Hello , You know, there are some marketers that might try to convince you that e-mail marketing is DEAD....but don't believe a word of it! Despite all the various avenues of Internet marketing (social networks, bookmarking, pay-per-click ads, etc.), ... TARGETED EMAIL MARKETING still remains the #1 method to reach new customers! Want to know WHY? The proof is in the RESULTS! .... Well written, highly targeted e-mail messages continue to get AMAZING results! Sales results! This puts dollars in your bank account! All successful email ad campaigns always adhere to the internet's NO spam policy. Quality companies like Majon International make sure that all email messages are only ever sent to all 100% opt-in email people... people that have expressed an interest in receiving emails about the kinds of products and services that your company offers! With Majon's Targeted Email advertising service you can literally reach a MILLION or MORE people that can become your potential customers! http://www.majon.net/emailadvertising-service Discover TODAY how Majon's e-mail marketing service can work for you and your business: 1. Jumpstart your new product or service campaign by reaching a volume of potential new customers right away! 2. Target your ad or message to the right people by choosing from over 75 categories of interested people. 3. Reach a certain geographical location with our easy GEO targeting campaigns. 4. Spend less money that you think to do some active marketing for your business. 4. Get even more savings on your email marketing when you opt for one of our monthly campaigns - you probably already realize that repitition is the KEY to e-mail marketing success! As one of the most popular online marketing firms since 1995, Majon International can help you reach your targeted audience, increase your sales and help you build a solid Web business! We have the targeted, opt-in e-mail subscribers JUST WAITING to hear from you! And here's what other business owners just like you had to say about our e-mail marketing service: "I applaud Majon for its superior customer service, and delivering on its promises. We have used both the Targeted Opt-In email campaign product and the Safe Announce Power Blast email service. Almost immediately, the traffic at our site more than doubled! We are very satisfied with Majon, and will most certainly continue to use your products and services. Additionally, it is refreshing to know that there are companies that follow through on their promises. We've found the staff at Majon to be responsive, and courteous. Congratulations, Majon, on a job well done!" E.Cioffi Town Loans You don't have to sit around waiting for customers to find you....You can Become a go-getter! Let Majon help you find those online GEMS (paying customers) among the multitudes of online users. No longer does finding prospects for your products/services have to be something hard like looking for a "needle in a haystack!" Majon has already done the difficult legwork for you, and we do it without charging you an arm and a leg! Find out more about e-mail advertising campaigns at the link below..... http://www.majon.net/emailadvertising-service Get started today and send your exclusive, stand-alone message to one million or more TARGETED customers. Don't lose another night's sleep wondering how in the world you're going to increase profits...... and quickly! Visit our e-mail marketing page below NOW to start seeing a steady flow of ready-to-buy visitors to your website: http://www.majon.net/emailadvertising-service Choose your campaign today and start seeing results and profits for your website! Happy Marketing, Tom --- Tom Harris Majon International - http://www.majon.net P.O. Box 880, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Phone: 805-270-5585 |