ScienceDaily Technology Headlines
for Sunday, November 21, 2010
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Hubble captures new star birth in an ancient galaxy (November 20, 2010) -- Elliptical galaxies were once thought to be aging star cities whose star-making heyday was billions of years ago. But new observations with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope are helping to show that elliptical galaxies still have some youthful vigor left, thanks to encounters with smaller galaxies. ... > full story
Orangutans count on stats for survival (November 20, 2010) -- Orangutans threatened with extinction could be brought back from the brink with help from an Australian statistician, who is part of a study to guide efforts for saving the Indonesian primate. ... > full story
Physicists demonstrate a four-fold quantum memory (November 20, 2010) -- Researchers have demonstrated quantum entanglement for a quantum state stored in four spatially distinct atomic memories. ... > full story
Mathematical problems recast as physics questions, provide new tools for old quandaries (November 20, 2010) -- A scientist with an interdisciplinary bent has taken two well-known problems in mathematics and reformulated them as a physics question, offering new tools to solve challenges relevant to a host of subjects ranging from improving data compression to detecting gravitational waves. ... > full story
First successful salivary stone removal with robotics (November 19, 2010) -- Doctors report the first use of a surgical robot guided by a miniature salivary endoscope to remove a 20mm salivary stone and repair the salivary duct of a patient. Giant stones have traditionally required complete removal of the salivary gland. This technique not only saves the salivary gland, but reduces blood loss, scarring, and hospital stay. ... > full story
Physicists study behavior of enzyme linked to Alzheimer's, cancer (November 19, 2010) -- Physicists are using complex computer simulations to illuminate the workings of a crucial protein that, when malfunctioning, may cause Alzheimer's and cancer. Their hope is to one day contribute to developing medication that not only can precisely recognize and target a key that causes Alzheimer's or cancer inside a crowded cell, but also then switch a sick cell like that back to its healthy form of interaction at a molecular level. ... > full story
Most powerful supercomputers rated for capabilities using tough new system (November 19, 2010) -- Nine supercomputers have been tested, validated and ranked by the new "Graph500" challenge. The machines were tested for their ability to solve complex problems involving random-appearing graphs, rather than for their speed in solving a basic numerical problem, today's popular method for ranking top systems. ... > full story
Enigma of missing stars in local group of galaxies may be solved (November 19, 2010) -- In the local group of galaxies that includes the Andromeda Nebula and our Milky Way, there are about 100 billion stars. According to astronomers' calculations, there should be many more. Now, physicists may have found an explanation for this discrepancy. ... > full story
Chemicals' study pinpoints threat to workers' lungs (November 19, 2010) -- Tiny particles used in a range of everyday products from computers to shampoo can adversely affect the lungs in very different ways, a study has shown. Research suggests that industrial manufacturers using nanoparticles should be aware of the risks that different types of nanoparticles pose to workers who handle them. ... > full story
Controlling cursors with thoughts: Faster, simpler, and more accurately; advance helps people regulate their own brain response, with therapeutic implications (November 19, 2010) -- Using a new brain-computer training approach, 14 volunteers learned in only six minutes how to move a screen cursor with their thoughts. Near-instant feedback helped the people quickly master some of their own brain responses. ... > full story
Surprise link between weird quantum phenomena: Heisenberg uncertainty principle sets limits on Einstein's 'spooky action at a distance' (November 19, 2010) -- Researchers have uncovered a fundamental link between two defining properties of quantum mechanics. This link constitutes a dramatic breakthrough in our understanding of nature. Non-locality, also described as "spooky action at a distance," is in fact limited by the uncertainty principle. ... > full story
Spacecraft flew through 'snowstorm' on encounter with comet Hartley 2 (November 19, 2010) -- On its recent trip by comet Hartley 2, the Deep Impact spacecraft took the first pictures of, and flew through, a storm of fluffy particles of water ice being spewed out by carbon dioxide jets coming from the rough ends of the comet. The resulting images and data shed new light on the nature and composition of comets. ... > full story
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