|  | TOP SHOWS |  | NEW EPISODE Premieres Friday Feb. 11 at 10pm E/P | |  | Two new cases spotlighting the impact of this compulsive behavior, including an eccentric loner facing jail time for refusing to give up dozens of mangy dogs. |  |  |  |  | NEW SEASON Premieres Saturday Feb. 12 at 10pm E/P |  | Shorty takes on a delinquent, paint ball gun toting teen using a pit bull as target practice. | |  |  |  |  | NEW EPISODE Premieres Sunday Feb. 13 at 10pm E/P |  | It's tiger trouble in suburban New Jersey when one is reported loose on the streets. Find out more about the fatal facts behind keeping a perilous pet. | |  |  | what's hot |  |  |  |  | Celebrate Puppy Love on AnimalPlanet.com | |  |  |  |  | Sneak Peek at "Must Love Cats" on AnimalPlanet.com |  | Join host and musician John Fulton as he travels to each corner of the U.S. in search of amazing cat stories. Learn more about this new series premiering Saturday Feb. 12 at 8pm E/P! | |  | |  |  |  |  | |  |  | SHOP |  |  |  | SPONSORS |  | Enter your pet in the HSUS Spay Day Pet Photo Contest, then help save animals' lives by sharing your pet's photo and story with your friends and family and asking them to vote for your pet - plus win prizes! Enter now | At Animal Planet, we value your privacy. If you would like to be removed from future Animal Planet or other newsletter emails like this, please visit our email subscription center here to modify your email preferences.
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