SiteProNews |
- How To Have Great Results With Article Marketing!
- Creative Conjuring for Your Writing Team
- Antivirus Protection from the Power of the Cloud
- The Effect of Spam on Business
- Facebook Places Takes Geolocation Networking to 500 Million
- 17 SEO Tips for Your Marketing Campaign
How To Have Great Results With Article Marketing! Posted: 19 Aug 2010 05:00 AM PDT
What is Article Marketing? Article Marketing is the art of the writing and distributing articles to article directories and blogs. There are two main purposes of article marketing. 1.) To gain valuable backlinks from high page rank sites to your website or affiliate page **So how do you write good articles?** To start off with, the number one rule for writing articles is to provide value to the reader! This can be done by explaining a topic (like this article does) or by solving a problem the potential reader has. Providing Value is very important because if you are trying to get people to your website or affiliate page, what is the chance they are going to click through at the bottom of the article if you do not write a good article? Probably, no chance at all. The 2nd rule when writing articles for maximum effect is to include a byline or signature that seems to be a natural extension of the article itself. There are far to many individuals who are not aware of this rule. What do I mean by this? Well instead of writing an author’s signature like this (99% of people do this): Chris Gustafson is a expert in the field of search engine optimization. To find out more about him visit his blog [blog link] Write something like this: As you can see topic XYZ is not that hard to understand once you have it explained to you in plain English. For more information on topic XYZ, you can click on link below: [blog/affiliate link] When you write a signature like the 2nd one your click through rate on your articles will go from 5% to above 20%. So there are your two golden rules that if followed will put you ahead of 99% of the other people out there who are using article marketing as a strategy. The next thing you need to know how to do is distribute your article. To do this you really have two options: 1.) Manually submit your article to all the top article directories Option #1 is time consuming and get’s old real fast. In closing, I hope you enjoyed this article. I hope you learned something and it leads you to great article marketing success! Now that you know the basics of article marketing, you can find out more great in-depth information by clicking below. The link below will take you to part 1 of a 4 part series on article marketing. Everything is covered and nothing is left out. And here’s the best part, it’s FREE! Click on the link now. Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
Creative Conjuring for Your Writing Team Posted: 19 Aug 2010 05:00 AM PDT
However, now that you’ve got them, what’s the best way to maximize their creativity? Having a dedicated writing staff is a fine thing, to be sure — but in order to get the most out of the investment, you need them to produce solid, creative and reliable content. It doesn’t matter if they produce entire reams of articles if the material produced isn’t worth reading. This is something broadly known as a meta-concern. Meta means “alongside” or even “outside.” A meta-concern is a matter that isn’t immediately related to your primary purpose, but can have significant implications all the same. Time spent helping your writers be creative is time you aren’t spending on direct branding efforts. However, it can pay off in solid support and respect for your brand in the long term. To that end, have a look at a handful of techniques that have been demonstrated to help spur productivity and creativity in your writers. Let them Own the Project Group brainstorming is creative asphyxiation. Yes, it will result in a quick sampling of several different ideas, but none of them will be particularly well developed. Creativity is an odd little thing. When it’s highly personal, as in a project one or two people own to work on specifically, more effort gets invested into it out of a sense of pride and desire. When control (and therefore responsibility) of the matter is spread around, however, there’s a sense of disconnect. The latter comes as a result of two phenomena. First, there’s the lack of privacy it causes. Some of the ideas creative types put forward are very personal, representing the best of their own minds. Exposing their best to others is intensely difficult at times, so a group setting can hinder them out of modesty or shame. Second is the shared laziness of a group. In short, when the work is spread around to many people, no one person pulls quite as hard on their share. The work will get done anyway, after all, so what’s the point of putting forth more effort? Instead of forcing intellectual exhibitionism through group sessions, share your particulars with small teams or, even better, with individuals if possible. Give them the parameters, ask them for their input and let them put their effort into the task. Let them own the project, and you will be more likely to get their best work. Work Individually, Edit Collectively Very few writers can edit or revise their own work. The best ones can, but there are few who couldn’t benefit from a bit of critical advice from another source. When the article or project is done, hand it off to an editor not directly involved with it. Let them help refine what the team has put down. The creative portion being complete, this technical portion allows for more dispassionate, cooperative analysis that can really make a project shine. Bring in New Blood There are two ways to go about making sure your team stays fresh creatively, both along the lines of “new blood.” The first is exposure to new ideas. Your writing team is hopefully very widely read. People who study and read in more diverse circles are more likely to come up with the clever and creative ideas you most need from them. Part of this will come from reading their coworkers’ projects in the editing process, but make sure they’re spending part of their time reading materials and articles of many sorts, be they literary or factual. The next is exposure to new people. Sometimes a writing team needs an outright boost from a new party. Even if you’ve hired your permanent, on-staff writing team, consider hiring the occasional project out to freelancers of a certain level of experience. This can have the effect of taking the workload off your standard workers, exposing them to new ideas or serving as an impromptu job interview. Listen to Them Writers are a notoriously picky lot. Yes, there is a benefit in making them stick to the grind and show some initiative, but there’s also a great value to catering to some of their needs. Make sure to listen when a writer mentions a concern they have. Your input might make all the difference between an acceptable article and an outstanding one. If you’re going to go to the trouble of having a writing team on-staff, you have to make the effort to bring them into the staff proper. The rest of the team might not understand why some people are being paid to just tap keys, and you need to foster the relationship between them so that the crew knows these writers are giving them good press. Connect; listen, network and you’ll have the team you need. Enzo F. Cesario is an online branding specialist and co-founder of Brandsplat, a digital content agency. Brandsplat creates blogs, articles, videos and social media in the “voice” of our client’s brand. It makes sites more findable and brands more recognizable. For the free Brandcasting Report go to or visit our blog at Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
Antivirus Protection from the Power of the Cloud Posted: 19 Aug 2010 05:00 AM PDT
Basically, netbook users do not want to be frustrated by a slow computer while browsing the Internet or when sending or receiving email. In addition, these lightweight computers are most often used to surf the Internet and many people may not be aware of precautions they need to take to protect themselves against online threats. Sophisticated netbook users often shut down critical security programs to boost speed of their computer. Despite its sophisticated cloud technology security, anti-virus and anti-spyware for netware must be light on the device’s memory, and run in the background, providing comprehensive, up-to-date protection against online threats without slowing down the system. In-the-cloud computing technology has been compared to the early proliferation of electricity. Homes, towns, and businesses did not want to rely on their own source of power. They began connecting into a greater power grid, supported and controlled by power utilities. And so along with this utility connection came time and cost savings, in addition to greater access to, and more reliable availability of power. In-the-cloud computing has evolved through a number of phases including grid and utility computing, application service provision (ASP), and Software as a Service. Delivering computing resources through a global network was a concept rooted in the sixties by.C.R. Licklider, who was responsible for enabling the development of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network in 1969. Furthermore, much like what we call cloud computing today, Licklider’s vision was for everyone around the world to be interconnected and accessing programs and data at any site. Since that time, cloud computing developed progressively, and since the Internet, only started to offer significant bandwidth in the nineties. That’s why there are other key factors that enabled cloud computing to transpire. This includes the maturing of what is known as virtualisation technology. This is universal high-speed bandwidth and software interoperability standards. This is why cloud computing for the masses has taken time, with the most recent being for Web 2.0. The industry analysts appear to all be in support of next generation cloud computing, also known as private clouds, public clouds, and hybrid cloud environments. The latest technology called cloud computing is transforming today’s computing for a better future in the clouds. This exciting new in-the-cloud-client content security infrastructure, is designed to block Internet security threats before they reach users. It’s protection while reducing reliance on time-consuming signature-downloads. By combining Internet-based or “in-the-cloud” technologies with smaller, lighter-weight clients, users will have immediate access to the latest protection wherever and however they connect – from home, or when on the go anywhere. Cloud technology helps automatically stop viruses and spyware before they reach your computer, so it won’t slow you down – it’s a whole new way to protect your computer. This means that real-time updates keep your PC protected from the latest online threats. This Internet security technology is light on your system resources so your computer runs faster. Kristin Gabriel writes for Trend Micro; Titanium; Internet Security for Netbooks with cloud technology to automatically stop viruses and spyware before they reach your computer. Titanium antivirus and antispyware is designed to be easy-to-use and understand with simple screens and reports and includes spam blocking and customizable parental controls. Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
The Effect of Spam on Business Posted: 19 Aug 2010 05:00 AM PDT
The thing that makes spam a unique, and subsequently the reason it increases every year, is that the cost of email is placed on the receiver rather than the sender. With traditional direct-mail, a person or company spends money on every piece sent. Think about the amount of junk mail you receive every day at your home and business. Now imagine if each piece of mail did not have a hard-cost for the sender — we would all need much larger mailboxes. Spam can also hurt the reputation of your business as well. It is all too easy to “spoof” or fake the email address that an email shows it is being sent from. You certainly do not want customers and clients to receive junk or malware emails with your company’s name in the sender’s address bar. Spoofing email is, unfortunately, very easy to do as it exploits a level of trust that the basic email protocols use. I’m sure when these protocols were initially developed no one envisioned the future of email to be what it is. While there is no full-proof method to prevent email address spoofing, newer methods such as SPF records and the Sender ID framework are working to reduce it. It is important for businesses to put these new safeguards in place, as the sooner the adoption rate increases, the sooner more mail servers will start enforcing them. Fortunately there are several hardware and software products that can be deployed to protect your business from spam and the security threats they bring. Depending on your email infrastructure, a dedicated-hardware solution may be the appropriate solution. For others, a third-party Software as a Service (SaaS) solution may be a better fit. Don’t worry if you don’t have existing personnel to put these solutions in place, a full-service Managed IT provider can help. With the number of spam emails being sent increasing every day, it is important to make sure you have the necessary solutions in place to protect and prevent spam. Karl Muhlbach is the President of Eukairos Technologies. With more than 20 years experience in Information Technology, Eukairos Technologies can custom design a solution for your small business to ensure all of your IT needs are met and exceeded. Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
Facebook Places Takes Geolocation Networking to 500 Million Posted: 19 Aug 2010 01:35 AM PDT
TechCrunch were keen to point out that they spotted the product before the launch even began, but the fact that Facebook were working on geo-networking functionality has been a poorly kept secret for a while now. So what exactly IS Facebook Places? Think of it as a combination of Foursquare and Gowalla but available on Facebook. Which is interesting because Facebook have *partnered* with both of these supposedly rival companies. More about that later, but for now, here’s how it works: How it Works You need to download the latest version of Facebook’s iPhone application OR if your mobile browser supports HTML 5 and geolocation, you also can access Places from Open the application of your choice and tap the “Check In” button (sound familiar?). A list of nearby places will show. Choose the place that matches where you are and check in. If it’s not on the list, you can add or search for it. Your check-in will show up in the Recent Activity section for that place and also create a status update from you in your friends’ News Feeds. Who Else is Here? Similar to tagging a friend in a photo, you can tag other Facebook friends who happen to be with you during check in and include a status update about what you’re doing at the location. The “People Here Now” section allows you to stalk check what other Facebook users have checked in recently to the same place. Facebook suggests this is a way for you to meet like minded people, but I can imagine this feature becoming a privacy issue for some. Thankfully, Facebook have provided a way for people to opt-out of being shown in the People Here Now feature. Does it Make Foursquare and Gowalla Obsolete? Given that the check-in and recent activity features of Facebook Places are nearly identical to what Foursquare and Gowalla currently offer, there was some talk about whether there was room in the market for all three geolocation services. However, both companies have worked with Facebook in the past and both were invited to partner with Facebook Places. Staff from each even spoke at today’s launch about their partnership. But let’s face it, what choice did they have? Apparently, both Foursquare and Gowalla are going to allow users to publish their check-ins to their Facebook feeds and even transfer their pins and badges to Facebook Places. I’m sure the carrot of Facebook’s 500 million members was a tasty one, but you have to wonder if this will mean long term redundancy for Gowalla and Foursquare. Privacy Issues Having learned from their mistake with the profile privacy settings, Facebook have given users more privacy control over Places. You can only tag your existing Facebook friends during check-in and your check-ins will only be visible to your friends by default, although you can change this to public. Just like removing yourself from a photo tag, you can remove any Places tag or check-in or tag. You also have the choice to turn off the ability for friends to check you in at Places. To do this, go to your Privacy Settings and turn off the setting to “Let Friends Check Me In.” Facebook Places is currently only available within the US but should roll out to more countries within the next few weeks. Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
17 SEO Tips for Your Marketing Campaign Posted: 18 Aug 2010 10:00 PM PDT
While there may be much discrepancy, these 17 tips for SEO are something most experts seem to agree on. Following these rules, you can avoid some common mistakes and launch a successful campaign. 1. Perform keyword research. This is a very important step in your SEO campaign, before you even begin. Thoroughly research all keywords you may want to use – this can make a huge difference in your strategy. 2. Don’t use the same Metas for every page. All your Meta and Title Tags should be unique for each page. Also, make sure to use keywords and write an engaging title. 3. Don’t try to deceive the search engines. Don’t overuse keywords, hide text, or create doorway pages. These are unethical forms of SEO. With the current trend of search engines favoring ethical SEO, your best practice is to create a well-thought out web page, that has unique content, and is easy to navigate. 4. Avoid low quality links. Not all links are created equal. Instead of getting links from link farms, research the popularity of websites before getting links from them. Alexa ranks are a good way to check popularity, as well as page rank. However, if your own page rank is rather low, fret not, for this will be explained below. 5. Avoid using links with the same anchor text. Search engines do not like links that use the same anchor text and description that are repeated in short bursts. 6. Don’t overdo reciprocal links. Reciprocal linking can be valuable, but only when done in small doses, and if the links are relevant to your business. Also, make sure to have a diverse set of links, including links to blogs, forums, articles, social media bookmarking, and more. 7. Don’t become obsessed with page rank. Page rank is only a small part of your entire SEO campaign. The way pages are ranked is actually rather complicated, and is based on many factors. It is possible for a lower ranked page to actually be quite successful and get lots of visitors. So if your page rank is low, don’t freak out. 8. Do network with other Website owners. This is a great way to learn, get advice, and exchange links. These relationships can be mutually beneficial. 9. Make site updates regularly. Sometimes, an out-of-date website can be worse than no website at all. Make sure you update regularly with current information, news and events, and fresh content. If you want to catch the eye of the search engine robots, regular updates are a great way. 10. Don’t compete for single keywords. Instead, compete for keyword phrases. This will make it more likely that your site will show up as a relevant search result. For instance, if your company sells jewelry boxes, and you attempt to compete for the term “boxes,” many people who find your site will be looking for cardboard boxes, hat boxes, and other types of boxes, and will likely not stay on your page once they realize you don’t sell what they’re looking for. If you compete for the phrase “jewelry boxes,” it’s more likely that potential customers who are looking strictly for jewelry boxes will find you. 11. Research your competition. It’s always good to know what the competition is up to, including what they are doing on their website, where they are getting links, etc. 12. Design your Website to be SEO friendly. There is definitely an SEO strategy when it comes to website design. Avoid heavy Flash and lots of graphics, since search engine robots crawl the text, not images. Good Meta and Title Tags are a must, as well as fresh and engaging content. If you’re hiring someone to design your website, look for someone who is an expert in organic SEO. 13. Use text links instead of images. If using JavaScript, text links are important since spiders won’t follow JavaScript. 14. Keep localization in mind. There are several benefits to reaching out to the local audience. Aside from gaining local customers, including location-based keyword phrases, like “detroit auto body shop,” will help you because you will have less competition for that keyword. 15. Don’t ignore the power of content. Nothing drives a Website like good content. Make sure your content is engaging, original, and well researched. Use keywords strategically (so they fit in with the natural flow of text). And most importantly… 17. Don’t Give Up! SEO is not accomplished overnight. It can be a long process and takes lots of work and sometimes trial and error. Keep up your effort and don’t give up! Wendy Suto, President and CEO of Search Circus, has specialized in search engine optimization and search engine marketing, including SEO campaigns for over 10 years. Certified in SEO, Wendy Suto only follows natural and organic search engine optimization guidelines with proven results. Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
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