Planet Green strives to spread the word about change and salutes films and shows that do the same. With the 20th Annual Environmental Media Awards, celebrating superior eco-friendly programming, on the horizon, we present our best and worst environmental awards of the week. |
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See Who Made the 'Best of' Enviro Media ListMeet the NomineesThe nominees are out for the 20th Annual Environmental Media Awards, a green version of the Oscars or Emmys. Among the hopefuls are Avatar, The Simpsons, Parks and Recreation (with SNL's Amy Poehler), Disneynature Oceans and our very own Living with Ed. See just which shows and films lead the green effort and stimulate environmental action. |
Best of Science: Top 5 Ways To Attract Females (Video) | Best of Travel: Photographers Work to Protect Canada's Rainforests | Best of Fashion: Meet Amisha Ghadiali, an Ethical Fashion Pioneer |
Worst of Science: Gas Companies' Fracking Secrets | Worst of Travel: Airplanes' Short-Term Harm | Worst of Fashion: Trees Lose in Fashion Week |
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