who found that children exposed to a particular strain of adenovirus were significantly more likely to be obese. ... > full story
Higher incidence of seizures seen in children with H1N1 virus compared to seasonal flu (September 20, 2010) -- A recent study determined that the 2009 pandemic influenza A caused a higher rate of neurological complications in children than the seasonal flu. The most common complications observed were seizures and encephalopathy. This is among the most extensive evaluations of neurological complications following H1N1 flu in children. ... > full story
Serious hockey injuries among young children skyrocketing, study finds (September 20, 2010) -- The incidence of hockey-related injuries among children aged 9 to 14 leading to emergency department visits more than doubled between 1990 and 2006, according to a new nationwide U.S. study. There were 2,935 hockey injuries treated in emergency departments in that age group in 1990, increasing to 7,713 in 2006 -- an increase of 163 percent. ... > full story
Plague researchers race to beat bioterrorists (September 20, 2010) -- Given the many pressing concerns of the day, fear of plague probably isn't what causes most Americans to lose sleep. But for those whose responsibility it is to combat bioterrorism, plague is among the highest priorities. ... > full story
End of microplates? Novel electronic biosensing technology could facilitate new era of personalized medicine (September 20, 2010) -- The multi-welled microplate, long a standard tool in biomedical research and diagnostic laboratories, could become a thing of the past thanks to new electronic biosensing technology developed by a team of microelectronics engineers and biomedical scientists. ... > full story
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