ScienceDaily Technology Headlines
for the Week of November 7 to November 14, 2010
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Posted 2010-11-13:
- Discovery could reveal secrets of ancient Martian and terrestrial atmospheres
- Quantum computers easier to build: Can tolerate faulty or missing components, researchers say
Posted 2010-11-13:
- New forms of highly efficient, flexible nanogenerator technology
- Formation of bulge on far side of moon explained
- All-optical transistor: Controling the flow of light with a novel optical transistor
- Scientists ping key material in sonar, closes gap on structural mystery
- 'Toxic toy crisis' requires fresh solutions, experts say
- Brass devices in plumbing systems can create serious lead-in-water problems
- New ultra-clean nanowires have great potential in solar cell technology and electronics
- New highly stable fuel-cell catalyst gets strength from its nano core
- Detailed dark matter map yields clues to galaxy cluster growth
- Mind is a frequent, but not happy, wanderer: People spend nearly half their waking hours thinking about what isn’t going on around them
- Softening crystals without heat: Using terahertz pulses to manipulate molecular networks
Posted 2010-11-12:
- Graphene's strength lies in its defects
- Step by step towards tomorrow’s nanomaterial: Swiss researchers fabricate graphene-like materials using surface chemical route
- Supercomputer warfare: New research provides effective battle planning
- Sugar and slice make graphene real nice: Table sugar, metallic sheets produce pristine graphene in one step
- Oil spill vacuum cleaner uses bark for spills
- Leaking underground CO<sub>2</sub> storage could contaminate drinking water, study finds
- Primordial dry ice fuels comet jets
- Out-sniffing bomb-sniffing dogs
- Tetris effect: Classic computer game may have special ability to reduce flashbacks after viewing traumatic images
- Novel type of magnetic wave discovered: Findings could improve wiring in national electrical grid systems
- Atoms-for-Peace: A galactic collision in action
- Saturn is on a cosmic dimmer switch, Cassini reveals
- Novel metamaterial vastly improves quality of ultrasound imaging
Posted 2010-11-11:
- Cancer news articles may contribute to confusion about cancer
- Computer-automated monitoring system may help identify medical devices with potential safety risks
- Nanopore array allows simultaneous tests in search for new drugs
- Astronomers find 'snooker' star system
- Couple's numeracy skills linked to greater family wealth, study finds
- Oil will run dry 90 years before substitutes roll out, study predicts
- How the dragon got its 'snap': Computer modeling and experimental genetics combined to work out complex shapes of organs
- Portable microwave sensors for measuring vital signs
- Researchers aim to harvest solar energy from pavement to melt ice, power streetlights
- Global warming reduces available wind energy, new research finds
- New method for simple fabrication of microperforated membranes
- Taking movies beyond Avatar -- for under £100
- Foucault revisited: Argentinean scientists show how to build a pendulum for any classroom
- Why New York City is 'average': Researchers want to improve how we determine urban exceptionality
Posted 2010-11-10:
- Sensor on Mars rover to measure radiation environment
- Getting to know the Sun advances fusion research: Coaxial helicity injection could make fusion reactors cheaper
- Offshore wind farms: Low loss solutions for transferring current
- NASA's Fermi telescope finds giant structure in our galaxy
- New way of detecting concealed radioactive material: Sniffing out dirty bombs via electromagnetic breakdown of air
- Hyper-texting and hyper-networking linked to health risks for teens
- Engineered plants make potential precursor to raw material for plastics
- CERN completes transition to lead-ion running at the Large Hadron Collider
- Parents should talk about math early and often with their children -- even before preschool, report finds
- Energy harvesting: Nanogenerators grow strong enough to power small conventional electronic devices
- Plasma as a fast optical switch
- Bars kill spiral galaxies, astronomers and volunteers discover
- Children find their own way to solve arithmetic problems
- Vacuum arcs spark new interest
- The many faces of the shear Alfvén wave: 3-D movies are no longer just for Hollywood blockbusters
- Easy fabrication of non-reflecting and self-cleaning silicon and plastic surfaces
- Graphene gets a Teflon makeover
- Large Hadron Collider throws lead
Posted 2010-11-09:
- Close-up of hidden galaxies with new cosmic zoom lenses
- Nanoparticles' journey from lungs into body chronicled: Insights into pulmonary drug delivery, air pollution control
- Greater food insecurity from recession poses increased risk to low income individuals with diabetes
- Taming thermonuclear plasma with a snowflake
- Simulating black hole radiation with lasers: Lasers produce the first Hawking radiation ever detected
- Solar-powered device affordable, reliable tool to measure blood pressure
- Computer program recognizes human emotions from conversation analysis
- How physical environment influences stem cell development
- How oscillators -- common electronic components -- get in sync or fall out of sync
- 'Super-hero' material stretched into a possible electronics revolution
- Rice hulls a sustainable drainage option for greenhouse growers
- 'e-Learning' report shows online professional development aids teachers and students
- Mathematical model may result in better environment measures for the Baltic
- Elastic electronics: Rules for fabrication of ordered monolayers of semiconducting polymers have been established
- NASA's EPOXI flyby reveals new insights into comet features
Posted 2010-11-08:
- New propulsion method developed for metallic micro- and nano-objects
- Scientists develop device to enable improved global data transmission
- Water purification: Is colloidal silver necessary for bacteria removal?
- Specialization builds trust among Web users
- On the way to CO<sub>2</sub>-free power plants
Posted 2010-11-07:
- Cosmic curiosity reveals ghostly glow of dead quasar
- 'Nano-drug' hits brain-tumor target: Unique triggering device delivers antitumor drugs
- X-rays offer first detailed look at hotspots for calcium-related disease
Posted 2010-11-06:
- New statistical model moves human evolution back three million years
- Nanoshells provide golden 'touch' in killing breast tumors
- Nuclear materials detector shows exact location of radiation sources
- Colonic navigation: Nanotechnology helps deliver drugs to intestinal target
- New Way to Peer at Distant Galaxies
- The Large Hadron Collider enters a new phase
- Neutron stars may be too weak to power some gamma-ray bursts; Black holes may be power source
Posted 2010-11-05:
- Deep impact spacecraft successfully flies by comet Hartley 2
- Built-in timer for improving accuracy of cost saving paper-strip medical tests
- Corn starch solution can help shape solid materials
- How some plants spread their seeds: Ready, set, catapult
- Transparent conductive material could lead to power-generating windows
- Electrons get confused: Researchers may have observed the fastest melting of all time
- What will Webb see? Supercomputer models yield sneak previews
Posted 2010-11-04:
- 'Bouncy' cell membranes behave like cornstarch and water, researchers find
- Broadband coming wirelessly to Australia's bush
- Moving holograms: From science fiction to reality
- New retinal implant enables blind people to see shapes and objects
- Plants and animals under stress may provide the key to better stock market predications
- New approaches needed to gauge safety of nanotech-based pesticides, researchers urge
- Quantum simulator and supercomputer at the crossroads
- Fourth flavor of neutrino? Physics experiment suggests existence of new elementary particle
- Unique duality: 'Exotic' superconductor with metallic surface discovered
- Cancer drug linked to quantum dots increases drug uptake, reduces inflammation
- Phenomenal fabric: How can a cloth clean up toxic waste?
Posted 2010-11-03:
- New long-range undersea robot goes the distance
- Braided anyons could lead to more robust quantum computing
- Astronomers find evidence of 'cosmic climate change'
- Radically simple technique developed to grow conducting polymer thin films
- Astrophysicists discover new galaxy clusters revealed by cosmic 'shadows'
- UV light nearly doubles vacuum's effectiveness in reducing carpet microbes
- Voting-machine-allocation method could reduce voters' wait time by 36 percent
- Pivoting hooks of graphene’s chemical cousin could revolutionize work of electron microscopes
- Computer scientist, student design software to combat hacking using keystroke anti-spoofing technique
Posted 2010-11-02:
- Cassini sees Saturn rings oscillate like mini-galaxy
- Microfluidics-imaging platform detects cancer growth signaling in minute biopsy samples
- Microreactor speeds nanotech particle production by 500 times
- Triple-mode transistors show potential: Researchers introduce graphene-based amplifiers
- New portable radiation detector can assess safety of potentially contaminated areas
- Conserving resources: Producing circuit boards with plasma
- Faster CARS, less damage: Chemical microscopy shows potential for cell diagnostics
- New test equipment enhances police traffic surveillance
- Scarcity of new energy minerals may trigger trade wars, expert suggests
- New automated method for extracting and archiving patient radiation dose info
Posted 2010-11-01:
- Mars volcanic deposit tells of warm and wet environment
- Isotope near 'doubly magic' tin-100 flouts conventional wisdom
- A technique that shows colorful connections in the brain
- Advance could change modern electronics
- 'Goldilocks' of DNA self-assembly discovered
- Avoiding CO<sub>2</sub> capture health risks is possible, Norwegian experts say
Posted 2010-10-31:
- New insight into gaseous and dust discs around stars
- New software eases analysis of insect in motion
- Shuttle mice to boost disease research: Experiment on last flight of Discovery will probe spaceflight-induced immune-system impairment
- Study links fresh Mars gullies to carbon dioxide
Posted 2010-10-30:
- Three-dimensional maps of brain wiring
- Researchers use math, maps to plot malaria elimination plan
- Space radar provides a taste of Comet Hartley 2
- ‘Wireless’ humans could form backbone of new mobile networks
- Organic solvent system may improve catalyst recycling and create new nanomedicine uses
- New system for monitoring electricity use heralds greener homes and cheaper bills
- Earth-sized planets may be common throughout our galaxy, NASA survey suggests
- Better detection for diagnostics and biochemical defense
- Brain's journey from early Internet to modern-day fiber optics: Computer program shows how brain's complex fiber tracks mature
- New strategy to kill bugs -- even those in hiding
- Making better biosensors with electron density waves
- Emotion processing in brain is influenced by color of ambient light, study suggests
- North Sea oil recovery using carbon dioxide is possible, but time is running out, expert says
- Breakdown of correlated tunneling
Posted 2010-10-29:
- Precocious galaxy cluster identified by Chandra
- Everything evaporates, but how?
- Trapped Mars rover finds evidence of subsurface water
- Scientists 'cage' genetic off switches so they can be activated by UV light
- Facebook study finds race trumped by ethnic, social, geographic origins in forging friendships
- Smaller is better in the viscous zone
- Space buckyballs thrive, finds NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope
- Getting the big picture quickly: Software edits huge images in seconds instead of hours
- Magnetic test reveals hyperactive brain network responsible for involuntary flashbacks
- Water could hold answer to graphene nanoelectronics
- Scientists helping keep in-demand smoked salmon safe to eat, thanks to new mathematical model
- Making bone in the laboratory
- Structural genomics accelerates protein structure determination
- Current loss tracked down by magnetic fingerprint; Researchers solve the case of lost current in organic solar cells
Posted 2010-10-28:
- Out of THEMIS, ARTEMIS: Earth's loss is moon's gain
- Spiral galaxies stripped bare
- Tobacco and nicotine: They're good -- as a pesticide
- Controlling individual cortical nerve cells by human thought
- Small particles show big promise in beating unpleasant odors
- Astronomers discover most massive neutron star yet known; Discovery has broad implications for astrophysics, nuclear physics
- Portable breast scanner allows cancer detection in the blink of an eye
- The new SI: Proposal for a revamped system of measurement units
- Uranium in groundwater? 'Fracking' mobilizes uranium in marcellus shale
- Kepler spacecraft takes pulse of distant stars: 'Starquakes' yield new insights about the size, age and evolution of stars
- Trapping charged particles with laser light
- Emissions from consumption outstrip efficiency savings in UK
- NASA Goddard delivers magnetometers for Juno mission to Jupiter
- NIST ships first programmable AC/DC 10-volt standard
Posted 2010-10-27:
- Hubble data used to look 10,000 years into the future
- Six new isotopes of the superheavy elements discovered
- Scented consumer products shown to emit many unlisted chemicals
- NASA's Kepler Mission changing how astronomers study distant stars
- Stable way to store the sun's heat: Storing thermal energy in chemical could lead to advances in storage and portability
- Microwave oven key to self-assembly process meeting semi-conductor industry need
- Robotic gripper runs on coffee ... and balloons
- Tabletop instrument makes synchrotron X-rays: Simpler and cheaper way to produce tightly focused high-energy beams
- Mouse brain seen in sharpest detail ever
- How to avoid fraud in biometric identification
- Energy saving lamp is eco-winner: Swiss researcher evaluates environmental friendliness of light sources
- Harnessing tidal energy more efficiently than ever before
Posted 2010-10-26:
- Scientists examine energy trends of communications equipment
- 'Unplugged' experiment detaches students from the media
- New concept in microscopy: Self-reconstructing laser beams
- Plagiarism sleuths tackle full-text biomedical articles
- Tiny brained bees solve a complex mathematical problem
- Sterilizing with fluorescent lights: New surface may kill antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria with fluorescent light
- Synthetic FlexBone could help speed bone transplant recovery
- Computational model of swimming fish could inspire design of robots or medical prosthetics
- Photovoltaic medicine: Miniature solar cells might make chemotherapy less toxic
- Kryptonite superglue improving the quality of life in heart patients recovering from surgery
- Falkland Islands radar study impacts climate research: New equipment will monitor activity which creates the ‘Southern Lights’
- Changes in energy R&D needed to combat climate change, experts say
- Computer software helps new medical graduates prescribe safely
Posted 2010-10-25:
- Atomic-level manufacturing: Manufacturing with every atom in its proper place may be coming soon
- Mathematical model helps marathoners pace themselves to a strong finish
- Electron billiards in nanoscale circuits
- Largest parity violation and other adventures in table-top physics: Atomic experiments push boundary of known physical world
- New nano techniques integrate electron gas-producing oxides with silicon
Posted 2010-10-24:
- A new way to weigh planets
- Nanotube thermopower: Efforts to store energy in carbon nanotubes
- Scientists open electrical link to living cells
- Short-range scattering in quantum dots: Discovery advances novel devices
- Chemical engineers use gold to discover breakthrough for creating biorenewable chemicals
Posted 2010-10-23:
- New cometary phenomenon greets approaching spacecraft
- Value-added sulfur scrubbing: Converting acid rain chemicals into useful products
- Space telescopes reveal previously unknown brilliant X-ray explosion in Milky Way galaxy
- Researchers break speed barrier in solving important class of linear systems
- Towards better explosives detectors
- Lunar 'permafrost': Evidence for widespread water ice on the moon
- Spotting suspicious moles
- Forensic metal fingerprinting: Simple, handheld device which can measure corrosion on machine parts
- Taking a closer look at plaque
- World's smallest on-chip low-pass filter developed
- Light on silicon better than copper?
- Real-time imaging of stroke models
- Using PEAT to capture, share and analyze protein experimental data
- Green Carbon Center takes all-inclusive view of energy
Posted 2010-10-22:
- NASA-engineered collision spills new Moon secrets
- The coldest chemistry
- Direct laser cooling of molecules
- Energy revolution key to complex life: Depends on mitochondria, cells' tiny power stations
- New equation could advance research in solar cell materials
- Space weather mystery solved: Link found between electrons trapped in space and upper atmosphere's diffuse aurora
- The world is not flat: Exploring cells and tissues in three dimensions
- How batteries grow old: Researchers build facility to put hybrid car batteries to the test
- New search method tracks down influential ideas: Computer scientists have developed a new way of tracing the origins and spread of ideas
- Star, not so bright: Model explains evolution of unusual black hole binary system
- A forest of nanorods: Amazing nanostructures created by glancing-angle deposition
- Crash helmet with a useful smell
- Researchers analyze student grief online after campus shootings
- Entire issue of scientific journal devoted to Joint Center for Structural Genomics
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's LAMP ultraviolet spectrograph observes LCROSS blast, detects surprising gases in impact plume
Posted 2010-10-21:
- Intricate, curving 3-D nanostructures created using capillary action forces
- Measuring changes in rock: Research looks at effect of captured and stored carbon dioxide on minerals
- New sensor derived from frogs may help fight bacteria and save wildlife; Sensor uses frog peptides to test for drug and medical device contamination
- Small is beautiful in hydroelectric power plant design: Invention could enable renewable power generation at thousands of unused sites
- Biodegradable foam plastic substitute made from milk protein and clay
- Most distant galaxy ever measured: Faint glow from when the universe was only 600 million years old
- The (Long) Weekend Warrior: Nine Moons, 62 Hours
- McSleepy meets DaVinci: Doctors conduct first-ever all-robotic surgery and anesthesia
- Batteries smaller than a grain of salt
- Improved antibiotic coatings: Research aims to make medical devices safer by preventing biofilms
- Long distance, top secret messages: Critical component of quantum communication device may enable cryptography
- Video games can be highly effective training tools, study shows: Employees learn more, forget less, master more skills
- One-way Martian colonization missions: Proposal would cut costs dramatically, ensure long-term commitment
- Study of tiny magnets may advance their use in microelectronics
- Best yet test of Lorentz invariance
- Measuring the electrical properties of nano-crystals: UK scientists help create standards for measuring electric materials on the nanoscale
Posted 2010-10-20:
- Bioelectrical signals turn stem cells' progeny cancerous; Newly discovered 'instructor cells' can deliver deadly directions
- Making the Internet faster
- 'Drivel' on Facebook more valuable than we think
- Sniffing out shoe bombs: A new and simple sensor for explosive chemicals
- 'Virtual satellite dish' thanks to lots of simple processors working together
- New biological sensor detects and analyses DNA sequences
- The hair brush that reads your mind
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