ScienceDaily Health Headlines
for the Week of November 7 to November 14, 2010
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Posted 2010-11-13:
- Researchers unlock a secret of bacteria's immune system
- Creams used to treat eczema could make it worse, study suggests
- Keeping the daily clock ticking in a fluctuating environment: Hints from a green alga
- Better student performance with peer learning
- New DNA repair pathway
- Anti-gout drug may decrease risk for colorectal adenoma progression
- Fearless children show less empathy, more aggression, research finds
- New risk factor for developing breast cancer: DNA methylation modification to BRCA1 gene
- Common diabetes drug may halt growth of cysts in polycystic kidney disease
- Study sheds light on aromatase inhibitor joint pain syndrome
- Are patient surveys a reliable way to assess the performance of doctors and practices?
Posted 2010-11-13:
- Vaccine for urinary tract infections is one step closer
- Scientists demystify an enzyme responsible for drug and food metabolism
- Scientists explore 1510 influenza pandemic and lessons learned
- Campus-community interventions successful in reducing college drinking
- Modeling autism in a lab dish: Researchers create autistic neuron model
- Stem cell transplants in mice produce lifelong enhancement of muscle mass
- Colorectal cancer risk increases in prostate cancer patients on androgen deprivation therapy, study finds
- In ice hockey players, 'resisted sprints' increase sprint speed
- Scientists find learning in the visual brain
- Don't clamp umbilical cords straight after birth, urges expert
- 'Toxic toy crisis' requires fresh solutions, experts say
- Arsenic early in treatment improves survival for leukemia patients, study finds
- Brass devices in plumbing systems can create serious lead-in-water problems
- Exercise may reduce risk of endometrial cancer
- Why chocolate protects against heart disease
- Pain gene common to flies, mice and humans, researchers discover
- Key protein controlling blood vessel growth into brains of mice identified
- Using CT, radiologists can pinpoint cause of some strokes
- Yoga's ability to improve mood and lessen anxiety is linked to increased levels of a critical brain chemical, research finds
- New vaccine hope in fight against pneumonia and meningitis
- How key drug kills worms in tropical diseases
- Scientists unveil mechanisms of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
- Timely depression diagnosis critical to maintain health of elderly
- Mind is a frequent, but not happy, wanderer: People spend nearly half their waking hours thinking about what isn’t going on around them
- Menopausal hormone therapy may increase risk of ovarian cancer, research suggests
- Young, unsupervised children most at risk for dog bites, study shows; Dogs often target a child's face and eyes
- Use of androgen deprivation therapy increases fracture risk among prostate cancer patients, study finds
- Changing family behavior helps schizophrenic patients avoid relapse
Posted 2010-11-12:
- Noninvasive brain stimulation helps improve motor function in stroke patients
- More intensive cholesterol treatment reduces heart risk further, study suggests
- Deaf adults see better than hearing people, new study finds
- Stress takes its toll in Parkinson's disease
- Nerve cells in the eyes of flies and vertebrates use similar process to split up optical information
- New mechanism regulating daily biological rhythms: Findings offer novel target for treatment of sleep disorders, diabetes, and cancer
- Genetics has a big impact on how a person operates in a social group
- Depression linked to altered activity of circadian rhythm gene
- Low birth weight may cause lifelong problems processing medications
- Alcohol can damage much more than just the liver
- Evidence of link between acetaminophen use in pregnancy and childhood asthma, researchers say
- Molecular program for brain repair following stroke identified
- Team colors on cans change perceptions of alcohol risks, study finds
- Delicate balance in the brain controls fear
- Normal human genetics may influence cancer growth, too
- Tetris effect: Classic computer game may have special ability to reduce flashbacks after viewing traumatic images
- New indicator found for rapidly progressing form of deadly lung disease
- Trojan Horse ploy to sneak protective drug into brains of stroke patients
- Dietary intervention in infancy can prevent the disease process leading to Type 1 diabetes, Finnish study finds
- Prescribed bed rest has down side for pregnant women, nursing researcher finds
- Citywide smoking ban contributes to significant decrease in maternal smoking, pre-term births
- High cholesterol in middle age women not a risk factor for Alzheimer's and other dementias, study finds
- Mutations in single gene predict poor outcomes in adult leukemia; Discovery may guide treatment for acute myeloid leukemia
- ‘Magic bullet’ could eradicate side effects of drug used to treat rare genetic disease
- New dietary supplement reference materials could be 'berry' useful
- New neuronal circuits which control fear have been identified
- Inhibitory neurons key to understanding neuropsychiatric disorders
- Infant foods should be screened for mycotoxins, scientists say
- New insights into the development of epithelial cells
- Attacking the drinking culture on college campuses from different directions
- Pain gene found in flies, mice and people may have links to creativity and synesthesia
- Cohabiting parents struggle with nonstandard work schedules
- Hurdles ahead for health care reform primary care model, study suggests
- Swedish teens say individual traits are the main reasons for bullying
Posted 2010-11-11:
- Circuit regulating anti-diabetic actions of serotonin uncovered
- DNA repair protein caught in act of molecular theft
- Predicting heart transplant patient's health earlier
- New transportable technology detects bacteria in water
- Cancer news articles may contribute to confusion about cancer
- Fructose-rich beverages associated with increased risk of gout in women
- New class of 'dancing' dendritic cells derived from blood monocytes
- Computer-automated monitoring system may help identify medical devices with potential safety risks
- Nanopore array allows simultaneous tests in search for new drugs
- College days -- more sedentary days
- New cancer drug target: Shutting down enzyme that controls DNA repair could boost effects of traditional chemo drugs
- New method for control of malaria applied in Africa
- Chemoprevention biomarker for breast cancer identified
- Couple's numeracy skills linked to greater family wealth, study finds
- Children with high blood pressure more likely to have learning disabilities, study finds
- Growth defects in cystic fibrosis may start before birth
- Portable microwave sensors for measuring vital signs
- Sick at work and surfing the net? You're not alone -- or are you?
- Rogue gene hijacks stem cells to jumpstart human cancer
- Why risk for sudden infant death syndrome is greater in babies of mothers who smoke
- Psychoprophylaxis helps men with tocophobic -- fear of childbirth
- Probiotics shorten diarrhea episodes, review suggests
- New findings on chromosome changes in tumor cells
- Overcoming the IVF baby blues: Hormones and stress are major contributors to depression, research finds
- Human methylome sequenced at single base-pair resolution
- New anti-inflammatory substance: Biochemists ID important messenger in immune system
- Stress on clinicians can be effectively measured, analysis shows
- Study clarifies needs of rural-dwelling elderly
Posted 2010-11-10:
- Alpha males take greater risks: Study links finger length to behavior
- Long-term statin use is unlikely to increase cancer risk, study finds
- Obesity in adolescence significantly associated with increased risk of severe obesity in adulthood
- Concern over traumatic brain injury in youth offenders
- Brains of Neanderthals and modern humans developed differently
- Home exposure to tobacco carcinogens high in children of smokers
- Myth of a germ-free world: A closer look at antimicrobial products
- Key link between adrenal gland hormone and brain in hypertension discovered
- Few eligible young women choose to take HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, study shows
- Starting dialysis earlier may be harmful for some patients
- Alzheimer's disease: New study shows how amyloid beta disrupts one of the brain's anti-oxidant proteins, points way to protect it
- Smoking increases risk of death in women with breast cancer, study finds
- Hyper-texting and hyper-networking linked to health risks for teens
- Soy may stop prostate cancer spread: Experimental soy-based drug shows benefits in men with localized prostate cancer
- Soy isoflavones may modify risk of breast cancer
- Parents should talk about math early and often with their children -- even before preschool, report finds
- Cellular communicators for cancer virus identified
- Fat sand rats are SAD like us: Research shines a light on a mood disorder
- Could lung cancer in smokers vs. 'never-smokers' be different diseases?
- Many physicians still have relationships with industry, survey suggests
- Brain bleeding is common with aging, study finds
- Children find their own way to solve arithmetic problems
- Breast cancer: Reducing the risk of unnecessary chemo
- Silent vascular disease accompanies cognitive decline in healthy aging
- Dangerous chemicals in food wrappers likely migrating to humans
- TB-drugome provides new targets for anti-tuberculosis drug discovery
- Low vitamin D while pregnant or breastfeeding may not be associated with multiple sclerosis relapse
- Do not abandon new cigarette warning labels, experts urge
- DHA improves memory and cognitive function in older adults, study suggests
- Overweight children have eating patterns different from those of normal weight children, Norwegian study finds
- Common corneal condition associated with increased eye pressure
- Clinical research doesn't do enough to study sex and gender differences, analysis finds
- Significant variations found among medical centers regarding bloodstream infections surveillance
- Variation in heart disease death risk in England largely attributed to population characteristics
- Americans have conflicting views about spending on public health system, poll analysis finds
- Views on health disparities fueled largely by political ideology, research finds
Posted 2010-11-09:
- Fish oil component given up to 5 hours after stroke limits brain damage, study finds
- Statins fail to reduce colorectal cancer in postmenopausal women, study finds
- Nanoparticles' journey from lungs into body chronicled: Insights into pulmonary drug delivery, air pollution control
- Greater food insecurity from recession poses increased risk to low income individuals with diabetes
- Potential target for therapy for patients with a deadly prostate cancer
- Vapor rub relieves cold symptoms for children, helps them sleep better, study suggests
- Bilingualism delays onset of Alzheimer's symptoms, study finds
- Low blood levels of vitamin D linked to chubbier kids, faster weight gain
- Infants' hemodynamic responses to happy and angry facial expressions
- Solar-powered device affordable, reliable tool to measure blood pressure
- Psychologists identify influence of social interaction on sensitivity to physical pain
- 'Altruism gene' associated with higher willingness to donate, researchers find
- Prolonged maternal separation increases breast cancer risk in neonatal mice
- Fat cells reach their limit and trigger changes linked to type 2 diabetes
- Childhood stroke study identifies the contraceptive pill and smoking as risk factors
- Scientists turn skin cells directly into blood cells, bypassing middle pluripotent step
- Autism study reveals how genetic changes rewire the brain
- Studying the metabolome of smokers, researchers find early signs of damage
- Tai Chi relieves arthritis pain, improves reach, balance, well-being, study suggests
- Understanding diabetes at the molecular level
- Burning pain and itching governed by same nerve cells
- How physical environment influences stem cell development
- Fingers detect typos even when conscious brain doesn't
- MRI may help determine time of stroke onset
- Study sheds light on cancer-causing gene regulation
- 'e-Learning' report shows online professional development aids teachers and students
- Why proper nutrition is so vital in fighting infection
- Obesity and diabetes: Immune cells in fat tissue explain the link
- Estrogen not associated with lung cancer incidence and mortality among postmenopausal women, study finds
- Detecting depression in caretakers of mentally ill adults
- Obesity not linked to breast cancer in Mexican-American women, study finds
- Drug regarded as alternative to standard treatment for preventing relapse of certain type of vasculitis does not appear as effective
- Breast cancer patients prefer silicone over saline implants after mastectomy
Posted 2010-11-08:
- New player in innate immunity? Class of biomolecules triggered in response to respiratory virus infection
- Controlling bone formation to prevent osteoporosis
- Any athlete suspected of having concussion should be removed from play, neurologists say
- Simple blood test may diagnose deadly Niemann-Pick type C disease
- Vulnerable brain region may be central to progression of Alzheimer's disease
- Precisely targeted radiation controls sinus cancer with fewer side effects
- Specialization builds trust among Web users
- Looking older than your age may not be a sign of poor health
- Protein preserves delicate balance between immune response and host
- Lasofoxifene reduces breast cancer risk in postmenopausal osteoporotic women
- Screening test validated for depression in adolescents
Posted 2010-11-07:
- 'Nano-drug' hits brain-tumor target: Unique triggering device delivers antitumor drugs
- PET scans reveal estrogen-producing hotspots in human brain
- 'Prima donna' protein doesn't work well in pairs
- Self awareness can help people navigate rocky seas of relationships
- DNA fingerprinting traces global path of plague
- Breakthrough in cancer vaccine research
- Luminous cells from jellyfish could diagnose cancers deep within human body
- Illnesses, injuries greatly increase chances of older adults developing new or worsening disability
- X-ray crystallography reveals structure of precursor to blood-clotting protein
- Compulsive eating and the holiday season can lead to serious weight gain
- Helical CT scans reduce lung cancer mortality by 20 percent compared to chest X-rays, study finds
- X-rays offer first detailed look at hotspots for calcium-related disease
- Timing is everything in combination therapy for osteoporosis
- Public support for HPV vaccine wanes when linked to controversy, study finds; Public opinion about other vaccines remains unchanged
Posted 2010-11-06:
- Nanoshells provide golden 'touch' in killing breast tumors
- Junior ice hockey study uncovers alarming concussion rates
- Wayward DNA-repair enzyme implicated in Friedreich's ataxia
- Parents' effort key to child's educational performance
- Hard work improves the taste of food, study shows
- Extreme form of pregnancy-related morning sickness could be genetic
- Small protein changes may make big difference in natural HIV control
- Air pollution exposure increases risk of severe COPD
- Headgear, mouth guards have little or no impact on reducing concussions in rugby players, study finds
- Promising target for new pancreatic cancer treatments discovered
- Fly stem cells on diet: Scientists discovered how stem cells respond to nutrient availability
- CT screening of former, current smokers reduces lung cancer deaths, study finds
- Handedness and language-related disorders: Gene discovery supports link
- Human-specific evolution in battling bugs and building babies
- Investigating possible link between menstrual periods and ovarian cancer
- Colonic navigation: Nanotechnology helps deliver drugs to intestinal target
- Human mind uses syntax to interpret actions
- Damage to prefrontal cortex compensated by intact areas; 'Phantom' images stored in flexible network throughout brain
- New genetic risk factor for both autism and schizophrenia
- Obesity rate will reach at least 42 percent, say models of social contagion
- Proteasome inhibitor reduces inflammation and promotes bone healing in arthritis models
- Global food safety: Keeping food safe from farm to table
- Armed antibody triggers remissions for Hodgkin's lymphoma
- Recombination hotspot stacks the DNA deck in finding a new diabetes susceptibility gene
- Teens of epileptic moms display poor school performance, study finds
- Single shot of morphine has long lasting effects on testosterone levels, study finds
- Combining radiation therapy, chemotherapy safely treats head and neck cancer patients, study finds
- More talk, less agreement: Risk discussion can hurt consensus-building on science/technology
Posted 2010-11-05:
- Nerve cell activity drains stem cell pool in developing brain
- Discovery blocks cancer drug's toxic side effect
- Insufficient vitamin D levels in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients linked to cancer progression and death
- A 'brand' new world: Attachment runs thicker than money
- Method keeps surgically-removed prostate tissue alive and 'working' for week
- Beneficial effects of testosterone for frailty in older men are short-lived, study finds
- Built-in timer for improving accuracy of cost saving paper-strip medical tests
- Food-allergy fears drive overly restrictive diets, study suggests
- Electrical brain stimulation improves math skills, researchers show
- Gene identified for spread of deadly melanoma
- Five-year results show keyhole bowel cancer surgery as safe and effective
- Americans less healthy than English, but live as long or longer, study finds
- Specific changes in the brain associated with sleep deprivation described in new study
- Intentional swallowing of foreign bodies and its impact on the cost of health care
- Higher medication spending doesn't indicate better prescribing quality, study finds
- Asthma drug prevents spread of breast cancer, study finds
- Multifocal contact lenses may reduce vision for night driving
- Investigation raises concerns about the post-approval surveillance of medical devices
- Stone Age humans needed more brain power to make big leap in tool design
- Successful aging in the Amish: Researchers discover new genetic factors
- Parental infertility and cerebral palsy in children born spontaneously or after IVF/ICSI
- Study finds links between high schoolers' hopes, educational attainment
- Sweet discovery raises hope for treating Ebola, Lassa, Marburg and other fast-acting viruses
- Juvenile arthritis: Etanercept helps restore normal growth in children with, study finds
- Levels of coumarin in cassia cinnamon vary greatly even in bark from the same tree
- Does adolescent stress lead to mood disorders in adulthood?
- Positive well-being to higher telomerase: Psychological changes from meditation training linked to cellular health
- Lactobacillus reuteri good for health, Swedish study finds
- Prognostic markers for prostate cancer patients who receive radiation after surgery
- Language intervention provides educational benefits for pre-school children
Posted 2010-11-04:
- New lymphoma therapy may be more effective with fewer side effects
- 'Bouncy' cell membranes behave like cornstarch and water, researchers find
- Prostate cancer's multiple personalities revealed: Secondary mutations that make some variations of prostate cancers more lethal
- Half of those travelling internationally not aware of potential health risks, study finds
- Exposure of humans to cosmetic UV filters is widespread, study finds
- 81 percent of hospital patients at high risk for sleep apnea, study finds
- New retinal implant enables blind people to see shapes and objects
- Why brain has limited capacity for repair after stroke: New drug target identified
- New protein critical for mitochondria discovered
- Scientists uncover a genetic switch that turns immune responses on and off
- Novel needle technology paves way for simultaneous tissue sampling and cancer treatment
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