Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

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August 18, 2010
Mobile Gaming Market Tops $800 Million in 2010
eMarketer forecasts steady increases in mobile gaming as smartphone adoption continues, with paid downloads accounting for the bulk of revenues. Ad support will increase in importance, however. Full Article

Boost B2C Marketing Results via Customer-centric B2B Tactics
Learn the contact management and automation techniques that will enable you to dive into your database and engage with each customer. Silverpop's latest white paper offers tactics to turn potential customers into paying customers and lifelong fans.
Download your copy today!

Web Most Effective Way to Reach Local Audiences Worldwide
Brand marketers have a hard time communicating a unified message to local audiences around the globe, but they agree that the most effective way to do so is through local website content. Many obstacles still prevent marketers from using social media to target local audiences, however. Full Article

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IAB Mixx
September 27-28, 2010
eMarketer CEO Geoff Ramsey is presenting at this year's 2010 IAB MIXX.

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