ScienceDaily Environment Headlines
for the Week of November 14 to November 21, 2010
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Posted 2010-11-20:
- Orangutans count on stats for survival
- Microorganisms in the ground don’t slack off in winter
- Designing more effective anti-HIV antibodies
- In fending off diseases, plants and animals are much the same, research shows
- Faster water flow means greater diversity of invertebrate marine life
- Detroit's urban farms could provide a majority of produce for local residents
Posted 2010-11-20:
- Busy microbial world discovered in deepest ocean crust ever explored
- Pomegranate juice reduces damage to tissues, inflammation and infections, study suggests
- E. coli infection linked to long-term health problems
- New disease-resistant food crops under development
- Paw prints and feces offer new hope for saving tigers
- Chemicals' study pinpoints threat to workers' lungs
- Doomsday messages about global warming can backfire, study shows
- Ten years of Soufriere Hills Volcano research
- FDA review on transgenic salmon too narrow, experts say
- Bees take the sting out of mouth ulcers
- Panama Canal, Panama City at risk of large earthquake, says new research
- Why so many antibodies fail to protect against HIV infection
- Defeating potato blight
- Where's George? Researchers follow the money to define communities in US
Posted 2010-11-19:
- Gangster birds running protection racket give insight into coevolution
- Scientists announce new advance with potential for future cancer targeting
- Estrogen concentrations in manure runoff: Pelletized manure reduces toxic runoff
- For macaques, male bonding is a political move
- Multiple sclerosis drug serves as model for potential drugs to treat botulism poisoning
- One-touch make-up -- for our cells
- Depression-like behavior identified in zebrafish; Inability to cope with stress may play role in depression
- Mortal chemical combat typifies the world of bacteria
- Hearing loss study reveals role of bone hardness in tissue function
- Months of geologic unrest signaled reawakening of Icelandic volcano
- Rare earth elements in US not so rare, report finds
- Critically endangered tree frog bred for first time
- Structure of Lassa virus protein reveals viral thievery
- Sonar inspired by dolphins: New kind of underwater device can detect objects through bubble clouds
- As Arctic temperatures rise, tundra fires increase
- New technology gives on-site assessments in archaeology
- Scientists identify antivirus system in host cells
- Scientists question widely adopted indicator of fisheries health and evidence for 'fishing down marine food webs'
Posted 2010-11-18:
- Global warming could cool down northern temperatures in winter
- Broad new technique for screening proteins devised
- Advance toward controlling fungus that caused Irish potato famine
- Small clumps of tau protein disrupt memory; Animal study suggests possible target for Alzheimer’s disease therapies
- Upending conventional wisdom, certain virus families are ancient
- Low-allergenic wines could stifle sniffles and sneezes in millions of wine drinkers
- How anthrax bacteria impair immune response
- Deepwater Horizon: Not managing danger, not learning from 'near misses'
- Common strain of bacteria found in patients with cystic fibrosis in Canada; associated with greater risk of death
- Feed likely source of salmonella contamination on pig farms
- Immune system involved in depression, animal study suggests
- Baking soda dramatically boosts oil production in algae
- Why you can listen at cocktail parties: Songbirds' individual brain cells are tuned to particular sounds
- Length of pregnancy influenced by placenta structure
- New 3-D model of RNA 'core domain' of enzyme telomerase may offer clues to cancer, aging
- Damaged organs linked to change in biochemical wave patterns
- Landing lights for bumblebees
- Species, rather than diet, has greatest effect on gut bacteria diversity
- Cancer drug target is promising lead for new TB treatments
- New device detects insects in stored wheat
- Using plants against soils contaminated with arsenic
Posted 2010-11-17:
- Heat stress to Caribbean corals in 2005 worst on record; Caribbean reef ecosystems may not survive repeated stress
- One of France's largest dinosaur fossil deposits found in the Charente region
- How do folded structures form?
- Binge drinking in adolescence changes stress response in adulthood
- Sunburnt whales: Three species show signs of sun damage to skin
- Teenage amphetamine abuse affects adult brain cell function
- How the songbird's brain controls timing during singing
- Newly discovered drumlin field provides answers about glaciation and climate
- Adolescent rats more vulnerable to drug addiction than adults; younger animals consumed more cocaine and worked harder for it than did adults
- Earth's lower atmosphere is warming, review of four decades of scientific literature concludes
- Artificial retina more capable of restoring normal vision; animal study shows including retina’s neural 'code' improved prosthetic
- New species of carnivorous plant discovered in Cambodia
- Cilantro ingredient can remove foul odor of 'chitlins'
- T. rex's big tail was its key to speed and hunting prowess
- Ancient African dust caused red soil in Southern Europe, new research reveals
- Gene discovery suggests way to engineer fast-growing plants
- Novel ocean-crust mechanism could affect world's carbon budget and climate
Posted 2010-11-16:
- Microsensors offer first look at whether cell mass affects growth rate
- Modern humans mature more slowly than Neanderthals did, analysis of teeth suggests
- Stomach hormone can fuel or suppress rats’ sugar cravings: Chemical associated with appetite also activates the brain’s pleasure center
- New large squid found in southern Indian Ocean
- Oxytocin and social contact reduce anxiety: Hormone may be less effective at relieving stress for isolated animals
- Prehistoric winged reptiles 'pole-vaulted' into flight
- New DNA sequencing reveals hidden communities
- Bat brains offer clues as to how we focus on some sounds and not others
- A new read on DNA sequencing
- Less salt in teenagers' diet may improve heart health in adulthood
- Embryonic stem cell culturing grows from art to science
- How diving leatherback turtles regulate buoyancy
- Satellites provide up-to-date information on snow cover
- Extensive natural recovery after spinal cord injury uncovered in primate study
- Rare cold water coral ecosystem discovered off coast of Mauritania
- Researchers develop light technology to combat hospital infections
- Invasive species pose major threat to fish in Mediterranean basin, large-scale study finds
- Proteins in motion: World’s largest video database of proteins for the pharmaceutical industry published
- Synchrotron reveals human children outpaced Neanderthals by slowing down
Posted 2010-11-15:
- Redeeming role for a common virus: Ability to kill cancer
- Seeing meat makes people significantly less aggressive
- Genomes of lyme disease bacteria sequenced
- Mathematical equation calculates cost of walking for first time
- Catastrophic drought looms for capital city of Bolivia
- Natural selection on not-so-natural plants
- New explanation for the origin of high species diversity in Amazon
Posted 2010-11-14:
- Discovery could reveal secrets of ancient Martian and terrestrial atmospheres
- Researchers unlock a secret of bacteria's immune system
- New ocean acidification study shows added danger to already struggling coral reefs
- Keeping the daily clock ticking in a fluctuating environment: Hints from a green alga
- Oceanography researchers discover toxic algae in open water
- Decisions made by communities of bacteria trump game theory
- Selected hens give new genetic insights
- Overcoming the 'tragedy of the commons': Conditonal cooperation helps in forest preservation
Posted 2010-11-13:
- Vaccine for urinary tract infections is one step closer
- Scientists demystify an enzyme responsible for drug and food metabolism
- Thousands of turtles captured in Madagascar despite ban
- Modeling autism in a lab dish: Researchers create autistic neuron model
- Stem cell transplants in mice produce lifelong enhancement of muscle mass
- Oldest dinosaur embryos give insights into infancy and growth
- 'Toxic toy crisis' requires fresh solutions, experts say
- Cats show perfect balance even in their lapping
- New ultra-clean nanowires have great potential in solar cell technology and electronics
- Why chocolate protects against heart disease
- Pain gene common to flies, mice and humans, researchers discover
- A love game: Fish courtship more complex than thought
- New vaccine hope in fight against pneumonia and meningitis
- How key drug kills worms in tropical diseases
- Invading weed threatens devastation to western rangelands
- Young, unsupervised children most at risk for dog bites, study shows; Dogs often target a child's face and eyes
Posted 2010-11-12:
- Extreme global warming in the ancient past
- Nerve cells in the eyes of flies and vertebrates use similar process to split up optical information
- Tropical forest diversity increased during ancient global warming event
- Oil spill vacuum cleaner uses bark for spills
- Leaking underground CO<sub>2</sub> storage could contaminate drinking water, study finds
- Hope for Borneo's threatened biodiversity
- Multiple fathers prevalent in Amazonian cultures, study finds
- Grasses have potential as alternate ethanol crop, study finds
- New dietary supplement reference materials could be 'berry' useful
- Infant foods should be screened for mycotoxins, scientists say
- Improving soil for better lawns and gardens
- Challenge of feeding the world
Posted 2010-11-11:
- Sharks and wolves: Predator, prey interactions similar on land and in oceans
- DNA repair protein caught in act of molecular theft
- New transportable technology detects bacteria in water
- Cambrian Explosion: New timeline for appearances of skeletal animals in fossil record
- New class of 'dancing' dendritic cells derived from blood monocytes
- New method for control of malaria applied in Africa
- Special skin keeps fish species alive on land
- How the dragon got its 'snap': Computer modeling and experimental genetics combined to work out complex shapes of organs
- Growth defects in cystic fibrosis may start before birth
- Researchers aim to harvest solar energy from pavement to melt ice, power streetlights
- Skeletons from the 18th century reveal typhus epidemic from Spain
- Global warming reduces available wind energy, new research finds
- DNA reveals origins of first European farmers
- Probiotics shorten diarrhea episodes, review suggests
- MicroRNA controls mammary gland development in mice: Novel mechanism for vertebrate organ development
- Oldest fossilized shrimp: Geologists study rare well-preserved creature showing muscles
- Improved rice availability and reduced environmental impact forecast through new Global Rice Science Partnership
- Robust methods for GMO detection ready at hand
Posted 2010-11-10:
- Brains of Neanderthals and modern humans developed differently
- Home exposure to tobacco carcinogens high in children of smokers
- Myth of a germ-free world: A closer look at antimicrobial products
- Offshore wind farms: Low loss solutions for transferring current
- Engineered plants make potential precursor to raw material for plastics
- Soy may stop prostate cancer spread: Experimental soy-based drug shows benefits in men with localized prostate cancer
- More than 1,000 tigers reduced to skin and bones in last decade, report finds
- Soy isoflavones may modify risk of breast cancer
- Cellular communicators for cancer virus identified
- Fat sand rats are SAD like us: Research shines a light on a mood disorder
- Dangerous chemicals in food wrappers likely migrating to humans
- TB-drugome provides new targets for anti-tuberculosis drug discovery
- Overweight children have eating patterns different from those of normal weight children, Norwegian study finds
- Climate change: Regional differences in water reservoir glaciers
- Scottish horticulturalist Patrick Matthew proposed more accurate theory of gradual evolution before Charles Darwin did, geologist argues
Posted 2010-11-09:
- Were our tetrapod ancestors deaf?
- Fish oil component given up to 5 hours after stroke limits brain damage, study finds
- Nanoparticles' journey from lungs into body chronicled: Insights into pulmonary drug delivery, air pollution control
- World's oldest ground-edge implement discovered in northern Australia
- King crab distributions limited by temperature in the Southern Ocean
- Low blood levels of vitamin D linked to chubbier kids, faster weight gain
- Beetles offer effective weed control, but native vegetation hard to re-establish
- New insect birth control strategy zaps cotton pests
- Scientists turn skin cells directly into blood cells, bypassing middle pluripotent step
- Basic understanding of cell division reshaped
- Fire fuels flowers success
- Spontaneous GMOs in nature: Researchers show how a genetically modified plant can come about
- How physical environment influences stem cell development
- Free as a bird? Human development affects bird flight patterns and populations
- Rice hulls a sustainable drainage option for greenhouse growers
- Earth's first great predator wasn't: Carnivorous 'shrimp' not so fierce, 3-D model shows
- Mathematical model may result in better environment measures for the Baltic
Posted 2010-11-08:
- New player in innate immunity? Class of biomolecules triggered in response to respiratory virus infection
- Unexpectedly small effects of mutations in bacteria bring new perspectives
- Water purification: Is colloidal silver necessary for bacteria removal?
- Heavy metals may influence moose health
Posted 2010-11-07:
- 'Prima donna' protein doesn't work well in pairs
- DNA fingerprinting traces global path of plague
- Luminous cells from jellyfish could diagnose cancers deep within human body
- To prevent inbreeding, flowering plants have evolved multiple genes, research reveals
- Potential new virus in switchgrass discovered
Posted 2010-11-06:
- New statistical model moves human evolution back three million years
- New fish feeds made from fish byproducts
- Hard work improves the taste of food, study shows
- Insects learn to choose the right mate
- Air pollution exposure increases risk of severe COPD
- Evolution by religious selection: Mexican cavefish develop resistance to toxin
- Fly stem cells on diet: Scientists discovered how stem cells respond to nutrient availability
- Decoding the genome of Chlorella microalgae, a promising genus for biofuel production
- Neanderthals were more promiscuous than modern humans, fossil finger bones suggest
- Human-specific evolution in battling bugs and building babies
- Volcanoes have shifted Asian rainfall
- To punish or not to punish: Lessons from reef fish and saber-tooth blennies
- Predictive power of dairy cattle methane models insufficient to provide sound environmental advice, study finds
- Grad student simulates 100 years of farming to measure agriculture's impact on land and water quality
Posted 2010-11-05:
- For bats, all smooth, horizontal surfaces are water -- even when they look, smell and feel differently
- Developmental dynamics of the maize leaf transcriptome
- Eight new species discovered in Boliva national parks
- Food-allergy fears drive overly restrictive diets, study suggests
- Polar bears can't eat geese into extinction
- Boa constrictors can have babies without mating, new evidence shows
- How some plants spread their seeds: Ready, set, catapult
- Organic onions, carrots and potatoes do not have higher levels of healthful antioxidants, study finds
- Transparent conductive material could lead to power-generating windows
- Plight of farmland birds: Poorer, less 'brainy' fare worse, study shows
- Stone Age humans needed more brain power to make big leap in tool design
- How continents thin: New model helps locate oil and gas resources
- Current global warming may reverse circulation in Atlantic Ocean, as it did 20,000 years ago
- Sweet discovery raises hope for treating Ebola, Lassa, Marburg and other fast-acting viruses
- E. coli thrives near plant roots, can contaminate young produce crops
- Levels of coumarin in cassia cinnamon vary greatly even in bark from the same tree
- Lactobacillus reuteri good for health, Swedish study finds
- Chromosome imbalances lead to predictable plant defects
- Last 'tango' in space: Satellite duo to generate 3-D models of glaciers and low-lying coastal areas
Posted 2010-11-04:
- Water flowing through ice sheets accelerates warming, could speed up ice flow
- 'Bouncy' cell membranes behave like cornstarch and water, researchers find
- Half of those travelling internationally not aware of potential health risks, study finds
- Exposure of humans to cosmetic UV filters is widespread, study finds
- Most river flows across the US are altered by land and water management
- How lead gets into urban vegetable gardens
- Moving animals not a panacea for habitat loss
- New protein critical for mitochondria discovered
- Scientists uncover a genetic switch that turns immune responses on and off
- Plants and animals under stress may provide the key to better stock market predications
- How ancient plants and soil fungi turned Earth green
- Fly study uncovers molecular link between obesity and heart disease
- Zebrafish's neural circuit prevents it from biting off more than it can chew
- Macrophage protein has major role in inflammation
- Bees reveal nature-nurture secrets: Extensive molecular differences in brains of workers and queen
- Compound in daffodils targets brain cancer
- Workers hold key to power in nature's oldest societies, ant study shows
- Mouse model confirms mutated protein's role in dementia
- Mediterranean diet helps control cholesterol: Adding monounsaturated fats to a low-cholesterol diet can further improve levels
- DHA 'fish oil' supplements do not seem to slow cognitive, functional decline in Alzheimer's disease
- Algae for biofuels: Moving from promise to reality, but how fast?
- Getting rid of cattle fever ticks
Posted 2010-11-03:
- Global map of the sickle cell gene supports 'malaria hypothesis'
- New long-range undersea robot goes the distance
- Antibody locks up West Nile's infection mechanism
- BPA levels in US foods 1,000 times less than limits, study finds
- Black raspberries may prevent colon cancer, study finds
- Secondary infections were a major cause of death during 1918 flu pandemic, research finds
- 'Evergreen agriculture' boosts crop yields, scientists find
- Some city trees may discourage 'shady' behavior; Study explores relationship between urban trees and crime
- Every person emits two tons of carbon dioxide a year through eating, Spanish study finds
- Very large protected areas preserve wilderness but ignore rare species, analysis finds
- Global advance of shrimp virus follows evolutionary biology predictions
- Successful mothers get help from their friends, dolphin study finds
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