Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

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August 19, 2010
Targeting Parents with Mobile Alerts
It may not fit the typical early adopter profile, but mobile users with children—especially those under age 6—are more interested than other consumers in receiving SMS alerts and coupons as they use their phone to simplify their busy lives. Full Article

Sharpening Web Site Relevance
Tactics for delivering meaningful online experiences

This Forrester Guide will review how:
  • Meaningful experiences begin with relevant landing pages
  • Automating tactics results in engaging experiences
  • To become relevant in more ways than one
Download Now: www.omniture.com/go/29796

Branded Virtual Goods Revenues to Skyrocket
Virtual goods are rising in importance for online marketers, with revenues expected to more than double for the next two years. Research suggests the items are an effective way to lift brand metrics. Full Article

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IAB Mixx
September 27-28, 2010
eMarketer CEO Geoff Ramsey is presenting at this year's 2010 IAB MIXX.

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