Kamis, 02 September 2010

Daily Newsletter
Pay Your Bills Online, by Green571.com

There aren't many things on this site that make more sense than paying your bills online. Not only is it free, its faster and saves you the hassle of writing checks and mailing your bills. It also saves millions of trees a year from being harvested for paper. Every major credit card, utility and cell phone company has a site to pay your bill online. Stamps are up to 42 cents a stamp. Paying your bills online will save you over $100 a year on stamps alone.


Let's face it, there is nothing more annoying than "payin' the bills". Now you can set up automatic bill payment online for every utility bill you pay. The money is automatically drawn from your checking or saving account which means you'll never miss a payment or receive a low credit score for late payment. As long as you still monitor your bills to make sure they are accurate, automatic bill payment is a Godsend!


Paying your bills online isn't the only no-brainer. We now have the option to receive our statements online via email. If everyone in the our country received their statements online instead of through the mail, we'd save 18.5 million trees from being harvested every year. It also gives you the ability to save your statements on your computer in seconds, eliminating the need to file away your statements in a file cabinet. If you need to view a statement for whatever reason, its right there on your hard drive.


Receiving your statements online would save enough wood to build 216,000 homes every year.

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