Jumat, 12 November 2010

Planet Green Newsletter

Called "the most destructive project on Earth," find out the need-to-know info on Alberta's oil sands by watching a stunning Reel Impact documentary premiere and taking a look deeper into the worldwide problem with our tar sands feature.

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A Global Problem Explored Saturday at 10 pm

H2Oil Uncovers the Truth About Tar Sands

Ever wonder where the United States gets most of its oil? If you thought it was Saudi Arabia or Iraq you are wrong. America's biggest oil supplier has quickly become Canada's oil sands. Located under Alberta's pristine boreal forests, the process of oil sands extraction uses up to 4 barrels of fresh water to produce only one barrel of crude oil. But water - its depletion, exploitation, privatization and contamination - is one of the most important issues facing humanity in this century.

H2Oil follows a voyage of discovery, heartbreak and politicization in the stories of those attempting to defend water in Alberta against tar sands expansion. Unlikely alliances are built and lives are changed as they come up against the largest industrial project in human history. Ultimately we ask, what is more important, oil or water?

Don't Miss the Unbelievable Premiere Saturday at 10 pm -- Take a Sneak Peek

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Tar Sands: Harmful to Water, Deadly for Birds
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Green Guide: Tar Sands Explained
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Canada's Oil Sands More Toxic Than Ever (Video)

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Witness Our Dependency on Oil (Video)
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Shareholder Activism at BP and Shell: Stop Oil Sands Expansion
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Oil Sands Revolt (Video)

TreeHugger/Planet Green | 850 3rd Ave. Eight Floor | New York | NY | 10022

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