ScienceDaily Top Science Headlines
for the Week of September 19 to September 26, 2010
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Posted 2010-09-25:
- Newly created material resembles cilia
- Kids and diabetes risk: Do chromosomes hold new clues?
- Making bees less busy: Social environment changes internal clocks
- Use of sunless tanning products -- common in teens -- may encourage sun safety in women
- Irish lizards threatened by agriculture
- People are cautious in asking help from their community, online gift exchange study finds
- Taking a new look at old digs: Trampling animals may alter Stone Age sites
- Cell division typically associated with cancer may also protect the liver from injury
- How do you make the perfect sled dog?
- Postoperative high blood sugar appears to be associated with surgical site infection
- New 'light switch' chloride binder developed
- Moving closer to outdoor recreation not a recipe for being more physically active
- Cassini makes first dive inside Saturn’s radio aurora
- Preserving nerve cells in motor neuron disease
- Taking the pulse of coral reefs
- Physical limitations can take a significant toll in breast cancer survivors
- Sensor important to understanding root, seedling development
- Abortion does not cause depression or low self-esteem in adolescents, national U.S. study finds
- Genetically engineered salmon safe to eat, but a threat to wild stocks, expert says
Posted 2010-09-25:
- Ancient Egypt's pyramids: Norwegian researcher unlocks construction secrets
- Researchers create first molecule-blocks key component of cancer genes' on-off switch
- New map offers a global view of health-sapping air pollution
- New findings on multiple sclerosis: Immune cells also attack neurons directly
- A biological solution to animal pandemics
- Psychological pain of Holocaust still haunts survivors
- Mimicking nature, water-based 'artificial leaf' produces electricity
- Botulinum toxin may offer temporary drooling relief in children with neurological disorders
- Stress can control our genes, researchers find
- Cancer researchers discover new signaling pathway that controls cell development and cancer
- Biometric ID technologies 'inherently fallible,' new report finds
- Can't focus? Maybe it's the wrong time of month, finds estrogen study on attention and learning
- 'Coreshine' sheds light on the birth of stars: Astronomers discover a new phenomenon in molecular clouds
- Phantom limbs more common than previously thought
- Arctic soil study turns up surprising results
- Bioreactor could improve treatment for children with 'water on the brain'
- How heating our homes could help reduce climate change
- Video gaming prepares brain for bigger tasks
- Pair of aluminum atomic clocks reveal Einstein's relativity at a personal scale
- New gene associated with increased risk of Alzheimer's disease
- New nanomesh material created: Silicon-based film may lead to efficient thermoelectric devices
- Molecular 'playbook' for halting heart failure risk factor uncovered
- Robotic arm's big flaw: Patients in wheelchairs say it's 'too easy'
- Vitamin C rapidly improves emotional state of acutely hospitalized patients, study suggests
- Acute pain is eased with the touch of a hand, study shows
- 'Synthetic lethality' strategy improves molecularly targeted cancer therapy
- Microbiologists find source of fungus’s damaging growth
- Gene set that shows which patients benefit from chemo after surgery identified
- Less expensive low-temperature catalyst for hydrogen purification discovered
- Stress hormone impacts on alcohol recovery
- Insight into the impacts of too much communication
- Faster, less-intrusive way found to identify transplant recipients' organ rejection
- Computer simulations of real earthquakes made available to worldwide network
- Does race plays a factor in accident survival? Black motorcyclists -- even in helmets -- more likely to die in crashes, study finds
- Magnetic power offers energy-saving alternative
- Teasing about weight can affect pre-teens profoundly, study suggests
- City living helped humans evolve immunity to tuberculosis and leprosy, new research suggests
- Drug against AIDS could be effective against herpesvirus
- Successful sludge-to-power research developed
- Shorter biological marker length in aplastic anemia patients linked to higher relapse, death rates
- Fuel treatments reduce wildfire severity, tree mortality in Washington forests
- Psychotropic medication and youth in foster care report
Posted 2010-09-24:
- Groundwater depletion rate accelerating worldwide
- Scientists uncover process enabling toxoplasmosis parasite to survive homelessness
- Getting off tract: Polyglutamine disease involves other regions of protein
- New light on nonlinearity: Peregrine’s soliton observed at last
- Anger amplifies clinical pain in women with and without fibromyalgia; Sensitizing effect of anger and sadness not limited to fibromyalgia patients
- Extreme conditions deep in Earth's interior recreated
- Manganese in drinking water: Study suggests adverse effects on children's intellectual abilities
- New technique uncovers hidden insecticide resistance in mosquitoes
- Stress resilience returns with feeling for rhythm
- Improved tool developed for cycling fitness
- Current decisions shape your future preferences
- Gulf oil spill's vastness confirmed: Largest marine oil accident ever
- Smoking during pregnancy may harm the child’s motor control and coordination
- Secret of oysters' ability to stick together cracked open
- Normal function of protein, not its build up inside cells, linked to death of neurons
- Ingredient in soap points toward new drugs for infection that affects two billion
- Talking while walking puts Parkinson's patients at risk for falls
- Clues to common food poisoning: Salmonella creates environment in human intestines to foster its own growth
- New target for Alzheimer's disease identified
- Mercury’s comet-like appearance spotted by satellites looking at the Sun
- Putting on the pounds after weight loss? Hit the gym to maintain health gains
- Smartphone app for genes on Earth is tool for scientists and entertaining for all
- Less pain for learning gain: Research offers a strategy to increase learning with less effort
- Ocean cooling contributed to mid-20th century global warming hiatus
- Toward the first nose drops to treat brain cancer
- New species of sea slug discovered
- New bioprosthetic-tissue heart valve for severe aortic stenosis shown to save lives, researchers say
- Building language skills more critical for boys than girls, research suggests
- Earth and Venus Lightning: Similar mechanisms on the two planets
- Preventing infections in the womb: Discovery may pave way for new approaches
- Mice engrafted with human immune cells may provide clues to better prevention and treatment of typhoid fever
- Doctors often overprescribe antibiotics for respiratory infections, Pennsylvania study finds
- Fruit flies help scientists sniff out new insect repellents
- Just two drinks slow reactions in older people, research shows
- Genomic 'haircut' makes world's tiniest genome even smaller
- Acetylation may contribute to dementia and Alzheimer's disease; May lead to new treatments
- Searching in the microbial world for efficient ways to produce biofuel
- Gum disease found to be significant public health concern
- Progress toward terabit-rate high-density recording
- Losing your religion may be unhealthy, research suggests
- Ecologists find new clues on climate change in 150-year-old pressed plants
- Largest genetic study of asthma points towards better treatments
- New computer-tomography method visualizes nano-structure of bones
- Genetic factor in osteoporosis discovered
- A new approach to high-performance catalysts
- China tops world in catch and consumption of fish
- Patients with cancer who stop hospice care
- Everglades restoration program making tangible progress after 10 years; challenges ahead to meet both water quality and quantity goals
- Increased attention to women's health research has yielded gains on some important conditions, but progress lags on others
Posted 2010-09-23:
- New drug could help stop the spread of disease from coughs, researchers believe
- Structure of dangerous bacteria's powerful multidrug resistance pump revealed
- Experiments decipher key piece of the ‘histone code’ in cell division
- Genetic patterns may predict osteoarthritis
- Ultrashort laser ablation enables novel metal films
- Landmark report reveals massive global cost of Alzheimer's: One percent of global GDP -- and growing
- Breaking waves in the Lagoon Nebula
- For sufferers of an early-onset dementia, career choice may determine location of disease in brain
- New luggage inspection methods identify liquid explosives
- Higher dairy calcium intake and increased serum vitamin D are related to greater diet-induced weight loss, Israeli study finds
- Working from home and online shopping can increase carbon emissions, UK report claims
- Inner voice plays role in self control
- Human-powered ornithopter becomes first ever of its kind to achieve sustained flight
- Complex brain landscape controls speech
- Researchers crack cuckoo egg mystery
- Inflammation causes some postsurgical neuropathies
- Seagulls harbor antibiotic resistant bacteria
- Man’s best friend keeps children on the move
- Amazing horned dinosaurs unearthed on 'lost continent'; New discoveries include bizarre beast with 15 horns
- Taste genes predict tooth decay
- Titanium foams replace injured bones
- Children born by IVF perform above average on standardized tests compared to their peers, study suggests
- Cocaine and ecstasy detected in waters of the L'Albufera in Valencia, Spain
- Research sheds light on altruism
- Universal, primordial magnetic fields discovered in deep space
- Stroke gene discovered
- Superconception: European brown hares, while pregnant with one litter, can start a new pregnancy
- Stress before cancer therapy could help deadly cells survive treatment, lead to disease recurrence
- Putting a spin on light and atoms
- Freshman weight gain: Women with heavy roommates gain less, study finds
- Neanderthals more advanced than previously thought: They innovated, adapted like modern humans, research shows
- First explanation of how cells rapidly repair and maintain structure
- Martian methane lasts less than a year
- New fluorescence technique opens window to protein complexes in living cells
- Watching electrons move in real time
- Child rearing practices of distant ancestors foster morality, compassion in kids
- Learning to live on land: How some early plants overcame an evolutionary hurdle
- Vitamin D protects against obesity-induced endometrial cancer, study suggests
- Dancing robot swan triggers emotions
- New therapy found for lung and skin cancer, based on suicide gene E
- First observation of the folding of a nucleic acid
- Doctor's health habits affect patient counseling
- Quantum computing closer than ever: Scientists using lasers to cool and control molecules
- The Achilles' heel of tendons
- Lifelong exercising yields sensational results
- First in-human study of robotically assisted percutaneous coronary intervention system demonstrates safety, feasibility
- Certain doped-oxide ceramics resist Ohm's Law
- Spare the rod, spoil the child? Excessive punishment can have lasting psychological impact on children, researchers say
- Experience, privacy guide how people choose online news
- Positive behavioral interventions programs found to improve student behavior and learning
- Chromium picolinate may lessen inflammation in diabetic nephropathy; Supplement linked to decreased protein in the urine of diabetic mice
- NYC public school students have high levels of access to convenience stores with unhealthy food, study finds
- Terlipressin treatment for gastrointestinal bleeding reduces serum sodium
- Taribavirin offers a safe, effective alternative for chronic hepatitis C, study finds
- New method of chemical analysis: Step towards personalized medicine
Posted 2010-09-22:
- Your body recycling itself -- captured on film
- More accurate method of determining premature infants' risk of illness
- Art of dividing: Researchers decode function and protein content of the centrosome
- New sickle cell screening program for college athletes comes with serious pitfalls, experts say
- Risk of beetle outbreaks rise, along with temperature, in the warming West
- Mixed-use neighborhoods reduce some violent crimes, study says
- Parting the waters: Computer modeling applies physics to Red Sea escape route
- Higher than predicted human exposure to the toxic chemical bisphenol A or BPA, new study indicates
- Earth to have closest encounter with Jupiter until 2022
- Targeted therapy triggers complex mechanism of resistance
- Silent electric vehicles made safer
- Hormone oxytocin improves social cognition but only in less socially proficient individuals
- Martian moon Phobos may have formed by catastrophic blast
- Muscle gene may provide new treatments for obesity and diabetes
- Nanoparticle shaped like Star of David created
- New pathway regulates immune balance and offers promising drug development target
- Swallowing disc batteries can cause severe injury in children
- Too much TV, video and computer can make teens fatter
- Nano antenna concentrates light
- Seasonal flu vaccine lowers risk of first heart attack, study finds
- Marine scientists unveil mysteries of life on undersea mountains
- Study models H1N1 flu spread
- Ability to detect malware in cloud-computing systems improved
- Overheard cell-phone conversations are not only annoying but reduce our attention
- Geckos inspire new method to print electronics on complex surfaces
- Pollution takes its toll on the heart
- Female fish abandoned by males to raise offspring on their own
- Yeast holds clues to Parkinson's disease
- Vigilant camera eye: System analyzes data in real time, flags unusual scenes
- Hard-wired for chocolate and hybrid cars? How genetics affect consumer choice
- Hot atmosphere of Venus might cool interior of Earth’s sister planet
- Stress accelerates breast cancer progression in mice, researchers find
- US teen hearing loss is much lower than has been widely reported, study shows
- Abnormal body weight related to increased mortality in colon cancer patients
- Image sensors for extreme temperatures
- Low-calorie cheesecake? Why we have trouble estimating calories
- Why thinking of nothing can be so tiring: Brain wolfs energy to stop thinking
- Compound boosts marijuana-like chemical in the body to relieve pain at injury site
- First microwave image of the complete Moon
- Breakthrough in drug trial offers hope for heart attack patients
- Lightweight true random number generators a step closer
- Could learning self-control be enjoyable?
- Windborne desert dust falls on high peaks, dampens Colorado River runoff
- Giving aspirin via IV is safe and effective for severe headache, study finds
- Herschel Mars observations: First results
- Early prostate cancer detection, screening: No benefit for men with low baseline PSA value, study finds
- Commercial-scale test of new technology to recover coal from sludge successful
- Future of football: GPS and miniature accelerometers to better assess player's training load and fitness levels
- Self-management counseling for patients with heart failure does not improve outcomes
Posted 2010-09-21:
- Earth's highest coastal mountain on the move
- Cholesterol drug may have role in treating prostate cancer
- Biofuel from inedible plant material easier to produce following enzyme discovery
- Possible 'persistence' switch for tuberculosis found: Computer model finds probable genetic mechanism for TB dormancy
- Fences could help clean up watercourses
- Return troops face both physical and mental challenges: Women suffer from more conditions than men, study finds
- Magnetic attraction for fish, crabs? Study examines whether magnetic fields from aquatic power sources affect animals
- New drug a potential treatment for Type 2 diabetes
- Violent video games increase aggression long after the game is turned off, study finds
- How best to prevent blood clots? Thigh-length surgical stockings, study suggests
- Apollo discovery tells a new story
- Hyperkinetic disorders in children are on the rise, German study suggests
- Childhood viral infection may be a cause of obesity
- Higher incidence of seizures seen in children with H1N1 virus compared to seasonal flu
- Serious hockey injuries among young children skyrocketing, study finds
- Plague researchers race to beat bioterrorists
- End of microplates? Novel electronic biosensing technology could facilitate new era of personalized medicine
- Favorable expectations make people like using a new mobile phone, study finds
- Parasitic 'warrior worms' discovered in snails; Scientists see possible biomedical applications
- Biologists discover biochemical link between biological clock and diabetes
- Data clippers to set sail to enhance future planetary missions
- Possible alternate therapy for adults with poorly controlled asthma
- Technology that can withstand extremes of temperature and radiation created
- Human unconscious is transferred to virtual characters
- 'Archeologists of the air' isolate pristine aerosol particles in the Amazon
- Genetic variants modifying breast cancer risk discovered
- A chip off the early hominin tooth: Researchers develop method for determining the diet of our early ancestors
- Database to help accelerate drug discovery developed
- Key component identified that helps plants go green
- Many hospital emergency department visits could be treated elsewhere, study finds
- Magical BEANs: New nano-sized particles could provide mega-sized data storage
- Two studies find new genetic links to ovarian cancer risk
- Novel target for existing drug may improve success of radiation therapy
- Gene network reveals link between fats and heart disease signs
- Self-organizing traffic lights
- The language of bats
- 50-million-year-old snake gets a CT scan
- How HIV resists AZT: Virus hijacks a common molecule
- Easily blocked signaling protein may help scientists stop parasites
- New target in polycystic kidney disease: Experimental drug decreases size and number of cysts in animal model
- 2010 tied with 1998 as warmest global temperature on record
- For 4-year-olds, interactions with teacher key to gains
- At the crossroads of chromosomes: Study reveals structure of cell division’s key molecule
- Using chest compressions first just as successful as immediate defibrillation after cardiac arrest, study finds
- Chemists discover method to create high-value chemicals from biomass
- Mechanism behind demethylation pinpointed in APC gene mutants
- Environmental impact of organic solar cells assessed
- Emotional robot pets
- Stem cell researchers call for research ethics consortium
- Team restoring Mars Orbiter after reboot
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