ScienceDaily Top Science Headlines
for the Week of November 14 to November 21, 2010
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Posted 2010-11-20:
- Hubble captures new star birth in an ancient galaxy
- Gene links to anorexia identified: Largest genetic study of the eating disorder detects common and rare variants
- Orangutans count on stats for survival
- Personalized medicine: Tumor analysis reveals new opportunities for existing cancer drugs
- Microorganisms in the ground don’t slack off in winter
- Physicists demonstrate a four-fold quantum memory
- Designing more effective anti-HIV antibodies
- Cholesterol-lowering statins boost bacteria-killing cells
- Reports claiming amyotrophic lateral sclerosis caused by head trauma lacks scientific validation, review finds
- Mathematical problems recast as physics questions, provide new tools for old quandaries
- Graphic images influence intentions to quit smoking
- In fending off diseases, plants and animals are much the same, research shows
- New target identified for stopping tumors developing their own blood supply
- Faster water flow means greater diversity of invertebrate marine life
- Combination therapy improves survival time for patients with advanced liver cancer
- Detroit's urban farms could provide a majority of produce for local residents
- New approach finds success in teaching youth with autism
Posted 2010-11-20:
- Busy microbial world discovered in deepest ocean crust ever explored
- First synthetic activator of two critical proteins identified: New approach to treat numerous metabolic disorders?
- Pomegranate juice reduces damage to tissues, inflammation and infections, study suggests
- First successful salivary stone removal with robotics
- Physicists study behavior of enzyme linked to Alzheimer's, cancer
- Study finds evidence of gender bias toward diagnosing boys with autism
- E. coli infection linked to long-term health problems
- Potential genetic target for heart disease discovered
- New disease-resistant food crops under development
- Taking a break from osteoporosis drugs can protect bones, study finds
- Most powerful supercomputers rated for capabilities using tough new system
- Coaching with compassion can 'light up' human thoughts
- Enigma of missing stars in local group of galaxies may be solved
- Scientists discover how estrogen works and flip its switch to reap benefits without risks
- Paw prints and feces offer new hope for saving tigers
- Chemicals' study pinpoints threat to workers' lungs
- Controlling cursors with thoughts: Faster, simpler, and more accurately; advance helps people regulate their own brain response, with therapeutic implications
- Exhaustion syndrome leaves measurable changes in the brain
- Surprise link between weird quantum phenomena: Heisenberg uncertainty principle sets limits on Einstein's 'spooky action at a distance'
- Compound that blocks sugar pathway slows cancer cell growth
- Spacecraft flew through 'snowstorm' on encounter with comet Hartley 2
- Hormone therapy use may increase or decrease dementia risk depending upon timing
- US falls behind other nations in reducing traffic fatalities and injuries
- Doomsday messages about global warming can backfire, study shows
- Well-known molecule may be behind alcohol's benefits to heart health
- Modulating a protein in the brain could help control Alzheimer's disease
- Ten years of Soufriere Hills Volcano research
- Shockwaves work better than surgery for smaller kidney stones trapped in the ureter, study suggests
- FDA review on transgenic salmon too narrow, experts say
- IQ scores fail to predict academic performance in children with autism
- Pushing black-hole mergers to the extreme: Scientists achieve 100:1 mass ratio in simulation
- Key enzyme that regulates the early growth of breast cancer cells identified
- Bees take the sting out of mouth ulcers
- Cough medicine could help doctors identify how breast cancer patients metabolize tamoxifen
- Panama Canal, Panama City at risk of large earthquake, says new research
- Care for prisoners will improve public health, researchers say
- Mechanism behind organ transplant rejection identified
- Why so many antibodies fail to protect against HIV infection
- Innovative neural probe senses and stimulates individual brain cells
- Importance of exercise for those at special risk for Alzheimer's
- Defeating potato blight
- Where's George? Researchers follow the money to define communities in US
Posted 2010-11-19:
- Gangster birds running protection racket give insight into coevolution
- Stem cell-secreted protein can be given to improve heart function after experimental heart attack
- New breed of space vehicle: Researchers developing conceptual design for a Mars 'hopper'
- Scientists announce new advance with potential for future cancer targeting
- Estrogen concentrations in manure runoff: Pelletized manure reduces toxic runoff
- What if we used poetry to teach computers to speak better?
- Gene therapy for metastatic melanoma in mice produces complete remission
- Vitamin C may offer potential life-saving treatment for sepsis
- For macaques, male bonding is a political move
- Multiple sclerosis drug serves as model for potential drugs to treat botulism poisoning
- One-touch make-up -- for our cells
- Depression-like behavior identified in zebrafish; Inability to cope with stress may play role in depression
- Planet from another galaxy discovered: Galactic cannibalism brings an exoplanet of extragalactic origin within astronomers' reach
- Scientists ferret out a key pathway for aging
- Hope for treatment of cocaine addiction: Block memories
- It takes a village: Mechanism alerts neighbors to amplify immune response
- Social networking extends mobile battery life
- Differences in brain development between males and females may hold clues to mental health disorders
- Mortal chemical combat typifies the world of bacteria
- Mysterious cells may play role in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- Hearing loss study reveals role of bone hardness in tissue function
- It takes two: Double detection key for sensing muscle pain
- Nanoscale probe reveals interactions between surfaces and single molecules
- Light at night causes changes in brain linked to depression
- Months of geologic unrest signaled reawakening of Icelandic volcano
- Novel approach shows promise for cystic fibrosis
- Rare earth elements in US not so rare, report finds
- Tiny Trojan horses attack brain cancer cells
- Machine learning technique designed to improve consumer medical searches
- How video games stretch the limits of our visual attention
- Critically endangered tree frog bred for first time
- Influenza vaccines of the future
- Laser system shows promise for cataract surgery
- Structure of Lassa virus protein reveals viral thievery
- New method for studying molecules discovered
- Disruptive behaviour disorders in male teenagers associated with increased risk of road crashes
- Sonar inspired by dolphins: New kind of underwater device can detect objects through bubble clouds
- Regenerative stem cell therapy offers new hope for treating cardiovascular disease
- As Arctic temperatures rise, tundra fires increase
- New drug targets vitamin D receptors in hormone resistant prostate cancers
- New technology gives on-site assessments in archaeology
- Listeners' brains respond more to native accent speakers; Imaging study suggests accents are subtle 'insider' or 'outsider' signal to the brain
- Scientists identify antivirus system in host cells
- Novel genetic mutation that causes the most common form of eye cancer discovered
- Fighting America’s 'other drug problem': Researchers find key to combating medication non-adherence
- Scientists question widely adopted indicator of fisheries health and evidence for 'fishing down marine food webs'
- Women who stutter have different brain connections than men who stutter; Findings may help explain why more men than women stutter
- Magnetic trapping will help unlock the secrets of anti-matter
Posted 2010-11-18:
- Global warming could cool down northern temperatures in winter
- Broad new technique for screening proteins devised
- Advance toward controlling fungus that caused Irish potato famine
- Small clumps of tau protein disrupt memory; Animal study suggests possible target for Alzheimer’s disease therapies
- A new twist for nanopillar light collectors
- Brain region responsible for speech illusion identified; Study explains how visual cues disrupt speech perception
- Upending conventional wisdom, certain virus families are ancient
- Development of a safer vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease; Mouse study suggests new vaccine approach that may avoid side effects
- Low-allergenic wines could stifle sniffles and sneezes in millions of wine drinkers
- How anthrax bacteria impair immune response
- Deepwater Horizon: Not managing danger, not learning from 'near misses'
- What you see changes where you hear: Exposure to light for only milliseconds alters perceived source of sound
- Antimatter atoms stored for the first time
- Personalized treatment for ovarian cancer
- Smoke from fireworks is harmful to health, study suggests
- Common strain of bacteria found in patients with cystic fibrosis in Canada; associated with greater risk of death
- Feed likely source of salmonella contamination on pig farms
- Impulsive behavior in males increases after periods of heavy drinking
- Stunning details of brain connections revealed
- Immune system involved in depression, animal study suggests
- Baking soda dramatically boosts oil production in algae
- Heart surgeries can trigger strokes, seizures and other neurological complications
- Imaging tool may aid nanoelectronics by screening tiny tubes
- People who stutter show abnormal brain activity when reading and listening
- Language may help create, not just convey, thoughts and feelings
- Enzyme action could be target for diabetes, heart disease treatments
- Infant estrogen levels tracked through diaper research
- New, much faster, more accurate diagnostic for influenza and respiratory syncytial virus
- Artificial black holes made with metamaterials: Design for human-made light trapping device could help harvest light for solar cells
- Why you can listen at cocktail parties: Songbirds' individual brain cells are tuned to particular sounds
- Length of pregnancy influenced by placenta structure
- MRI scans show structural brain changes in people at risk for Alzheimer's disease
- New 3-D model of RNA 'core domain' of enzyme telomerase may offer clues to cancer, aging
- Antibiotic treatment for ear infections in kids provides only modest benefits, study finds
- 'Chaogates' hold promise for the semiconductor industry
- Human study shows greater cognitive deficits in marijuana users who start young
- Damaged organs linked to change in biochemical wave patterns
- Protein with cardioprotective capabilities during heart attack discovered
- Landing lights for bumblebees
- Never-smokers fare far better than smokers after radiation therapy for head and neck cancer
- Species, rather than diet, has greatest effect on gut bacteria diversity
- Energy drink consumption is strongly linked with risks of heavy drinking and alcohol dependence
- Bioengineers provide adult stem cells with simultaneous chemical, electrical and mechanical cues
- Cancer drug target is promising lead for new TB treatments
- New device detects insects in stored wheat
- Statin RX may be overprescribed in healthy people without evidence of diseased arteries, study suggests
- Using plants against soils contaminated with arsenic
- US scientists significantly more likely to publish fake research, study finds
- College job market to see slight rebound
Posted 2010-11-17:
- Heat stress to Caribbean corals in 2005 worst on record; Caribbean reef ecosystems may not survive repeated stress
- New treatment for lung cancer shows promise
- One of France's largest dinosaur fossil deposits found in the Charente region
- Reducing blood transfusions improves patient safety and cuts costs, study finds
- How do folded structures form?
- Binge drinking in adolescence changes stress response in adulthood
- Sunburnt whales: Three species show signs of sun damage to skin
- Size of hippocampus may indicate early dementia
- Major fusion advance: Breakthrough could help reduce heating of plasma container walls
- Risk factors that lead to bicycling injuries in city traffic
- New safety switch prevents explosions due to electrical sparks
- Teenage amphetamine abuse affects adult brain cell function
- Astronomers discover merging star systems that might explode
- Treating heart attack with fat-derived stem cells may be safe in humans
- How the songbird's brain controls timing during singing
- New dry powder antibiotic targets tuberculosis, reduces treatment time
- Newly discovered drumlin field provides answers about glaciation and climate
- Adolescent rats more vulnerable to drug addiction than adults; younger animals consumed more cocaine and worked harder for it than did adults
- Earth's lower atmosphere is warming, review of four decades of scientific literature concludes
- Artificial retina more capable of restoring normal vision; animal study shows including retina’s neural 'code' improved prosthetic
- New bandages change color if infections arise
- Fat outside of the arteries may be linked to future cardiovascular disease
- Engineers test effects of fire on steel structures
- Musicians less likely to experience age-related changes in the auditory cortex
- 'Space-time cloak' to conceal events
- Stem cell patch may result in improved function following heart attack
- New species of carnivorous plant discovered in Cambodia
- Surgical instruments left in children rarely fatal, but dangerous, study finds
- Cilantro ingredient can remove foul odor of 'chitlins'
- Oxytocin increases advertising’s influence: Hormone heightened sensitivity to public service announcements
- T. rex's big tail was its key to speed and hunting prowess
- Spleen might be source of damaging cells at spinal cord injury site
- Ancient African dust caused red soil in Southern Europe, new research reveals
- More fat around internal organs may mean more complications after liver surgery
- Gene discovery suggests way to engineer fast-growing plants
- Mental introspection increases as brain areas begin to act in sync
- Novel ocean-crust mechanism could affect world's carbon budget and climate
- Regular exercise reduces large number of health risks including dementia and some cancers, study finds
- Robo-op marks new world first for heart procedure
- Smoking among some adults dropped dramatically in past three decades
- Robotic-assisted surgery appears safe for complicated pancreatic procedures
- Functional MRI predicts outcome to talk therapy in children with an anxiety disorder
- Light technology to combat hospital infections
- New blood test may help predict heart failure in apparently healthy older adults
- Adapted MRI scan improves picture of changes to the brain
- Small assist device used in emergency case as twin, heart booster pumps for first time in US
- Tests show bright future for gadonanotubes in stem cell tracking
- Video game-based therapy helps stroke patients recover study
Posted 2010-11-16:
- 'Racetrack' magnetic memory could make computer memory 100,000 times faster
- More evidence that melanoma does not conform to the cancer stem cell model
- Microsensors offer first look at whether cell mass affects growth rate
- Most heart attack patients are not taking preventive medications, study finds
- New tech to help protect bridges, other infrastructure from scour
- Modern humans mature more slowly than Neanderthals did, analysis of teeth suggests
- Umbilical cord cells may treat arthritis, studies suggest
- Healthy lifestyle has bigger impact on cardiovascular health than genetics, studies show
- Danger of combining warfarin with herbal and dietary supplements revealed
- Performing blood counts automatically
- Stomach hormone can fuel or suppress rats’ sugar cravings: Chemical associated with appetite also activates the brain’s pleasure center
- NASA's Chandra finds youngest nearby black hole
- Iron in coronary artery plaque is a marker of heart attack risk, say researchers
- New large squid found in southern Indian Ocean
- Homeopathic consultations -- but not homeopathic remedies -- linked to benefits for patients, study finds
- New standard proposed for supercomputing
- Oxytocin and social contact reduce anxiety: Hormone may be less effective at relieving stress for isolated animals
- Prehistoric winged reptiles 'pole-vaulted' into flight
- Alzheimer's disease inherited through maternal line, study finds
- New DNA sequencing reveals hidden communities
- New treatment to overpower drug resistance in ovarian cancer
- Google queries and stock market volumes: Financial markets and Internet's 'swarm intelligence' linked, researchers find
- Bat brains offer clues as to how we focus on some sounds and not others
- Quantum memory for communication networks of the future
- Cystic fibrosis gene typo is a double whammy
- A new read on DNA sequencing
- DNA sequence variations linked to electrical signal conduction in the heart
- Nanoscale light sensor compatible with 'Etch-a-Sketch' nanoelectronic platform
- Less salt in teenagers' diet may improve heart health in adulthood
- Embryonic stem cell culturing grows from art to science
- Use of mild painkillers in pregnancy linked to increased risk of male reproductive problems, new evidence shows
- How diving leatherback turtles regulate buoyancy
- Synchronizing a failing heart: New hope and proven help for heart failure patients
- Satellites provide up-to-date information on snow cover
- Light to moderate drinking linked to fewer heart problems in male bypass patients, study finds
- Extensive natural recovery after spinal cord injury uncovered in primate study
- Poor sleep quality increases inflammation, community study finds
- Rare cold water coral ecosystem discovered off coast of Mauritania
- New protocol reduces children's radiation exposure during cardiac procedures
- Updated software uses combination testing to catch bugs fast and easy
- Death of spouse, child may cause higher heart rate, other dangers
- Researchers develop light technology to combat hospital infections
- Vitamin D deficit doubles risk of stroke in whites, but not in blacks, study finds
- Invasive species pose major threat to fish in Mediterranean basin, large-scale study finds
- Having first-degree relative with atrial fibrillation linked with increased risk
- Proteins in motion: World’s largest video database of proteins for the pharmaceutical industry published
- Women with high job strain have 40 percent increased risk of heart disease, study finds
- Synchrotron reveals human children outpaced Neanderthals by slowing down
Posted 2010-11-15:
- Coronal mass ejections: Scientists unlock the secrets of exploding plasma clouds on the Sun
- Redeeming role for a common virus: Ability to kill cancer
- Seeing meat makes people significantly less aggressive
- Brain might be key to leptin's actions against type 1 diabetes, researchers find
- Genomes of lyme disease bacteria sequenced
- More than half of stroke survivors suffer added burden of little known neurologic condition, survey finds
- Mathematical equation calculates cost of walking for first time
- Specialized blood vessels jumpstart and sustain liver regeneration
- Catastrophic drought looms for capital city of Bolivia
- Synapses recycle proteins for the release of neurotransmitters
- Natural selection on not-so-natural plants
- Having severe acne may increase suicide risk, study suggests
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