ScienceDaily Top Science Headlines
for the Week of October 17 to October 24, 2010
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Posted 2010-10-23:
- A new way to weigh planets
- 'Lubricin' molecule discovered to reduce cartilage wear
- Efforts underway to rescue vulnerable bananas, giant swamp taro, other Pacific Island crops
- Factor boosting leukemia's aggressiveness identified
- Nanotube thermopower: Efforts to store energy in carbon nanotubes
- Authoritarian behaviour leads to insecure people, Spanish study finds
- Scientists open electrical link to living cells
- Risk gene for severe heart disease discovered
- First implanted device to treat balance disorder developed
- Risk markers for Alzheimer’s disease
- Short-range scattering in quantum dots: Discovery advances novel devices
- Airbags reduce risk of kidney injury in car crashes, study finds
- Sound of the underground: New acoustic early warning system for landslide prediction
- Origin of immune cells in the brain discovered: Could lead to new treatments for degenerative brain diseases, autoimmune disorders
- NOAA lists population of spotted seals as threatened
- Progress in the development of new Parkinson’s drugs
- Chemical engineers use gold to discover breakthrough for creating biorenewable chemicals
- Partners who had powerful faces in college lead profitable law firms, study finds
Posted 2010-10-23:
- Plants play larger role than thought in cleaning up air pollution, research shows
- Protein injection shows promise in lowering elevated triglycerides
- New cometary phenomenon greets approaching spacecraft
- Succimer found ineffective for removing mercury
- Value-added sulfur scrubbing: Converting acid rain chemicals into useful products
- 70-year-olds smarter than they used to be, Swedish study finds
- Space telescopes reveal previously unknown brilliant X-ray explosion in Milky Way galaxy
- Skin cancer linked to loss of protein that hooks skin cells together
- Another winter of extremes in store for U.S. as La Niña strengthens
- Scorpion has welcome sting for heart bypass patients
- Researchers break speed barrier in solving important class of linear systems
- Positive social traits trump bad health habits, new study finds
- Arctic Report Card: Region continues to warm at unprecedented rate
- Putting a bull's-eye on the flu: Detailing influenza's structure for drug targeting
- Scary chupacabras monster is as much victim as villain
- Natural killer cells may limit inflammation in the central nervous system
- Towards better explosives detectors
- Forensic scientists use postmortem imaging-guided biopsy to determine natural causes of death
- Lunar 'permafrost': Evidence for widespread water ice on the moon
- Estrogen replacement therapy speeds ovarian cancer growth, new study reports
- From bees to coral reefs: Mutualisms might be more important to global ecosystem than previously thought
- Spotting suspicious moles
- Forensic metal fingerprinting: Simple, handheld device which can measure corrosion on machine parts
- Obsessing over strep throat in kids: Research links obsessive-compulsive disorder to common childhood illness
- Younger brains are easier to rewire -- brain regions can switch functions
- Key difference in how TB bacteria degrade doomed proteins
- Taking a closer look at plaque
- World's smallest on-chip low-pass filter developed
- Teaching kids to work through trauma
- Light on silicon better than copper?
- Cataract surgery saves lives, dollars by reducing auto crashes, research finds
- Old logging practices linked to high erosion rates
- Real-time imaging of stroke models
- Using PEAT to capture, share and analyze protein experimental data
- Scientists promote soy by currying favor with Indian taste buds
Posted 2010-10-22:
- NASA-engineered collision spills new Moon secrets
- Cholesterol-lowering drug shrinks enlarged prostates in hamster model
- Poor start in life need not spell doom in adulthood
- Molecular structure of major cell signaling pathway detailed
- The coldest chemistry
- Malarial mosquitoes are evolving into new species, say researchers
- Promising new 'antigene' therapy uses light energy to silence gene activity
- Proton mechanism used by flu virus to infect cells discovered
- Twelve new epilepsy drugs usher in 'era of abundance'
- Direct laser cooling of molecules
- Future offenses cause more intense feelings than past actions, study finds
- Energy revolution key to complex life: Depends on mitochondria, cells' tiny power stations
- Low testosterone linked to heightened risk of early death
- Sea levels rising around South Atlantic's Falkland Islands, 19th-century benchmarks reveal
- Neurogenetics research sheds light on the causes of neurological disease
- New equation could advance research in solar cell materials
- Dopamine model could play role in treating schizophrenia and drug addiction
- Space weather mystery solved: Link found between electrons trapped in space and upper atmosphere's diffuse aurora
- Gene therapy may be powerful new treatment for major depression
- The world is not flat: Exploring cells and tissues in three dimensions
- Burn injuries rapidly deplete vitamin E, study finds
- How batteries grow old: Researchers build facility to put hybrid car batteries to the test
- Magic tricks reveal surprising results about autism
- Microbes may consume far more oil-spill waste than earlier thought
- New tumor proteins may identify a range of cancers early
- New search method tracks down influential ideas: Computer scientists have developed a new way of tracing the origins and spread of ideas
- How parasites react to the mouse immune system may help to shape their control
- Black rice bran may help fight disease-related inflammation
- Professional athletes should drink more water, Spanish research finds
- Star, not so bright: Model explains evolution of unusual black hole binary system
- Potential therapeutic target across a range of cancer types discovered
- Philippines may have more unique bird species than thought, biologist says
- Elusive protein may lead the fight against inflammatory disease
- A forest of nanorods: Amazing nanostructures created by glancing-angle deposition
- Attention processing and perception may be involved in fetal alcohol-related learning difficulties
- Worst coral death strikes at Southeast Asia
- Mechanism that controls expression of protein involved in numerous cancers discovered
- Crash helmet with a useful smell
- Newborn hearing screening linked with improved developmental outcomes for hearing impaired children
- Climate change tipping points for populations, not just species: Survival, reproduction of thousands of arctic and alpine plants measured
- Researchers analyze student grief online after campus shootings
- Entire issue of scientific journal devoted to Joint Center for Structural Genomics
- Patient navigation services improve mammography rates in minority women, study shows
- ER patients prefer ordering physicians discuss risks/benefits of CT with them before ordering exam
- Chicago racial disparities in breast cancer mortality significantly higher than national average, study finds
- Telementoring may address need for surgical subspecialty expertise in remote locations
Posted 2010-10-21:
- Intricate, curving 3-D nanostructures created using capillary action forces
- Insulin sensitivity may explain link between obesity, memory problems
- Eating mostly whole grains, few refined grains linked to lower body fat
- Disease in rural China linked to polluted coal
- Measuring changes in rock: Research looks at effect of captured and stored carbon dioxide on minerals
- Docs not immune to drug marketing, study finds
- New mothers grow bigger brains within months of giving birth: Warmer feelings toward babies linked to bigger mid-brains
- New regulator of circadian clock identified: Dopamine study may have impact on activity and sleep rhythms in Parkinson's disease
- New sensor derived from frogs may help fight bacteria and save wildlife; Sensor uses frog peptides to test for drug and medical device contamination
- Proton therapy safe, effective for early-stage lung cancer patients, study finds
- Progress toward treating infections by silencing microbes' 'smart phones'
- Would you sleep on a chunk of ice? Building your 'experience resume'
- Desperate female spiders fight by different rules
- Harm reduction cigarettes can be more harmful than conventional brands, researchers report
- Small is beautiful in hydroelectric power plant design: Invention could enable renewable power generation at thousands of unused sites
- Anorexia nervosa may cause potentially serious eye damage, study suggests
- Biodegradable foam plastic substitute made from milk protein and clay
- Children's best friend: Dogs help autistic children adapt, study shows
- Most distant galaxy ever measured: Faint glow from when the universe was only 600 million years old
- New theory links depression to chronic brain inflammation
- Mounting research shows increased health risks from volcanic air pollution
- Devastating impact of spinal osteoporotic fractures revealed on World Osteoporosis Day
- The (Long) Weekend Warrior: Nine Moons, 62 Hours
- Alcohol increases reaction time and errors during decision making
- Why the leopard got its spots
- First direct evidence that response to alcohol depends on genes: Dopamine receptor deficiency leads to significant brain changes in response to drinking
- McSleepy meets DaVinci: Doctors conduct first-ever all-robotic surgery and anesthesia
- Early pregnancy in spring linked to child's susceptibility to food allergies, Finnish study suggests
- Batteries smaller than a grain of salt
- To be good, sometimes leaders need to be a little bad; Study examines 'dark side' personality traits and leadership
- See no shape, touch no shape, hear a shape? New way of 'seeing' the world
- Hormone therapy use by postmenopausal women may increase incidence of more advanced breast cancer
- Recycling pacemakers may alleviate burden of heart disease across the globe
- Vitamin D deficiency linked to lung transplant rejection, research finds
- Improved antibiotic coatings: Research aims to make medical devices safer by preventing biofilms
- Heavy alcohol use suggests a change in normal cognitive development in adolescents
- Old bees' memory fades; Mirrors recall of humans and other mammals
- Gene variant may protect against alcoholism
- More than 200 new snails of the same genus described in a single study
- Prostate cancer patients treated with robotic-assisted surgery can expect low recurrence of cancer
- Long distance, top secret messages: Critical component of quantum communication device may enable cryptography
- Video games can be highly effective training tools, study shows: Employees learn more, forget less, master more skills
- One-way Martian colonization missions: Proposal would cut costs dramatically, ensure long-term commitment
- Genetic predisposition to certain skin cancers may be associated with vitamin D deficiency
- Protein highways keep tissues organized
- Fructose intolerance common in children with functional abdominal pain; Low-fructose diet is an effective treatment, study finds
- Study of tiny magnets may advance their use in microelectronics
- People are better at strategic reasoning than was thought, research shows
- New guidelines for best practice preimplantation genetic diagnosis and screening
- Best yet test of Lorentz invariance
- Study identifies barriers to successful treatment of children with sarcoma in low-income countries
- Psychologists at the forefront of weight management: Health care providers can play a key role in the fight against weight problems in young people
Posted 2010-10-20:
- Don't blame dairy cows for (greenhouse) gas emissions, new study shows
- Parkinson's disease insights: Damage to control circuits in the brain responsible for habits
- Bioelectrical signals turn stem cells' progeny cancerous; Newly discovered 'instructor cells' can deliver deadly directions
- Study reveals superior sedation method for children
- Making the Internet faster
- 'Drivel' on Facebook more valuable than we think
- Sniffing out shoe bombs: A new and simple sensor for explosive chemicals
- Gene activity in the brain depends on genetic background: Implications for individual differences in drug safety and efficacy
- Rotten experiments help to create picture of our early ancestors
- Prostate cancer patients are at increased risk of precancerous colon polyps
- 'Virtual satellite dish' thanks to lots of simple processors working together
- Friends share personal details to strengthen relationships in United States, but not in Japan, study finds
- Drought may threaten much of globe within decades, analysis predicts
- Inhaling nitric oxide eases pain crises in sickle cell patients, researchers find
- New biological sensor detects and analyses DNA sequences
- Osteoporosis drug builds bone in patients with gum disease
- The hair brush that reads your mind
- Psychiatric illnesses before surgery associated with modest increased risk of death afterward, study finds
- Astronomers find weird, warm spot on an exoplanet
- Vitamin B12 may reduce risk of Alzheimer's disease
- Genomic comparison of ocean microbes reveals East-West divide in populations
- Analysis indicates a third H1N1 pandemic wave unlikely in 2010
- Plastic monitors itself
- Scientists closer to grasping how the brain's 'hearing center' spurs responses to sound
- Mutation over 100 million years ago led flowers to make male and female parts differently
- Treating cancer with light
- Breakthrough in nanocrystals growth
- Fixing bad tasting infant drops when a 'spoonful of sugar' doesn't work
- Earth's deep water cycle needs revision, geophysicists claim
- Does clenching your muscles increase willpower?
- No standard for the placebo?
- Magnets used to treat patients with severe depression
- Study of Haiti quake yields surprising results
- Study documents wrong-site, wrong-patient procedure errors
- Eyetracker warns against momentary driver drowsiness
- This is your brain on anesthesia: New light shed on how brain reacts during anesthetic induction and emergence
- When vertebrae cross dress: How sloths got their long neck
- Western diet exacerbates sepsis, mouse study suggests
- Underwater robot to explore ice-covered ocean and Antarctic ice shelf
- Four new psoriasis 'hotspots' identified: Discovery may aid in developing new therapies
- Planted, unplanted artificial wetlands are similar at year 15, and function as effective carbon sinks
- Climbing obesity rates threaten U.S. national security by hampering military recruitment
- Watching violent TV or video games desensitizes teenagers and may promote more aggressive behavior, new study finds
- Surgery in infants and young children heightens neurodevelopmental risk, study finds
- More than a century after the Gold Rush, mining an historical park’s lichen diversity
- With a chaperone, copper breaks through: Research identifies features of copper transfer that may improve chemotherapy treatments
- Plastics and nanoparticles -- the perfect combination
- Celebrity journalism may contribute positively to consumer health behaviors
- Professor taking next step with graphene research
- ORNL's research reactor revamps veteran neutron scattering tool
- Implementing program for operating room staff emphasizing teamwork appears to reduce surgical deaths
- A middle class that copes by shopping secondhand
Posted 2010-10-19:
- Tropics in decline as natural resources exhausted at alarming rate
- Type 2 diabetes and insulin use associated with colorectal cancer in men, study finds
- NASA technology could aid in interpretation of mammograms, ultrasound, other medical imagery
- Egg allergy: Not a reason to avoid flu vaccine after all, experts say
- From handwritten CAPTCHAs to 'smart rooms,' tech solutions start with pattern recognition
- Perspectives on improving patient care: Genetics, personalized medicine, and behavioral intervention
- Unexpected magnetic order among titanium atoms discovered
- Intestinal enzyme helps maintain population of beneficial bacteria
- The many infrared 'personalities' of the Sculptor galaxy
- Lessons learned from the H1N1 pandemic
- SpamBot wants to be your friend
- What comes next for the Chilean miners?
- Mystery of Italy's Mount Etna explained?
- Genes linked to psoriasis identified
- Gut microbes promote cell turnover by a well-known pathway
- Diagnostic techniques help inflammatory bowel disease patients avoid ionizing radiation exposure
- Lastest graphene research could lead to improvements in bluetooth headsets and other devices
- Why cocaine is so addictive: Activation of specific neurons linked to alterations in cocaine reward
- Moving monopoles caught on camera: Researchers make visible movement of monopoles in assembly of nanomagnets
- Mystery solved: How genes are selectively silenced
- Unlike us, honeybees naturally make 'quick switch' in their biological clocks, researcher finds
- Removing 2mm around breast cancer tumors prevents residual disease in 98 percent of patients, study finds
- Alternative fish feeds use less fishmeal and fish oils
- Why are men more susceptible to alcoholism? It may be in their dopamine
- Mice that 'smell' light could help scientist better understand olfaction
- Genetic test to predict early menopause
- Scientists find signals that make cell nucleus blow up like a balloon
- Newly identified virus may cause pediatric diarrhea
- From biomass to ethanol and methane: New enzyme may lead to cheaper biofuel
- I win, you lose: Brain imaging reveals how we learn from our competitors
- Ammonites at ancient methane seeps: New light shed on mollusks that went extinct 65 million years ago
- Chest compression-only CPR improves survival in cardiac arrest patients, study finds
- Compound in celery, peppers reduces age-related memory deficits
- Prolonging first-line chemotherapy improves outcomes for patients with metastatic breast cancer, meta-analysis shows
- For future chips, smaller must also be better
- First babies born from genetic screening study
- Genetic trigger of depression identified: Potential target for novel class of therapeutic agents
- Protein behind development of immune system sentinels identified
- MRI zooms in on microscopic flow
- Erlotinib improves progression-free survival as first-line therapy in advanced lung cancer, study finds
- Model unfolds proteins gently
- Astrocytes affect brain's information signaling, research finds
- Climate change may alter natural climate cycles of Pacific
- Potent new hepatitis C drug: First clinical trials successfully completed
- Got fish? Nutrition studies explore health benefits
- High response rates seen in phase-III trial of chemotherapy, new drug and stem cells in myeloma
- Building a smaller, lighter future: Understanding polymer behaviors below one nanometer
- Creating a preliminary neurobehavioral profile of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
- Higher education curricula not keeping pace with societal, tech changes
- Few nurse practitioners, physician assistants pursue careers in pediatric health, studies find
- Call for long-term view on 'dire' funding of biological research databases
- Cancer 'just meant to be'? Fatalism may keep Latinas away from cancer screening
- New 2010 European Resuscitation Council Guidelines published
- Investment in colorectal cancer screening targeting pre-medicare population could cut Medicare treatment costs, study finds
- Notable racial disparities in diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of colorectal cancer
Posted 2010-10-18:
- Physicists pave the way for graphene-based spin computer; First to achieve 'tunneling spin injection'
- New treatment may protect against pneumonia
- How humidity makes gecko feet stickier: Softens setae to tighten gecko's grip
- Push and pull get eyes to work together
- New method for detecting Clostridium botulinum spores
- Preventive medication, behavior management skills help combat frequent migraines
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